Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Screening for new accumulator plants in potential hazards elements polluted soil surrounding Peruvian mine tailings
    (Elsevier, 2016) ;
    Bech, Jaume
    Roca, NĂºria
    Ramos-Miras, JoaquĂ­n
    Gil, Carlos
    Boluda, Rafael
    Tailings usually provide an unfavorable substrate for plant growth because of their multi-stress environment. Plants growing on naturally metal-enriched soils are of particular interest in this perspective, since they are genetically tolerant to high metal concentrations and have an excellent adaptation to extreme conditions. Soil and plant samples were taken in Peru, at a polymetallic mine (mainly Ag, Pb and Cu) in Cajamarca Province, Hualgayoc district. Top soils (0–20 cm) were analyzed for physical and chemical properties by standard methods. Total As, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in top soils were determined by ICP–OES. Similar metals in plants were analyzed separately (aerial and root system) by ICP–MS. Translocation Factor (TF) and Shoot Accumulation Factor (SAF) were determined to assess the tolerance strategies developed by these species and to evaluate their potential for phytoremediation purposes. The non-polluted soils had near neutral pH (6.8 ± 0.1), a great content of organic carbon (42 ± 4.0 g kg−1) and a silt loamy texture. Soil and plant samples were taken at four locations (CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4) as well as the local reference topsoil (CA0). The range of total soil values in mg kg−1 is as follows: As 280–1029; Cu 256–2070; Pb 3992–16,060 and Zn 11,550–28,059, respectively. Unusual elevated concentrations of Pb (over 1000 mg kg−1) and TF greater than one were detected in shoots of six different plants species (Ageratina sp., Achyrocline alata (Kunth) DC., Cortaderia hapalotricha Pilg., Epilobium denticulatum Ruiz & Pav., Taraxacum officinale Weber and Trifolium repens Walter). Ageratina sp and E. denticulatum also showed elevated concentrations of Zn (over 10,000 mg kg−1) and TF greater than one in some studied locations. However, the SAF was smaller than one. Controlled-environment studies must be performed to definitively confirm the Pb hyperaccumulation character of the cited plant species.
  • Publication
    Geochemical distribution of potentially harmful elements in periurban soils of a Mediterranean Region: Manresa (Catalonia, Spain)
    (Fresenius Environmental Bulletin and Advances in Food Sciences, 2015) ;
    Bech, Jaume
    Roca, NĂºria
    Reverter, Ferran
    The contents for six elements (Ba, Cu, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) have been assayed in soils of Manresa, an area famous for its environmental sceneries in Central Catalonia region. This area is affected by a rapid transition from a traditionally agricultural-based economy to an increasingly industrial-based economy, and has formed a complete industrial structure. Twenty-seven soils (topsoil and subsoil) were sampled and heavy metals concentrations were analysed with an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-AES) after acid digestion with HNO3 and HCl and Xray fluorescence (XRF). The background values, calculated after the removal of concentrations above the upper whisker for studied metals were in mg·kg-1: Ba: 904, Cu: 43.9, Ni: 38.7, Pb: 35.4, V: 110 and Zn: 131. The enrichment factor also shows enriched samples for Cu, Pb and Zn. The degree of soil contamination was assessed on the basis of geoaccumulation index and upper whisker method. Five percent of the soils was contaminated by at least one trace metal. The heavy metal showing the greatest number of samples with slight enrichment anomalies was Pb. The following data sets were influenced mainly by natural element dispersion and accumulation processes. Only Cu and Pb should be associated to anthropogenic pollution. However, Cu, Pb and Zn are grouped in very similar way with a general pattern increase in the NE direction for Pb and Zn and N for Cu. The relationships between the X-ray fluorescence and aqua regia methods were highly significant for Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn.
  • Publication
    Distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic sources for potentially toxic elements in urban soils of Talcahuano, Chile
    (Springer, 2018) ; ; ;
    Cuitiño, Lucas
    Bech, Jaume
    Roca, NĂºria
    Purpose: The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the concentrations and background concentrations of Ba, Co, Cr, Mn, and Ni in the urban soils of Talcahuano (Chile); (2) assess the level of contamination in the urban soils based on different pollution indexes; and (3) to identify natural or anthropogenic sources in order to obtain a spatial distribution of the pollutants. Material and methods: A total of 420 samples were collected from the study area as follows: 140 topsoil samples (TS) (0–10 cm), 140 subsoil samples (SS) (10–20 cm), and 140 deep soil samples (DS) (150 cm). The soils were characterized, and the concentrations of Ba, Co, Cr, Mn, and Ni were analyzed by atomic absorption photospectrometry following aqua regia digestion. Correlations and principal component analysis combined with spatial analysis were implemented in order to distinguish the sources and their classification as geogenic or anthropogenic. Several simple and robust statistical methods were applied to datasets in order to explore their potential in the evaluation of a useful and robust background values. The degree of contamination along with the geoaccumulation index, enrichment factor, and contamination factor were also evaluated. Results and discussion: The median concentrations obtained for various elements includes Ba 461 mg kg−1, Co 82.7 mg kg−1, Cr 134 mg kg−1, Mn 311 mg kg−1, and Ni 56.1 mg kg−1. In general, the concentrations of Ba, Co, Cr, Mn, and Ni decrease with depth. Correlations and principal component analysis suggest that Cr, Mn, and Ni are contributed by external sources. The spatial distribution of Cr, Mn, and Ni in TS displays a spatial pattern extending along industrial environments and emission sources. Conclusions: The estimated background values determined with the iterative 2σ-technique includes 536 mg kg−1 for Ba, 95.9 mg kg−1 for Co, 208 mg kg−1 for Cr, 464 mg kg−1 for Mn, and 90.5 mg kg−1 for Ni. The geochemical index, enrichment factor, and the contamination factor register a moderate to considerable contamination in some soil samples.
  • Publication
    An assessment of the potentially hazardous element contamination in urban soils of Arica, Chile
    (Elsevier, 2018) ;
    Roca, NĂºria
    Rubio, Rodrigo
    Bech, Jaume
    As a common component of urban ecosystems, urban soils generally have elevated concentrations of potentially hazardous elements originating from both point and diffuse sources of pollution in cities. This study focuses on the port city of Arica in northern Chile, where anthropogenic activities may have led to contamination of the uppermost topsoil layer. The purpose of this study is to (1) establish background content levels of potentially hazardous elements in topsoils of different land uses using different statistical approaches and (2) assess the degree of topsoil pollution and identify the local sources of pollution using multivariate statistical and geostatistical methods. Data from a Chilean Government CONAMA report were analyzed. Geostatistical methods such as kriging were applied to identify the spatial distribution of potential hazards elements. Potentially hazardous elements' background values were determined by median + 2MAD, inflection points within cumulative frequency plots and upper whisker of a Tukey's boxplot. Multivariate statistical methods were applied in the identification of trace metal sources (anthropogenic vs natural origin). Soil pollution assessment was performed using the geoaccumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (Cf) and integrated pollution index (IPI). The maps obtained show high baseline values for some elements (As, Cu, Pb and Zn), which denote a clear anthropogenic contribution due to the long period of constant human activities in the study area. Therefore, background values are estimated with the median + 2 Ă— MAD procedure and yielded As (17.4 mg kg− 1), Ba (23.3 mg kg− 1), Cr (13.6 mg kg− 1), Cu (37.4 mg kg− 1), Ni (8.3 mg kg− 1), Pb (313 mg kg− 1), V (101 mg kg− 1) and Zn (235 mg kg− 1). The calculated soil pollution indexes Igeo, EF, Cf and IPI revealed significant ecological impacts. Copper and As are the two trace elements with the highest contaminated soil values; however, Cu, Pb and Zn have greater numbers of soil sample sites in the moderately to heavily contaminated range. The IPI showed extremely high pollution index in ten soil sites in Arica. Moreover, significant differences were observed with different land uses, where soils along the railway line and industrial area are the most polluted.
  • Publication
    Spatial distribution of potentially harmful elements in urban soils, city of Talcahuano, Chile
    (Elsevier, 2018) ; ; ;
    Monsalve, Victor
    Roca, NĂºria
    Bech, Jaume
    The objective of this study is to ascertain the spatial distribution of Cu, Pb and Zn in order to determine the degree of contamination in urban soils from Talcahuano (Chile) and to identify the influence of possible contamination sources. A total of 420 samples were collected from the study area based on the following criteria: 140 topsoil samples (TS) (0–10 cm), 140 subsoil samples (SS) (10–20 cm) and 140 deep soil samples (DS) (150 cm). The soils were characterized for their physical characteristics such as grain size distribution, pH, organic matter content etc. and the concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Photospectrometry following Aqua Regia digestion. Correlations combined with spatial analysis were implemented in order to distinguish the sources of the trace metals and whether they are geogenic or anthropogenic of origin. Several simple and robust statistical methods were applied to the data sets in order to evaluate useful and robust background values. The degree of contamination along with the geoaccumulation index, enrichment factors and contamination factors were also evaluated. The median concentrations obtained for the studied trace metals includes: Cu 23.1 mg kg− 1, Pb 10.2 mg kg− 1 and Zn 56.7 mg kg− 1. In general, the concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn decrease with depth however, in certain sites the subsoil samples (SS) levels show higher concentrations than topsoil samples (TS). A possible explanation could be related to the uncontrolled clandestine landfill sites using both construction material debris and/or industrial solid wastes. Correlation analysis suggests that Cu, Pb and Zn are contributed by external sources. The spatial distribution of Cu, Pb and Zn in topsoil samples (TS) displays a spatial pattern extending along major roadway environments and emission sources. Estimated background values determined with the iterative 2σ-technique yields 43.7 mg kg− 1 for Cu, 17.5 mg kg− 1 for Pb and 91.7 mg kg− 1 for Zn respectively. The geochemical index, enrichment factor and the contamination factor all register a moderate to high contamination level in some of the soil samples.
  • Publication
    Sources analysis and health risk assessment of trace elements in urban soils of Hualpen, Chile
    (CATENA, 2019) ; ;
    Reyes, Felipe
    Fuentes Espoz, Juan Pablo
    Roca, Nuria
    Bech, Jaume
    Medina, Guillermo
    Urban soils are a key component of urban ecosystems as they support biodiversity, provide foundation for infrastructure and play an important role in maintaining the environmental quality, being both a sink and a source of pollutants that have an effect in human health. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the concentrations background of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V and Zn in the urban soils of Hualpen (Chile); (2) to assess the level of contamination in the urban soil based on different pollution indices; (3) to identify natural or anthropogenic sources in order to determine a spatial pattern of the pollutants and (4) to assess the health risks of trace metals in surface soils of Hualpen. A total of 153 samples were collected from the study area as follows: 51 topsoil samples (TS) (0–10 cm), 51 subsoil samples (SS) (10–20 cm) and 51 deep soil samples (DS) (150 cm). Multivariate statistics combined with spatial analysis were implemented in order to distinguish the sources. Several simple and robust statistical methods were applied to datasets in order to explore their potential in the evaluation of a useful and robust background values. The degree of contamination along with pollution indices were also evaluated. The median soil pseudo total concentrations of the elements were as follows: As 3 mg kg−1, Co 15 mg kg−1, Cr 14 mg kg−1, Cu 25 mg kg−1, Ni 36 mg kg−1, Pb 5 mg kg−1, V 97 mg kg−1 and Zn 51 mg kg−1. Multivariate analysis suggests that Cr, Pb, V and Zn are contributed by external sources. The spatial distribution of these elements displays a spatial pattern extending along industrial environments and emission sources. While the other elements show a spatial pattern with a few anthropogenic hot spots dispersed across Hualpen, they were influenced by both anthropogenic and geogenic inputs. The estimate background values determined with the DS samples with median absolute deviation (MAD) method were for As 5 mg kg−1, Co 20 mg kg−1, Cr 18 mg kg−1, Cu 33 mg kg−1, Ni 45 mg kg−1, Pb 3 mg kg−1, V 108 mg kg−1 and Zn 48 mg kg−1. The ecological indices register a moderate to considerable contamination in some soil samples. It was noted that the soils of Hualpen pose no carcinogenic risk, neither by inhalation nor by ingestion.
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    Incertidumbre en los caudales de salida de un modelo hidrolĂ³gico semidistribuido
    (Instituto Mexicano de TecnologĂ­a del Agua (IMTA), 2018) ;
    Gutiérrez-Vejar, Juan C.
    Para una adecuada gestiĂ³n hĂ­drica resulta necesario conocer tanto los caudales simulados por un modelo como la incertidumbre asociada con Ă©stos. El presente estudio busca cuantificar la incertidumbre en los caudales simulados por un modelo hidrolĂ³gico junto con la propagaciĂ³n de Ă©sta hacia aguas abajo, producto de incertidumbre en las precipitaciones, para asĂ­ definir potenciales mejoras en los resultados de un modelo hidrolĂ³gico. Se calibrĂ³ un modelo conceptual semidistribuido y se determinĂ³ la incertidumbre asociada con la estructura y parĂ¡metros, para luego cuantificar la incertidumbre relacionada con una variaciĂ³n porcentual de las precipitaciones en diferentes periodos del año. Como resultado se obtuvo que el efecto de propagaciĂ³n de la incertidumbre hacia aguas abajo es despreciable debido al aumento de la magnitud de los caudales simulados, y que la incertidumbre en las salidas del modelo depende de la incertidumbre en las precipitaciones sĂ³lo en invierno.
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    Analysis of three indirect methods for estimating the evapotranspiration in the agricultural zone of ChillĂ¡n, Chile
    (Obras y Proyectos, 2016) ; ;
    Bochetti, MarĂ­a
    Bech, Joan
    Three models for estimating the daily reference evapotranspiration ETo are evaluated in the agricultural zone of ChillĂ¡n, Chile: Penman-Monteith FAO PMF, Prietsley-Taylor PT and Hargreaves-Samani HS. The daily ETo values estimated through these methodologies are compared with the daily values of ETo estimated from pan evaporation ETB data series obtainedfrom meteorological stations of the Universidad de ConcepciĂ³n Campus ChillĂ¡n and INIA Quilamapu, both located within ChillĂ¡n ’s city limits. The comparison and analysis were performed with data covering a span of 13 years (1996 - 2008). Results indicate that the HS method systemically underestimates ETo values, particularly during dry periods. Moreover, differences between the three methods quantified with Root Mean Squared Error RMSE and Relative Differences RD computed for different time periods (1, 3, 7 and 30 days) suggest that the PT method fits better the observations, being more adequate for the agricultural area of ChillĂ¡n - weekly averages yield RMSE of 1.01 mm/day and RD of 32.8%.