Dr. Urzúa-Osorio, Ángel
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Dr. Urzúa-Osorio, Ángel
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Urzúa Osorio, Ángel Gabriel
4 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationInter-sexual comparison of body biomass, proximate biochemical composition, and fatty acid profiles of new juvenile squat lobsters (Pleuroncodes monodon) in the Southeast Pacific Ocean(Wiley, 2022)
; ;Guzmán‐Rivas, Fabián ;Quispe‐Machaca, Marco ;Olavarría, LuisZilleruelo, MaximilianoIn the wide distribution range of the red squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon in the Southeast Pacific Ocean, there is an important nursery area on the southern coast of Chile. The new juvenile individuals from this nursery area are directly recruited into the adult squat lobster population, which is exploited by industrial fisheries. Despite the importance of new P. monodon juveniles for recruitment estimations in fishery management models, their bioenergetic condition and/or nutritional status at the onset of their benthic phase remain unknown, as are the differences in the biochemical composition and energy reserves of the two sexes, which could help explain the cost of the first breeding event in females. Therefore, in new juvenile squat lobsters with the same degree of immaturity, we quantified and compared between the sexes (female vs. male): the size (cephalothorax length, CL), body biomass (dry weight and organic matter), biochemical composition (proteins, glucose, and lipids), and fatty acid profiles (FAs). The results indicate that the CL of new juveniles was similar between the sexes, while the dry weight and organic matter presented significant differences, with higher values in new juvenile females (NJF) than new juvenile males (NJM). Similarly, the NJF had a higher content of proteins, glucose, and lipids than NJM. The FAs also showed significant differences between the sexes; the NJF had a higher content than NJM in all fatty acid classes (i.e., saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated), with the FAs DHA (C22:6n‐3), EPA (C20:5n‐3), oleic (C18:1n‐9), palmitic (C16:0), and eicosatrienoic (C20:3n‐3) significantly contributing to the differentiation of FA profiles between the sexes. All of the aforementioned differences among the multiple variables of the bioenergetic condition can indicate biochemical adaptations in the storage capacity of energy reserves, particularly among NJF that must support the high energy cost of the first reproductive event (characterized by embryo production and incubation), which occurs during the austral winter, a period predominated by cold‐water temperatures and scarce food availability in the habitat. Overall, our findings have significant implications in fishery management models. In this case, defining the bioenergetic condition of the new juvenile squat lobsters can aid in predicting the density and stability of the adult population, which is exploited by commercial fisheries. - PublicationTrophodynamics of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas during winter in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile: Diet analyses and fatty acid profile(Fisheries Research, 2022)
;Quispe-Machaca, Marco ;Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián A. ;Ibáñez, Christian M.Marine trophodynamic studies have been developed mainly through the evaluation of stomach contents. However, these studies only reflect the feeding of a few days, showing a "snapshot" of the food consumed for a short time. Currently, new complementary techniques have been developed to evaluate the diet of predators using biochemical markers (fatty acids, FAs) and can, in turn, consider the rate of renewal of these biochemical constituents in body tissues. In the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas, an important fishery resource in the Humboldt Current System, we identified and analyzed the stomach contents (prey) of D. gigas collected along the coasts of Chile in order to compare the FA profiles of its prey with those of three of its principal tissues and/or organs (digestive gland, gonad and mantle muscle). The analyses of the stomach contents indicate that D. gigas feeds on fish, crustaceans and squids, as previously have been reported. Regarding the FAs, the digestive gland presented the highest concentration and diversity of FAs, followed by the gonad and then the mantle. In turn, when comparing the FAs of the digestive gland of D. gigas with the FA profiles of its preys, the crustacean Pleuroncodes monodon and the fish Lampanyctus sp. presented the closest similarity, especially with a high contribution of essential FAs and PUFAs. Our findings indicate that during the cold season (austral winter), individuals of D. gigas may present an energy optimization strategy, characterized by the intake of prey with a high energy content rich in PUFAs, such as crustaceans and small fishes. This study not only contributes to the understanding of the squid biology and their trophodynamic, but also has important implications to improve fishery management within an ecosystem approach. This is relevant because D. gigas and its prey have suffered heavy exploitation, with a significant reduction in their biomass. - PublicationTemporal variation in the fatty acid composition of ovigerous females and embryos of the squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda, Munididae)(Cambridge University Press, 2018)
;Bascur Bascur, Miguel Ángel ;Guzmán, Fabián ;Mora, Sergio ;Espinoza, PepePleuroncodes monodon, an important fishery resource and key species in the Humboldt Current Large Marine ecosystem, has a prolonged reproductive period from winter until end of summer, and during this time females incubating their embryos are exposed to seasonal variation in food availability and in temperature. Additionally, in order to ensure successful reproduction and survival of embryos, changes occur in the main internal reserves and/or sources of energy of P. monodon. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of seasonal variation (winter vs summer) in the lipid content and fatty acid composition of ovigerous females and their embryos. The results show that a higher percentage of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in females in winter. Similarly, the composition of fatty acids in embryos found here indicates that winter embryos have more saturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids (C18:2n6cis, C18:3n6 and C22:6n3) than do summer embryos. According to PCA analysis of fatty acid profile, samples from summer may be distinguished into two isolated groups with conspicuous variations in fatty acids profile of embryo and hepatopancreas. While in winter, the opposite pattern occurs in the fatty acid profile of embryo and hepatopancreas. These variations may be related to relevant physiological processes (reproduction and growth) and of their ontogeny (development and survival of offspring). Seasonal variation in the lipid content and composition of fatty acids of P. monodon could directly impact this species’ reproduction and survival and subsequently could have consequences on the food web and fishery exploitation. - PublicationSeasonal changes in the biochemical composition of females and offspring of red squat lobster, Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda, Munididae), from the Southeastern PacificPleuroncodes monodon is an important fishery resource and key species from the Southeastern Pacific. During its prolonged reproductive period (from February to December), ovigerous females are exposed to seasonal variation in environmental factors (e.g. temperature and food availability), with higher levels of these environmental parameters during summer and lower in winter, and must adjust their biochemistry to ensure their own survival and that of their embryos. The aim of this study was to analyse seasonal changes in the biochemical composition of ovigerous females and their eggs. The data show that the content of lipids, proteins and organic matter in the hepatopancreases of females was significantly higher in winter than in summer. Similarly, the lipid content of the eggs was significantly higher in winter than in summer, yet the protein content of the eggs had the opposite pattern with greater values found in summer. Consistent with the ‘reproductive energetic model’, the initial and final energy produced by the hepatopancreas showed significant seasonal variations, whereas female investment in egg production (in absolute values) did not show significant seasonal differences. The seasonal differences observed in the biochemistry, organic matter and energy content of the female hepatopancreases may be related to the storage of energy for growth and reproduction. Furthermore, the seasonal variation in the content of lipids, proteins and energy in eggs is likely related to embryogenesis and larval hatching in function with environmental conditions. Seasonal variation in the biochemical composition of P. monodon has direct effects on the marine food web and also upon fisheries.