Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    Predictive model of the dropout intention of Chilean university students
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023)
    López-Angulo, Yaranay
    Mella-Norambuena, Javier
    Bernardo, Ana B.
    Díaz-Mujica, Alejandro
    Dropping out of university studies is one of the current problems of Higher Education; the increased rates during the first year of the study programme is considerable around the world. Dropping out has negative social implications that are reflected at the personal, family, institutional, and educational levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate a predictive model considering the mediation of university social satisfaction and perceived academic performance within the relations between perceived social support, social self-efficacy and academic purposes with career satisfaction and dropout intention in Chilean university students. A non-experimental explanatory design of latent and observed variables was used. Structural equation analyses with Mplus software were performed. The sample consisted of 956 first year university students. The study complied with the ethical requirements for research with human subjects. As a result, a predictive model with adequate adjustment indexes was obtained. When evaluating the explanatory capacity through the coefficient of determination (R2), it was observed that it explains 38.9 and 27.4% of the variance of the dropout intention and career satisfaction, respectively. This percentage of explanation indicates a large effect size in Social Sciences; therefore, they are considered adequate predictive models. The mediation of university social satisfaction on the relationships between social support, social self-efficacy, and academic purposes with academic adjustment and dropout intention was, respectively, confirmed. The perception of academic performance has less influence on dropout intention and on career satisfaction among first-year students. The model obtained allows explaining the dropout intention and career satisfaction in first year students. In addition, it is composed of variables that can potentially be modified in the interaction of students and professors.
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    Return to Face-to-Face classrooms in higher education: Students experiences in Chile, Venezuela, and Ecuador
    (Ital Publication, 2023) ;
    Lobos, Karla
    Cobo-Rendón, Rubia
    Mella, Javier
    Cisternas, Nataly
    Emergency remote teaching (ERE) triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges to higher education institutions worldwide. Although it had several negative consequences, it also enabled advances in the integration of technology into the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to examine and characterize the key elements of the process of returning to face-to-face courses. The study was based on a mixed quantitative and qualitative design. 631 students from Chile, Venezuela, and Colombia were surveyed about their experiences returning to face-to-face classes (in terms of virtual tools, their feelings, and their expectations for academic success). The survey also included questions about the lockdown caused by the pandemic, specifically regarding instructional and didactic design, participation in online sessions, and the role of faculty during the pandemic. Descriptive and correlative analyses were performed to examine relationships among variables. Qualitative data were analyzed within a hermeneutically-oriented framework. Our analyses show that virtual classrooms or learning management systems (LMS) continued to be used after the pandemic. However, their use is strongly associated with a more traditional approach to teaching; LMSs and virtual classrooms are primarily used as filing locations and for receiving and storing homework assignments and assessments. In terms of interaction, qualitative analyses have shown that relationships with faculty and between students are better in face-to-face classes and that there is not much difference in perceptions of collaborative work in online learning compared to face-to-face classes. Finally, students' expectations of academic success are low in the short term, while they are higher in the long term. Students also indicated that it is important to them that teachers take care about the didactic design of the course, including strategies that encourage interaction and participation in both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In addition, students mentioned that teachers should incorporate strategies to promote academic motivation, self-regulation, and a safe environment. An important finding of this study is that students prefer a blended learning format when comparing online and face-to-face instruction. This article also provides recommendations for the new post-pandemic education scenario.
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    Systematic review for the definition and measurement of self-efficacy in university students
    (Interdisciplinaria, 2022)
    Díaz Mujica, Alejandro
    Cobo Rendón, Rubia
    Del Valle, Milenko
    López Angulo, Yaranay
    Pérez Villalobos, María
    The objectives of this review were: (1) to identify literature published within the last years on self-efficacy in university students; (2) describe and evaluate the employed definitions and measurements; and (3) establish the methodological coherency between the stated definitions and employed measurement scales within the respectively described domains in higher education. A systematic revision was conducted for articles published between 2007 and 2019. Empirical studies on self-efficacy in university students were included. A total of 66 articles were included. Most of the selected literature defined and measured specific domains of self-efficacy in university students. The reviewed authors defined “self-efficacy” as a set of beliefs connected to specific domains of functioning. Most of the studies presented coherency between the research objective and definition/measurement of self-efficacy. Nevertheless, a notable percentage of the studies lacked coherency, which underscored the need for further refinement and improvement in this area. © 2022, Interdisciplinaria. All Rights Reserved.
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    Design, validity and effect of an intra-curricular program for facilitating self-regulation of learning competences in university students with the support of the 4Planning App
    (MDPI, 2021) ;
    Lobos, Karla
    Bruna, Daniela
    Cobo-Rendon, Rubia
    Díaz-Mujica, Alejandro
    Background: Smartphone applications have the potential to support university students for the benefit of learning in higher education. Objective: To design and evaluate the effect of an intra-curricular program using a mobile application on self-regulated learning strategies in university students. Method: The 4Planning mobile application was designed following a systematic literature review, expert judgement and application. The instrument to assess the effect of the intervention was the SRL Readiness Practices Scale, with a one-factor structure (CFI = 0.98; TLI = 0.97; RMSEA = 0.05) with reliability of α = 0.89. The design was quasi-experimental with pre- and post-test measures and experimental and control groups. The sample consisted of 473 first-year university students (37.02% male) from seven Chilean universities with a mean age of 19.35 (SD = 2.49). Statistical analysis was an ANOVA performed in R software version 4.0.3. Results: Statistically significant differences were identified in the levels of self-regulated learning between the experimental group compared to the control group. Conclusion: The development of the 4Planning app proved to be effective in promoting the development of self-regulated learning strategies in university students.
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    Psychometric properties of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support in Chilean University students
    (Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica, 2021)
    López Angulo, Yaranay
    Pérez Villalobos, M. Victoria
    Gutiérrez, Ana Bernardo
    Cobo Rendón, Rubia
    Díaz Mujica, Alejandro
    The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support was designed to assess perceived social support according to three sources: family, friends and other significant ones. The main objective of this research was to determine the psychometric properties of this questionnaire through its application to 1975 students in the first and second year of their careers at Universities in Southern Chile (55.031% women), aged between 17 and 25 years-old (M=19.293; SD=1.349). The results indicated adequate adjustment of the second order model considering three dimensions of support (family, friends and other significant ones). The internal consistency coefficients for the dimensions of the scale were, α=.903 (Family), α=.928 (Friends) and α=.864 (other significant ones). It is concluded that the questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate this construct in chilean university students and it also has equivalence of measure across gender. © 2021 Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica. All right reserved.
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    Smartphone use among undergraduate STEM Students during COVID-19: An opportunity for higher education?
    (MDPI, 2021) ;
    Mella-Norambuena, Javier
    Cobo-Rendon, Rubia
    Lobos, Karla
    Maldonado-Trapp, Alejandra
    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students worldwide have continued their education remotely. One of the challenges of this modality is that students need access to devices such as laptops and smartphones. Among these options, smartphones are the most accessible because of their lower price. This study analyzes the usage patterns of smartphone users of undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional descriptive study included 365 students: 162 (44.4%) women and 203 (55.6%) men from a Chilean university. The results revealed that students often accessed the learning management system (LMS) with their computers rather than with their smartphones. Students were connected to the LMS for more hours on their computers than on their smartphones. However, they spent more hours simultaneously connected on their computers and smartphones than just on their computers. During the day, students accessed the LMS mainly from 13:00 to 1:00. The number of connections decreased from 1:00 to 8:00 and increased from 8:00 to 13:00. The LMS resource that students accessed the most using smartphones was discussion forums, while the one they accessed the least was wiki pages. We expect these results to motivate faculties to schedule their activities during the hours students tend to be online and promote discussion forums.
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    Learning beliefs, time on platform, and academic performance during the COVID-19 in University STEM students
    (Frontiers, 2021) ;
    Mella-Norambuena, Javier
    Lobos, Karla
    Cobo-Rendón, Rubia
    Maldonado-Trapp, Alejandra
    Cisternas-San Martín, Nataly
    Bruna-Jofré, Carola
    Due to the closure of universities worldwide because of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching methods were suddenly transformed to an emergency remote teaching (ERT) modality. Due to the practical nature of STEM courses, students cannot participate in activities in which manipulating objects is necessary for accomplishing learning objectives. In this study, we analyze the relation among STEM students learning beliefs at the beginning of ERT (T1) with their Learning Management systems (LMS) time-on-task and their final academic performance (T2) during the first semester of ERT. We used a prospective longitudinal design. 2063 students (32.3% females) from a university in Chile participated, where the academic year starts in March and finishes in December 2020. We assessed their learning and performance beliefs through an online questionnaire answered at the beginning of the academic period (T1). Then, using learning analytics, time invested in the CANVAS LMS and the academic performance achieved by students at the end of the semester (T2) were assessed. The results show that students mainly stated negative beliefs about learning opportunities during ERT (n = 1,396; 67.7%). In addition, 48.5% (n = 1,000) of students stated beliefs of “medium” academic performance for the first semester (T1). Students with lower learning beliefs at T1 spent less time in the LMS during the semester and had a lower academic performance at T2 than students who had higher learning beliefs at T1. The implications of these findings on the role of instructors and institutions of higher education are discussed.