Dra. Burdiles-Fernandez, Gina
Research Outputs
Modos semiĆ³ticos del discurso profesional de la filosofĆa
2021, BeltrƔn Torres, Liliana, Burdiles-Fernandez, Gina
La filosofĆa es una disciplina destacada, pues su metodologĆa y principios aportaron bases a la ciencia moderna. No obstante, las particularidades de su lenguaje han sido poco estudiadas. Los estudios discursivos se han centrado Ćŗltimamente en los diversos modos semiĆ³ticos con que se construye el significado en los textos. Los gĆ©neros profesionales escritos de la filosofĆa tampoco han sido examinados desde este enfoque, quizĆ”s porque, en apariencia, se componen solo de un modo semiĆ³tico: las palabras. En este trabajo se identifica el componente multimodal en 140 textos del corpus FIL-PUCV-UCSC-2018, proporcionados por filĆ³sofos chilenos. Se siguen las propuestas de Kress y van Leeuwen (2001), Scollon y Scollon (2009) y Parodi (2010b). Se observĆ³ que, si bien predomina el modo verbal, existen otros modos semiĆ³ticos que desempeƱan relevantes funciones discursivas.
HĆ”bitos lectores y gĆ©neros del discurso en filosofĆa y en economĆa y negocios: Del discurso acadĆ©mico al discurso profesional
2018, Parodi Sweis, Giovanni, Burdiles-Fernandez, Gina, Moreno De LeĆ³n, TomĆ”s Alfredo, Julio, CristĆ³bal
Probably, reading is one of the fundamental means of accessing and constructing special ized knowledge, both in academic and professional environments. Then, comprehending written discourse through its diverse disciplinary genres is an essential requirement in the contemporary globalized world, both in paper and digital media. In this context, nowadays, there is scarce research that explores, describes and contrasts the reading habits of university students and professionals in diverse disciplinary fields. Attempting to fill this gap, this study describes the reading habits of a group of 580 university students and a group of 46 professionals in terms of reading on paper and digital, and the discourse genres in two disciplinary areas: philosophy and economics and business. The main results indicate that the subjects of both groups are awareness of the discourse mechanisms of accessing specialized knowledge and declare to employ a wide variety of genres. At the same time, a relative atomization and specialization is observed in a few specific professional genres in both disciplinary domains, in contrast to the great heterogeneity identified in academic discourse. In general terms, the paper medium is preferred for study and learning tasks, both by students and professionals, although students and professionals in business and economics declare that they also prefer digital genres.