Research Outputs

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Development of speed in children aged 11 to 12 years practicing athletics -quasi-experimental non-randomized study

2024, Mg. Aguilera-Eguía, Raúl, Polevoy, Georgiy, Fuentes-Barría, Héctor

Background: The development of speed in primary school children can be improved during the sensitive period of this quality. Objective: To analyze the effects of speed and reaction exercises on speed in athletic children between 11 and 12 years old. Methods: Quasi-experimental, non-randomized study conducted between September 2022 and March 2023, in which 42 children aged 11-12 years belonging to the Basic sports school No. 8 in Kirov (Russia) were assigned to a control (n=21) and experimental (n=21) group. The classes in the control group were carried out according to the usual athletic training plan, while the experimental group used exercises for speed development. Both groups were evaluated by the tests ''Running on the spot'', ''Shuttle running 10x5 meters'' and ''Sprint 10 meters''. Results: The control group did not present significant improvements (p>0.05), while the experimental group reported significant improvements in ''Running on the spot'' (20%; p<0.05), ''Shuttle running 10x5 meters'' (15%; p<0.05) and ''Sprint 10 meters'' (8.6%; p<0.05). Conclusion: An exercise program focused on speed development in children aged 11-12 years can significantly improve the different manifestations of speed.

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Effect of a program adapted the "Hopscotch" on the sense of rhythm in the movements of russian children. Quasi-experimental study

2023, Polevoy, Georgiy, Fuentes-Barría, Héctor, Aguilera-Eguía, Raúl

Objective: To determine the effect of using a standard classics exercise on the development of indicators of sense the rhythm of movements of children 8-9 years old. Methods: Quasi-exoerimental study with intervention group (n = 52) and control group (n = 52), whose sample considered children belonging to ordinary school number 60 of the Russian Federation. The experimental group was subjected to classic exercises adapted from the game "Hopscotch", while the control group was applied the standard school physical culture program at school. The ability to feel the rhythm of the movements was assessed by the "Running in rhythm" test, while for the statistical analysis the Student's T test was applied considering p=0,05. Results: After the end of the pedagogical experiment, the indicators of children in the control group improved by 2.8% (p>0,05; d =0,3). The indicators of children in the experimental group improved by 24.7% (p<0,05; d=2,7). Such results can be explained by the effectiveness of the implementation of a set of exercises using a standard classics exercise in physical education lessons at school. Conclusion: The indicators of the sense of the rhythm of movements will significantly improve if children aged 8-9 will additionally perform a set of physical exercises on standard classics exercise during physical education lessons at school. Keywords: Physical Education and Training; Motor Skills; Child.