Research Outputs

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Mechanistic perspective on the actions of vitamin a in autism spectrum disorder etiology

2024, Dr. Ávila-Macaya, Ariel, Carrazana-Escalona, Ramón, Espinoza-Romero, Francisca

Vitamin A (VA) has many functions in the body, some of which are key for the development and functioning of the nervous system, while some others might indirectly influence neural function. Both hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis A can lead to clinical manifestations of concern for individuals and for general global health. Scientific evidence on the link between VA and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is growing, with some clinical studies and accumulating results obtained from basic research using cellular and animal models. Remarkably, it has been shown that VA deficiency can exacerbate autistic symptomatology. In turn, VA supplementation has been shown to be able to improve autistic symptomatology in selected groups of individuals with ASD. However, it is important to recognize that ASD is a highly heterogeneous condition. Therefore, it is important to clarify how and when VA supplementation can be of benefit for affected individuals. Here we delve into the relationship between VA and ASD, discussing clinical observations and mechanistic insights obtained from research on selected autistic syndromes and laboratory models to advance in defining how the VA signaling pathway can be exploited for treatment of ASD.

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Mice lacking neuronal calcium sensor-1 show social and cognitive deficits

2020, Ng, Enoch, Georgiou, John, Ávila-Macaya, Ariel, Trought, Kathleen, Mun, Ho-Suk, Hodgson, Meggie, Servinis, Panayiotis, Roder, John C., Collingridge, Graham L., Wong, Albert H.C

Neuronal calcium sensor-1 or Frequenin is a calcium sensor widely expressed in the nervous system, with roles in neurotransmission, neurite outgrowth, synaptic plasticity, learning, and motivated behaviours. Neuronal calcium sensor-1 has been implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders including autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. However, the role of neuronal calcium sensor-1 in behavioural phenotypes and brain changes relevant to autism spectrum disorder have not been evaluated. We show that neuronal calcium sensor-1 deletion in the mouse leads to a mild deficit in social approach and impaired displaced object recognition without affecting social interactions, behavioural flexibility, spatial reference memory, anxiety-like behaviour, or sensorimotor gating. Morphologically, neuronal calcium sensor-1 deletion leads to increased dendritic arbour complexity in the frontal cortex. At the level of hippocampal synaptic plasticity, neuronal calcium sensor-1 deletion leads to a reduction in long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus, but not area Cornu Ammonis 1. Metabotropic glutamate receptor-induced long-term depression was unaffected in both dentate and Cornu Ammonis 1. These studies identify roles for neuronal calcium sensor-1 in specific subregions of the brain including a phenotype relevant to neuropsychiatric disorders.