Dra. Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola
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Dra. Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola
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Sáez Delgado, Fabiola Mabel
6 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationIntelligent Classrooms: How AI and IoT Can Reshape Learning Spaces(WILEY, 2025)
;Quevedo Piratova, Diego Alexander ;Sánchez Duarte, Mónica Marcela ;Chiappe, AndresThis review examines the design and configuration of AI‐powered 21st‐century classrooms to align with modern pedagogical approaches. The objective was to identify the main characteristics of innovative classroom design through a systematic literature review analysing 90 articles from the Scopus database. The SPAR‐4‐SRL protocol guided the selection, organisation and assessment of articles, with analysis conducted using descriptive statistics and topic modelling in AtlasTi. Key findings include (a) determinants like acoustics, lighting, temperature, ventilation and dimensions impact learning; (b) flexible furniture arrangements promote collaboration and active learning over traditional row seating; (c) inclusive designs consider sensory needs of students with disabilities; and (d) technology integration is crucial, including smart boards, cameras and connectivity. This comprehensive synthesis highlights some insights into the effect of the use of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things on the architectural principles and environmental factors that optimise classroom spaces for evolving educational practices. Educators, designers and policymakers can apply these insights to create student‐centred, technology‐enhanced learning environments fostering engagement and inclusivity. - PublicationSystematic review on the integration of immersive technologies to improve learning in primary education(Springer Nature, 2024)
; ; Sandoval-Henríquez, FranciscoImmersive technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality have attracted a great deal of interest in educational research; they have the potential to enhance learning by providing interactive, realistic, and safe experiences without the constraints of time and space. This study is based on a systematic review of the literature following the guidelines of the PRISMA statement. The scientific production related to the integration of immersive technologies in learning processes in primary education was examined. The Web of Science, Scopus and ERIC databases were searched, considering the period from 2018 to 2023. The sample consisted of 64 studies that met the established inclusion criteria. The results showed a higher production of studies in Asia, a lack of theoretical support for the integration of immersive technologies, and a greater focus on science education. In conclusion, it is highlighted that studies focus on the effect of immersive technologies on academic achievement without sufficiently addressing the cognitive and affective experience of students. The study presents a classification framework grounded in the stimulus-organism-response model, offering recommendations for future research and practical implications for educators, educational policy makers, and digital content designers. - PublicationPromoting ASC in the primary education classroom: The role of teacher training(Taylor & Francis, 2023)
; ;Lobos, Karla ;Bustos, Claudio ;Cobo-Rendon, RubiaBruna, CarolaThe purpose of this research was to study the effect of the changes in the strategies to stimulate self-concept used by teachers, that received training, in the academic self-concept of its students. A quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-application measures was used. A total of 36 secondary school teachers and 814 students participated. The program consisted of four months of workshop sessions and accompaniment in the classroom. It was found that changes in the teaching strategies mediated the effect of the intervention on students’ self-concept. In addition, the change in the students’ type of self-concept depended on the change in the teachers’ specific strategies. In conclusion, the training program designed for stimulating academic self-concept was effective in promoting strategies in teachers that increased student’s self-concept. Thus, it can be concluded that the intervention is an approachable methodology to support the development of self-concept, potentially impacting students’ academic success. The findings contribute to the design of future interventions in school contexts for the improvement of students’ self-concept. - PublicationSystematic review for the definition and measurement of self-efficacy in university students(Interdisciplinaria, 2022)
;Díaz Mujica, Alejandro; ;Cobo Rendón, Rubia ;Del Valle, Milenko ;López Angulo, YaranayPérez Villalobos, MaríaThe objectives of this review were: (1) to identify literature published within the last years on self-efficacy in university students; (2) describe and evaluate the employed definitions and measurements; and (3) establish the methodological coherency between the stated definitions and employed measurement scales within the respectively described domains in higher education. A systematic revision was conducted for articles published between 2007 and 2019. Empirical studies on self-efficacy in university students were included. A total of 66 articles were included. Most of the selected literature defined and measured specific domains of self-efficacy in university students. The reviewed authors defined “self-efficacy” as a set of beliefs connected to specific domains of functioning. Most of the studies presented coherency between the research objective and definition/measurement of self-efficacy. Nevertheless, a notable percentage of the studies lacked coherency, which underscored the need for further refinement and improvement in this area. © 2022, Interdisciplinaria. All Rights Reserved. - PublicationPsychometric properties of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support in Chilean University students(Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica, 2021)
;López Angulo, Yaranay ;Pérez Villalobos, M. Victoria ;Gutiérrez, Ana Bernardo ;Cobo Rendón, Rubia; Díaz Mujica, AlejandroThe Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support was designed to assess perceived social support according to three sources: family, friends and other significant ones. The main objective of this research was to determine the psychometric properties of this questionnaire through its application to 1975 students in the first and second year of their careers at Universities in Southern Chile (55.031% women), aged between 17 and 25 years-old (M=19.293; SD=1.349). The results indicated adequate adjustment of the second order model considering three dimensions of support (family, friends and other significant ones). The internal consistency coefficients for the dimensions of the scale were, α=.903 (Family), α=.928 (Friends) and α=.864 (other significant ones). It is concluded that the questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate this construct in chilean university students and it also has equivalence of measure across gender. © 2021 Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica. All right reserved. - PublicationPropiedades psicométricas de la Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social percibido en estudiantes universitarios chilenos(AIDEP/AIDAP, 2021)
; ;López-Angulo, Yaranay ;Pérez-Villalobos, M. ;Bernardo-Gutiérrez, Ana ;Cobo-Rendón, RubiaDíaz-Mujica, AlejandroLa Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social Percibido fue diseñada para evaluar la percepción de apoyo social desde tres fuentes: familia, amigos y otros significativos. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar las propiedades psicométricas del MSPSS cuestionario a través de una aplicación a 1975 estudiantes que cursaban el primer y segundo año de sus carreras en Universidades del Sur de Chile (55.031% mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 17 y 25 años (M=19.293; DE=1.349). Los resultados indicaron un adecuado ajuste del modelo de segundo orden considerando tres dimensiones del apoyo (familia, amigos y otros significativos). Los coeficientes de consistencia interna para las dimensiones de la escala fueron, α=.903 (Familia), α=.928 (Amigos) y α=.864 (otros significativos). Se concluye que el cuestionario es un instrumento válido y confiable para evaluar el apoyo social percibido en estudiantes universitarios chilenos y además posee equivalencia de medida en función del sexo.