Dr. Brante-Ramírez, Antonio
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Dr. Brante-Ramírez, Antonio
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Brante Ramírez, Antonio Javier
2 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationSpread of the non-native anemone Anemonia alicemartinae Haussermann & Forsterra, 2001 along the Humboldt-current large marine ecosystem: An ecological niche model approach(PEERJ, 2019)
;Pinochet, Javier ;Rivera, Reinaldo ;Neill, Paula E.; Hernández, C.ristián E.The geographical expansion of invasive species depends mainly on its dispersal potential, and the abiotic and biotic factors affecting it. Knowing the invasive dynamic of non-native species, as well as its behavior at different natural or anthropogenic scenarios, is fundamental for planning conservation management policies and control plans. The invasive sea anemone Anemonia alicemartinae in habits from the north (18 S) to the south-central (36 S) coast of Chile and its distribution range has expanded by approximately 1,928 km in the last 50 years. Previous works have proposed that human-mediated southward transport associated with regional-scale maritime activities could explain its rapid spread. To evaluate this hypothesis, we used ecological niche models (ENM) to evaluate the potential colonization of the southernmost area of South America. Additionally, we conducted a post hoc analysis to evaluate the relationship between the prediction of the ENM and human activity measured as the number of landings of ships in ports. The models were built based on presence records of A. alicemartinae, and oceanographic variables. Results showed that sea surface salinity and annual sea surface temperature (variance) are the best predictor variables to explain the distribution of A. alicemartinae. There was a positive and significant relationship between the geographical distribution of the sea anemone predicted by the ENM and the number of landings, as a proxy of anthropogenic activity. The most susceptible areas to invasion were those that showed the highest variability in both oceanographic predictors. These areas included the Biobío region, Chiloé´s inland sea, Aysén, and Chacabuco regions, which together comprise two biogeographical provinces. These results sustain the proposed hypothesis and, overall, the results suggest that along with the characteristics of the life history of A. alicemartinae, oceanographic conditions and How to cite this article Pinochet J, Rivera R, Neill PE, Brante A, Hernández CE. 2019. Spread of the non-native anemone Anemonia alicemartinae Häussermann & Försterra, 2001 along the Humboldt-current large marine ecosystem: an ecological niche model approach. maritime transport as vector contribute to the southern range expansion of this invasive cryptogenic species in the Humboldt-current large marine ecosystem. - PublicationAggressive interactions between the invasive anemone Anemonia alicemartinae and the native anemone Phymactis papillosaThe distribution range expansion of species mediated by natural or anthropic mechanisms is one of the main causes of changes in biodiversity patterns. Anemonia alicemartinae is a cryptogenic species found along the coasts of the Southeast Pacific Ocean. This species has expanded its range by >1900 km along the Chilean coast throughout the last 50 yr. A. alicemartinae cohabits with the native anemone Phymactis papillosa in the low intertidal zone, and given the limited mobility of both species, limited space could encourage aggressive behavior between them. P. papillosa shows different color phenotypes, and, as in other anemone species, color is associated with its level of aggressiveness. Here, we evaluated the aggressive behavior of A. alicemartinae on 2 color morphotypes of P. papillosa. Also, intraspecific agonistic interactions were considered in individuals of A. alicemartinae from 2 localities. Four experiments were conducted: (1) individual vs. individual, (2) individual vs. group forming a frontal line, (3) individual vs. group surrounding the individual and (4) group vs. group. Results showed A. alicemartinae to be a weak competitor against P. papillosa. The cryptogenic species lost more contests with green P. papillosa than with the red phenotype. Few aggressive interactions between conspecifics of A. alicemartinae were found. Results suggest that the expansion success of A. alicemartinae could be explained by alternative strategies, such as escape behavior, asexual reproduction and high dispersal potential.