Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Outline of a diplomatic leader in the international community: HernƔn Santa Cruz and his works at the United Nations
    (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019) ;
    Medina Valverde, Cristian
    This article analyzes the life of a diplomat who played a pivotal role in the United Nations, HernĆ”n Santa Cruz BarcelĆ³ of Chile. This diplomatic leader focused on creating the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean as well, as the commission that drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Through this analysis of his internationalist philosophy, his management as ambassador, and his friendships with various presidents of the Republic, critical milestones will be examined that marked not only his vision for international relations, but also his most characteristic feature: his faith in the human spirit and a superior destiny.
  • Thumbnail Image
    The Chilean refuge to Erich Honecker: The humanitarian reason, 1991-1993
    (Universidad Adolfo IbƔƱez, 2019) ;
    Medina-Valverde, CristiƔn
    Gajardo-Pavez, Gustavo
    Sanz-DĆ­az, Carlos
    Se analiza la razĆ³n humanitaria que esgrimiĆ³ Chile para ofrecer refugio y protecciĆ³n al ex lĆ­der de la RepĆŗblica DemocrĆ”tica Oriental (RDA) Erich Honecker, en su Embajada en MoscĆŗ desde fines de 1991 hasta mediados de 1992. El tema, escasamente abordado por la historiografĆ­a internacionalista chilena y alemana, estĆ” basado en fuentes diplomĆ”ticas chilenas inĆ©ditas ā€“especialmente el archivo James Holger-, prensa chilena y alemana del perĆ­odo, entrevistas a polĆ­ticos y diplomĆ”ticos, sesiones parlamentarias de Chile y Alemania, archivo presidencial digital de Patricio Aylwin, entre otras. Se revelan los argumentos de una estrategia que apelĆ³ a la condiciĆ³n de salud del ex jerarca germanooriental y las confusas circunstancias que terminaron por agotar esa vĆ­a de soluciĆ³n para dar paso a largas gestiones jurĆ­dico/diplomĆ”ticas entre Chile, Alemania y Rusia, las que finalmente resolvieron el asunto.