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Predicting engineering undergraduates dropout: A case study in Chile

2023, Mg. Gutierrez-Valenzuela, Mariella, Mg. Martinez-Araneda, Claudia, Bizama-Varas, Michelle

The main objective of this article is to present and validate a statistical model (N = 3,152) to predict the dropout of students from the School of Engineering of the Universidad CatĂ³lica de la SantĂ­sima ConcepciĂ³n (UCSC) in Chile. Student droupout in engineering is a generalized and multifactorial phenomenon, even more so when the student can use his or her university access score for a period of two years. In the UCSC, a distinction is made between formal and nonformal droupout. The information collection methodology in this study included the survey administered by the Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registry of Chile (DEMRE) and input from the Directorate of Admission and Academic Registration of the UCSC. Within the analysis groups were students who formally resigned and were analyzed according to the reasons they gave for leaving; the other group was constituted by students who did not formalize their abandonment, deserters. Subsequently, a logistic regression analysis was applied to determine which variables would best explain the phenomenon of droupout. Among the main factors are gender (GENDER), program (AU), cumulative average score (PPA_SCORE), mathematics score of the university selection test (PSU_MATH_SCORE), mother education level (EDU_MOM), progression rate of student in engineering program (PROGRESSION_RATE) and socioeconomic quintile of student (QUINTILE). The performance of the prediction model shows an accuracy (88.53%) and precision (88.69%), which is a very encouraging result in relation to the performance of the studies reviewed in the literature.