Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    The impact of glacial meltwater on the integrated bioenergetic condition of two key antartic benthic polychaetes (Maldane sarsi antarctica, Notomastus latericeus)
    (Elsevier, 2024) ; ;
    Cataldo-Mendez, Camila
    In coastal Antarctic environments, glacial meltwater changes the nutrients and physicochemical parameters in the water column. Consequently, top-down cascading effects are triggered throughout the food web, which can affect the bioenergetic condition of benthic invertebrates and their coupling processes between energy levels and flows throughout the marine food web. In this study, two benthic polychaetes (Maldane sarsi antarctica and Notomastus latericeus), exposed to the impact of glacial melting over a broad time scale, were used to evaluate the effect of glacial meltwater on their bioenergetic condition through the integrated analysis of: i) their biochemical composition; ii) fatty acid profiles and iii) total energy contents. The findings indicate that glacial meltwater has a direct effect on the bioenergetic condition of polychaetes. In areas where glacial meltwater has a significant impact, N. latericeus showed higher levels of proteins and glucose, but lower levels of lipids. On the other hand, M. sarsi antarctica exhibited decreased protein content with increasing glacial meltwater impact. M. sarsi antarctica presented varying levels of lipids across different sites, with the highest concentrations observed in areas with moderate impact. Both species showed a reduction in fatty acids with increasing glacial meltwater impact. Additionally, M. sarsi antarctica individuals from highly impacted areas had lower energy levels than those from less impacted areas, while N. latericeus had higher energy levels in the most impacted site. This information enables the development of a framework for assessing the impact of climate change using glacial meltwater and the integrated bioenergetics of key benthic polychaeta as a proxy. Therefore, identifying how glacial meltwater affects their bioenergetic condition helps us understand how climate change could affect trophic interactions, structure, and energy flows in the Antarctic marine food web.
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    Short-term and Long-term predictions: Is the Green Crab Carcinus maenas a threat to Antarctica and Southern South America under a Climate-Change scenario?
    (Diversity, 2023) ;
    Gimenez, Lucas
    Vera-Escalona, Iván
    Non-native species can have profound implications on the survival of native ones. This is especially true for some invasive crabs, such as the green crab Carcinus maenas, a native species to the Northern Hemisphere that has been introduced into southern Argentina, from where it could expand through Argentina, Chile, and the Antarctic Peninsula. Hence, there is interest in forecasting changes in C. maenas habitat suitability through time to predict if potential future invasions might occur. Here, by using a Species Distribution Model (SDM) approach, we estimated the habitat suitability for C. maenas along southern South America and the Antarctic Peninsula under two future climate-change scenarios. Our results reveal that under current conditions, habitat suitability for C. maenas along the Antarctic Peninsula is null and very restricted in Argentina and Chile. Habitat suitability along the Antarctic Peninsula remained null in the short-term (30 years) and long-term future (80 years), despite the climate-change scenario considered. Surprisingly, when considering future conditions, habitat suitability along the coast of Argentina and Chile decreased and became nil for some currently occupied locations. Thus, the SDM results suggest that climate change could have a negative effect on the habitat suitability of C. maenas leading to potential local extinctions.
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    Genetic variation in the small bivalve Nuculana inaequisculpta along a retreating glacier fjord, King George Island, Antarctica
    (Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 2021)
    Muñoz Ramírez, Carlos
    Beltrán Concha, Maribel
    Pérez Araneda, Karla
    Sands, Chester
    Barnes, David
    Román González, Alejandro
    De Lecea, Ander
    Retallick, Katherine
    Van Landeghem, Katrien
    Sheen, Katy
    Gonnelli, Kelly
    Scourse, James
    Bascur, Miguel
    Climate change is strongly influencing regions of Antarctica but the consequences on microevolutionary processes have been little studied. Patterns of population genetic diversity were analysed in the Antarctic bivalve Nuculana inaequisculpta (Protobranchia: Nuculanidae) from a fjord with 70 years of documented climate-forced glacier retreat. Thirty-nine individuals from five sites at different distances from the glacier terminus were collected, and the COI gene was sequenced from each individual. No statistically significant genetic differentiation was found between sites nor a significant correlation between the proximity of glaciers and genetic diversity, suggesting a high dispersal capability and therefore, a planktonic larval stage for this species. Nevertheless, we encourage increasing the sample size and number of loci in future studies to confirm our findings.