Dr. Benavente-Bravo, Roberto
Research Outputs
An improvement of tsunami hazard analysis in Central Chile based on stochastic rupture scenarios
2020, Dr. Aranguiz-Muñoz, Rafael, Dr. Benavente-Bravo, Roberto, Becerra, Ignacio, González, Juan
Central Chile is exposed to tsunami hazard, and large earthquakes and tsunamis have occurred over the last 500 years. Tsunami hazard analysis in Chile has been traditionally implemented by means of a deterministic approach, which is based on historical events and uniform slip distribution. The objective of the present study is to improve tsunami hazard analysis in central Chile (30°S to 38°S). To encompass the purpose, stochastic earthquake scenarios of magnitude Mw 8.8 to 9.2 were generated. Two different sets of stochastic tsunami scenarios were selected by means of the Stochastic Reduced Order Model (SROM), which were applied to Quintero bay to perform a Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA). The results showed that PTHA of Quintero bay from stochastic tsunami scenarios agrees with paleotsunami records in the bay, while a deterministic tsunami scenario underestimated the hazard. Two sets (50 and 100 scenarios, respectively) give similar results when smaller return periods are analyzed. However, for larger return periods (Unknown node type: font 2000 yr) the set of 100 scenarios show better results consistent with previous paleoseismological findings. The methodology implemented here can be replicated in other seismic regions in Chile as well as in other active subduction zones, thus, both near field and far field events can be analyzed.