Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
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    AnĆ”lisis de intervenciones educativas con videojuegos en educaciĆ³n secundaria: Una revisiĆ³n sistemĆ”tica
    Este artĆ­culo tiene por objetivo sistematizar informaciĆ³n empĆ­rica sobre las intervenciones de videojuegos educativos en el nivel de EducaciĆ³n Secundaria, mediante la descripciĆ³n de los participantes, caracterizaciĆ³n de la variable independiente, efectividad, limitaciones y proyecciones de los estudios. Para ello, se realizĆ³ una revisiĆ³n sistemĆ”tica de la literatura, donde se analizaron artĆ­culos publicados en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y SciELO, entre los aƱos 2016 y 2021, logrando una muestra final de 19 investigaciones. Los resultados destacan que el continente europeo y concretamente EspaƱa han desarrollado el mayor nĆŗmero de publicaciones relacionadas con intervenciones de videojuegos en este nivel educativo. Sin embargo, se utilizaron muestras poco representativas. TambiĆ©n, se evidenciĆ³ que se utilizan principalmente estrategias pedagĆ³gicas vinculadas al Ć”rea de las matemĆ”ticas para integrar la tecnologĆ­a al aula, dejando de lado la promociĆ³n del Ć”rea humanista en relaciĆ³n con esta herramienta digital. Finalmente, todas las intervenciones mostraron efectividad, no obstante, se requiere avanzar en esta lĆ­nea de investigaciĆ³n que estĆ” en un nivel de desarrollo incipiente en la educaciĆ³n secundaria, considerando los beneficios que mostraron para propĆ³sitos educativos. En conclusiĆ³n, las intervenciones que incluyen tecnologĆ­as en contextos escolares obtienen resultados positivos en el proceso de enseƱanzaā€“aprendizaje, ayudando a desarrollar tanto contenidos como habilidades transversales en los educandos.
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    Sociological importance and validation of a questionnaire for the sustainability of personal learning environments (PLE) in 8th grade students of the Biobio Region in Chile
    Contemporary society is going through a cultural transition that leads to new conceptions about the ways in which human beings organize socially and communicate. This process of deep social and cultural transformations is characterized by a technological disruption, in which virtuality forms a new dimension that behaves as an extension of human intelligence. This new form of human interaction impacts on the social imagination, demanding one to rethink social and educational paradigms for the two-dimensional citizen. In this context, this research article describes the sociological importance and the process of social adaptation of users to a personal learning environment (PLE). It includes the validation process of an instrument for the study of the PLE of 8th grade students belonging to 15 schools in the BiobĆ­o Region of Chile. A PLE is a frame of reference that can help to understand how two-dimensional citizens socially adapt and influence the sustainability of local and global systems. The validation method for this instrument considered four stages: i) Expert judgment: considering the opinions of six educators and experts in information and communication technologies (ICT); ii) a pilot test: that included a non-probabilistic sample of 472 subjects; iii) a principal components analysis (PCA); and iv) a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The Questionnaire on Work Habits and Learning for Professional Futures and the Context Questionnaire SIMCE TIC were used as a reference. When performing a psychometric analysis, a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.89 was obtained. This confirms that the adaptation of the instrument is good. The results of the dimensional analysis help us define a structure for the new instrument considering three components that explain 55% of the total variance. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed adjustment indexes that support the theoretical model proposed for the PLE study. In conclusion, the instrument was composed of three latent variables: Open self-regulated learning (OSRL) with eight questions, information management (IM) with four questions, and creation and transfer of knowledge (CTK) with four questions
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    Quality assurance for postgraduate programs: Design of a model applied on a University in Chile
    (International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2017) ; ; ;
    Meyer-Aguilera, Eduardo
    The quality of Education in Chile is a controversial topic that has been in the public debate in the last several years. To ensure quality in graduate programs, accreditation is compulsory. The current article presents a model to improve the process of self-regulation. The main objective was to design a Model of Quality Assurance for Postgraduate Programs in order to constitute a theoretical, mathematical, and informatics reference that would optimize the processes of self-regulation, self-evaluation, and accreditation of master and doctorate programs from the Universidad CatĆ³lica de la SantĆ­sima ConcepciĆ³n, Chile. This descriptive research is based on a mixed methods approach. The proposal was intended through theoretical and empirical references related to the accreditation systems. The analysis process was conducted with key informants, and the informatics instrument was created and validated through expert judgment. After the analysis, the model was optimized considering the expertā€™s suggestions. As a result of the optimization process, a matrix of eight dimensions was obtained and it is available online in order to be used by the heads of postgraduate programs. Finally, a model with four main stages was achieved in order to install a self-regulation and a self-evaluated culture that leads to accreditation as evidence of the quality of postgraduate programs.
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    TipologĆ­a y uso de tecnologĆ­as emergentes en educaciĆ³n primaria y secundaria en LatinoamĆ©rica: Una revisiĆ³n sistemĆ”tica de la literatura
    (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2024) ; ;
    Rivera-Robles, Susan
    introducciĆ³n: La integraciĆ³n de tecnologĆ­as emergentes en educaciĆ³n es importante en la sociedad del siglo XXI. Sin embargo, existen mĆŗltiples investigaciones donde se integran tecnologĆ­as y, pese a esto, no hay cambios sustanciales en las aulas latinoamericanas. MĆ©todo: El objetivo de esta revisiĆ³n sistemĆ”tica fue analizar investigaciones publicadas en revistas de alto impacto donde se integren tecnologĆ­as emergentes en contextos escolares con el fin de determinar la complejidad investigativa. La bĆŗsqueda se realizĆ³ en mayo de 2022 utilizando el mĆ©todo PRISMA para la selecciĆ³n de 20 artĆ­culos latinoamericanos publicados entre 2018 a 2022. Como criterio de inclusiĆ³n se consideraron artĆ­culos empĆ­ricos publicados en bases de datos WOS, Scopus y ProQuest, donde se haya aplicado alguna intervenciĆ³n en escolares utilizando tecnologĆ­as emergentes. Resultados: Los hallazgos muestran gran variedad de tecnologĆ­as utilizadas en diversas Ć”reas acadĆ©micas, donde el nivel de complejidad en los estudios es de adquisiciĆ³n y profundizaciĆ³n de conocimiento y donde los estudiantes tuvieron un rol de usuarios individuales durante las investigaciones. ConclusiĆ³n: Se concluye que debe haber un cambio de enfoque en las futuras investigaciones para generar una mejor integraciĆ³n de tecnologĆ­as emergentes y un cambio profundo en las aulas de clases latinoamericanas.