Research Outputs

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Maximizing quantum discord from interference in multi-port fiber beamsplitters

2021, Dr. Cariñe-Catrileo, Jaime, Asan-Srain, M., Lima, G., Walborn, S.

Fourth-order interference is an information processing primitive for photonic quantum technologies, as it forms the basis of photonic controlled-logic gates, entangling measurements, and can be used to produce quantum correlations. Here, using classical weak coherent states as inputs, we study fourth-order interference in 4 × 4 multi-port beam splitters built within multi-core optical fibers, and show that quantum correlations, in the form of geometric quantum discord, can be controlled and maximized by adjusting the intensity ratio between the two inputs. Though these states are separable, they maximize the geometric discord in some instances, and can be a resource for protocols such as remote state preparation. This should contribute to the exploitation of quantum correlations in future telecommunication networks, in particular in those that exploit spatially structured fibers.

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Polarization-independent single-photon switch based on a fiber-optical Sagnac interferometer for quantum communication networks

2020, Dr. Cariñe-Catrileo, Jaime, Alarcón, A., González, P., Lima, G., Xavier, G.

An essential component of future quantum networks is an optical switch capable of dynamically routing single photons. Here we implement such a switch, based on a fiber-optical Sagnac interferometer design. The routing is implemented with a pair of fast electro-optical telecom phase modulators placed inside the Sagnac loop, such that each modulator acts on an orthogonal polarization component of the single photons, in order to yield polarization-independent capability that is crucial for several applications. We obtain an average extinction ratio of more than 19 dB between both outputs of the switch. Our experiment is built exclusively with commercial off-the-shelf components, thus allowing direct compatibility with current optical communication systems.