Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    On-sky performance of the CLASS Q-band telescope
    (The Astrophysical Journal, 2019)
    Appel, John W.
    Xu, Zhilei
    Padilla, Ivan L.
    Harrington, Kathleen
    Pradenas Marquez, BastiĂ¡n
    Ali, Aamir
    Bennett, Charles L.
    Brewer, Michael K.
    Chan, Manwei
    Chuss, David T.
    Cleary, Joseph
    Couto, Jullianna Denes
    Dahal, Sumit
    Denis, Kevin
    DĂ¼nner, Rolando
    Eimer, Joseph R.
    Essinger Hileman, Thomas
    Fluxa, Pedro
    Gothe, Dominik
    Hilton, Gene C.
    Hubmayr, Johannes
    Iuliano, Jeffrey
    Karakla, John
    Marriage, Tobias A.
    Miller, Nathan J.
    NĂºĂ±ez, Carolina
    Parker, Lucas
    Petroff, Matthew
    Reintsema, Carl D.
    Rostem, Karwan
    Stevens, Robert W.
    Nunes Valle, Deniz Augusto
    Wang, Bingjie
    Watts, Duncan J.
    Wollack, Edward J.
    Zeng, Lingzhen
    The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) is mapping the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at large angular scales (2 < ℓ lesssim 200) in search of a primordial gravitational wave B-mode signal down to a tensor-to-scalar ratio of r ≈ 0.01. The same data set will provide a near sample-variance-limited measurement of the optical depth to reionization. Between 2016 June and 2018 March, CLASS completed the largest ground-based Q-band CMB survey to date, covering over 31,000 square-degrees (75% of the sky), with an instantaneous array noise-equivalent temperature sensitivity of $32\,\mu {{\rm{K}}}_{\mathrm{cmb}}\sqrt{{\rm{s}}}$. We demonstrate that the detector optical loading (1.6 pW) and noise-equivalent power (19 $\mathrm{aW}\sqrt{{\rm{s}}}$) match the expected noise model dominated by photon bunching noise. We derive a 13.1 ± 0.3 K pW−1 calibration to antenna temperature based on Moon observations, which translates to an optical efficiency of 0.48 ± 0.02 and a 27 K system noise temperature. Finally, we report a Tau A flux density of 308 ± 11 Jy at 38.4 ± 0.2 GHz, consistent with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Tau A time-dependent spectral flux density model.
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    Two-year Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) Observations: A measurement of circular polarization at 40 GHz
    (Astrophysical Journal, 2020)
    Padilla, Ivan L.
    Eimer, Joseph R.
    Li, Yunyang
    Addison, Graeme E.
    Ali, Aamir
    Appel, John W.
    Bennett, Charles L.
    Brewer, Michael K.
    Chan, Manwei
    Chuss, David T.
    Cleary, Joseph
    Couto, Jullianna Denes
    Dahal, Sumit
    Denis, Kevin
    DĂ¼nner, Rolando
    Essinger-Hileman, Thomas
    FluxĂ¡, Pedro
    Gothe, Dominik
    Haridas, Saianeesh K.
    Harrington, Kathleen
    Iuliano, Jeffrey
    Karakla, John
    Marriage, Tobias A.
    Miller, Nathan J.
    NĂºĂ±ez, Carolina
    Parker, Lucas
    Petroff, Matthew A.
    Reeves, Rodrigo
    Rostem, Karwan
    Stevens, Robert W.
    Nunes Valle, Deniz Augusto
    Watts, Duncan J.
    Weiland, Janet L.
    Wollack, Edward J.
    Xu, Zhilei
    We report measurements of circular polarization from the first two years of observation with the 40 GHz polarimeter of the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS). CLASS is conducting a multi-frequency survey covering 75% of the sky from the Atacama Desert designed to measure the cosmic microwave background (CMB) linear E and B polarization on angular scales 1°  θ 90°, corresponding to a multipole range of 2 ℓ  200. The modulation technology enabling measurements of linear polarization at the largest angular scales from the ground, the Variable-delay Polarization Modulator, is uniquely designed to provide explicit sensitivity to circular polarization (Stokes V ). We present a first detection of circularly polarized atmospheric emission at 40 GHz that is well described by a dipole with an amplitude of 124 4 K  m when observed at an elevation of 45°, and discuss its potential impact on the recovery of linear polarization by CLASS. Filtering the atmospheric component, CLASS places a 95% confidence upper limit of 0.4 Km 2 to 13.5 Km 2 on ℓℓ C ( ) () + 1 2 ℓ p VV for 1 120  ℓ , representing an improvement by two orders of magnitude over previous CMB limits.
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    Two-year Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) Observations: A First Detection of Atmospheric Circular Polarization at Q band
    (Astrophysical Journal, 2020)
    Petroff, Matthew A.
    Eimer, Joseph R.
    Harrington, Kathleen
    Ali, Aamir
    Appel, John W.
    Bennett, Charles L.
    Brewer, Michael K.
    Chan, Manwei
    Chuss, David T.
    Cleary, Joseph
    Denes Couto, Jullianna
    Dahal, Sumit
    DĂ¼nner, Rolando
    Essinger-Hileman, Thomas
    FluxĂ¡ Rojas, Pedro
    Gothe, Dominik
    Iuliano, Jeffrey
    Marriage, Tobias A.
    Miller, Nathan J.
    NĂºĂ±ez, Carolina
    Padilla, Ivan L.
    Parker, Lucas
    Reeves, Rodrigo
    Rostem, Karwan
    Nunes Valle, Deniz Augusto
    Watts, Duncan J.
    Weiland, Janet L.
    Wollack, Edward J.
    Xu, Zhilei
    The Earth’s magnetic field induces Zeeman splitting of the magnetic dipole transitions of molecular oxygen in the atmosphere, which produces polarized emission in the millimeter-wave regime. This polarized emission is primarily circularly polarized and manifests as a foreground with a dipole-shaped sky pattern for polarizationsensitive ground-based cosmic microwave background experiments, such as the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS), which is capable of measuring large angular scale circular polarization. Using atmospheric emission theory and radiative transfer formalisms, we model the expected amplitude and spatial distribution of this signal and evaluate the model for the CLASS observing site in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Then, using two years of observations at 32°. 3 to 43.7 GHz from the CLASS Q-band telescope, we present a detection of this signal and compare the observed signal to that predicted by the model. We recover an angle between magnetic north and true north of −5°. 5 ± 0°. 6, which is consistent with the expectation of −5°.9 for the CLASS observing site. When comparing dipole sky patterns fit to both simulated and data-derived sky maps, the dipole directions match to within a degree, and the measured amplitudes match to within ∼20%.
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    Calibration of Transition-edge Sensor (TES) bolometer arrays with application to CLASS
    (IOP Publishing, 2022) ;
    Appel, John
    Bennett, Charles L.
    Brewer, Michael
    Chan, Manwei
    Chuss, David
    Cleary, Joseph
    Couto, Jullianna
    Dahal, Sumit
    Datta, Rahul
    Denis, Kevin
    Eimer, Joseph
    Essinger-Hileman, Thomas
    Harrington, Kathleen
    Iuliano, Jeffrey
    Li, Yunyang
    Marriage, Tobias
    NĂºĂ±ez, Carolina
    Osumi, Keisuke
    Padilla, Ivan
    Petroff, Matthew
    Rostem, Karwan
    Valle, Deniz
    Watts, Duncan
    Weiland, Janet
    Wollack, Edward
    Xu, Zhilei
    The current and future cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments fielding kilopixel arrays of transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers require accurate and robust gain calibration methods. We simplify and refactor the standard TES model to directly relate the detector responsivity calibration and optical time constant to the measured TES current I and the applied bias current Ib. The calibration method developed for the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) TES bolometer arrays relies on current versus voltage (I–V) measurements acquired daily prior to CMB observations. By binning Q-band (40 GHz) I–V measurements by optical loading, we find that the gain calibration median standard error within a bin is 0.3%. We test the accuracy of this I–Vbin detector calibration method by using the Moon as a photometric standard. The ratio of measured Moon amplitudes between the detector pairs sharing the same feedhorn indicates a TES calibration error of 0.5%. We also find that, for the CLASS Q-band TES array, calibrating the response of individual detectors based solely on the applied TES bias current accurately corrects TES gain variations across time but introduces a bias in the TES calibration from data counts to power units. Since the TES current bias value is set and recorded before every observation, this calibration method can always be applied to the raw TES data and is not subject to I–V data quality or processing errors.