Dr. Espinosa-Neira, Eduardo
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Dr. Espinosa-Neira, Eduardo
Nombre completo
Espinosa Neira, Eduardo Enrique
5 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationReduction of DC capacitor size in Three-Phase Input/Single-Phase Output power cells of multi-cell converters through Resonant and Predictive Control: A characterization of its impact on the operating region(Mathematics, 2023)
;RamĂrez, Roberto ;Baier, Carlos ;Villarroel,Felipe; ;Arevalo, MauricioEspinoza, JoseCascaded H-bridge drives require using a significant-size capacitor on each cell to deal with the oscillatory power generated by the H-bridge inverter in the DC-link. This results in a bulky cell with reduced reliability due to the circulating second harmonic current through the DC-link capacitors. In this article, a control strategy based on a finite control set model predictive control and a proportional-resonant controller is proposed to compensate for the oscillatory power required by the H-bridge inverter through the cell’s input rectifier. With the proposed strategy, a DC-link second harmonic free operation is achieved, allowing for the possibility of reducing the capacitor size and, in consequence, the cell dimensions. The feasibility of the proposed control scheme is verified by experimental results in one cell of a cascade H-bridge inverter achieving an operation with a capacitance 141 times smaller than required by conventional control approaches for the same voltage ripple. - PublicationMulticell AFE rectifier managed by finite control set–model predictive control(IEEE, 2021)
; ;Garces-Hernandez, Hugo ;Melin, Pedro ;Baier, CarlosEspinoza, JoseMulticell converters, based on power cells that use low-voltage semiconductors, implement AC motor drives for medium-and high-voltage applications. These converters feature an input multipulse transformer, which performs low-frequency harmonics cancelation generated by three-phase diode rectifiers in the power cells. Despite this advantage, the multipulse transformer is bulky, heavy, expensive, and must be designed according to the number of power cells required by a specific case, limiting the modularity of the topology. This work proposes a multicell converter based on power cells that requires a standard input transformer and uses active front-end rectifiers controlled by employing a finite control set-model predictive control algorithm. The proposed approach emulates the multipulse transformer harmonic cancelation owing to the predictive algorithm operation combined with input current references that are phase-shifted for each active front-end rectifier. Simultaneously, the DC voltages of the power cells are regulated and equalized among the cells using PI regulators. Experimental results confirm the feasibility of the proposed system as input currents in each Multicell AFE rectifier with a unitary displacement factor, and a low THD of 1.87% was obtained. It is then possible to replace the input multipulse transformer with standard ones while reducing the copper losses, reducing the K factor, and extending the modularity of the power cell to the input transformer. - PublicationModel predictive control for power converters in a distorted three-phase power supply(IEEE, 2016)
; ;Rohten, Jaime ;Espinoza, Jose ;Munoz, Javier ;PĂ©rez, Marcelo ;Melin, Pedro ;Silva, JoseRivera, MarcoThe interest on weak and micro-grid systems has grown up substantially last time, specially tied up to distributed power generation systems (DPGSs), isolated systems as aircraft, or islanding power systems. These kinds of grids are usually under significant variation in their quantities, specifically in their voltage amplitude and/or frequency. On this line, many studies about synchronization methods have been developed, which may work under variations on the frequency value, unbalanced voltage, and even with harmonic distortion. However, power converters connected to this class of systems are poorly documented-specifically controlled rectifiers. In fact, most of the controlled grid connected converters (GCCs) are defined to work in a fixed frequency and balanced system. This paper deals with a GCC connected to a variable-frequency and unbalanced voltage supply system control through a predictive algorithm with a fixed resolution sampling strategy. Furthermore, the current references are imposed in order to help the weak-grid source subjected to unbalancing, taking more power from the phase with highest voltage amplitude and relaxing the other phases. This issue makes to calculate every phase current reference independently and accordingly the voltage amplitudes keep the dc-link voltage in a desired value. The results show the feasibility of the proposed algorithm, where the performance is highlighted by simulated and experimental waveforms. - PublicationAnalysis and design of a multicell topology based on Three-Phase/Single-phase current-source cells(IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016)
; ;Melin, Pedro ;Rohten, Jaime ;Espinoza, Jose ;Baier, Carlos ;Muñoz, JavierRiedemann, JavierThis work proposes a multicell topology based on current-source cells in order to inherit the advantages of current-source topologies such as reduced load dv/dt voltage and natural bidirectional power flow and to adopt a similar behavior of the multicell topology based on a voltage source converter such as voltage controlled behavior where n C cells are connected in series to feed one load phase. In order to check the technical feasibility and performance of the proposed topology, a mathematical model is introduced and studied and key design guidelines of passive components are defined. The analysis shows the possibility of using components with a lower voltage rating than that of the classic multilevel current source topologies and allows the use of low switching frequencies in both rectifier and inverter stages while at the same time obtaining a high-quality waveform in both load voltage and converter input currents. A case of example is used to corroborate the theoretical analysis and the component design methodology, as well as the performance of the topology using a low-power prototype. - PublicationEnhanced predictive control for a wide time-variant frequency environment(IEEE, 2016)
; ;Rohten, Jaime ;Espinoza, Jose ;Munoz, Javier ;Sbarbaro, Daniel ;Perez, Marcelo ;Melin, PedroSilva, JoseThe use of power converters has considerably grown up, in part, because refined control strategies have been recently proposed, including nonlinear schemes such as predictive control. This approach is used in this work considering a variable grid frequency environment in order to get an appropriate response for a wide ac mains frequency range. Indeed, in order to achieve appropriate, both dynamic and static, responses for all operating frequencies, the number of samples per period is kept constant and independent of the ac mains frequency. This allows a fixed resolution of the sensed voltages and/or currents, which is preferable if high-performance digital control schemes are required. However, imposing a constant number of samples per period requires a variable sampling time in systems that feature variable ac mains frequency. On the other hand, predictive control has been developed and well documented just for a constant sampling frequency. This work presents how to extend the predictive control algorithms for variable sampling time allowing high-performance waveforms and wider ac mains frequency range. Simulated and experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed control strategy which corroborates the mathematical and model analysis.