Research Outputs

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Healthy Behavior and Sports Drinks: A Systematic Review

2023, Muñoz-Urtubia, Nicolás, Vega-Muñoz, Alejandro, Estrada-Muñoz, Carla, Salazar-Sepulveda, Guido, Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás, Castillo, Dante

This review article aims to systematically identify the relationship between sports drinks and healthy behavior. This systematic literature review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline criteria, and eligibility criteria were established using the PICOS tool (population, interventions, comparators, outcomes, and study) from about 1000 records of sports drinks articles identified in the various Web of Science Core Collection databases. The literature review stages determined a reduced set of 15 articles relating these drinkable supplements to healthy behavior. This study concludes that water consumption should be emphasized for non-athletes, sports drinks should be labeled to indicate water consump- tion and carry a warning label, and more randomized clinical trials should be considered to ensure conclusive results for health decision making.

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Mapping the scientific research on suicide and physical activity: A bibliometric analysis

2022, Dr. Salazar-Sepulveda, Guido, Denche-Zamorano, Ángel, Pereira-Payo, Damián, Franco-García, Juan Manuel, Pastor-Cisneros, Raquel, Castillo, Dante, Marín-Gil, Miseldra, Barrios-Fernandez, Sabina

This research provides an overview of the current state of scientific literature related to suicide and physical activity (PA). A bibliometric analysis of studies published between 1996 and 2022 in The Web of Science (WoS) was carried out, applying the traditional bibliometric laws, using Microsoft Excel and the VOSviewer software for data and metadata processing. A total of 368 documents (349 primary research and 19 reviews) were extracted from 70 WoS categories. The results revealed an exponential increase in scientific production from 2017 to 2022 (R2 = 88%), revealing the United States hegemony being the most productive country, with 156 of the publications (42.4%), the most cited (4181 citations) being the centre of a collaborative network with links to 35 countries and having April Smith, from the Miami University, as the most prolific author (eight publications) and Thomas Joiner, from the Florida State University, as the most cited author (513 citations). The Psychiatry WoS category, with 155 papers, had the highest number of publications, and The Journal of Affective Disorders, from Elsevier, had the highest number of published papers within this category.

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Bibliometric analysis on ocean literacy studies for marine conservation

2023, Salazar-Sepulveda, Guido, Vega-Muñoz, Alejandro, Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás, Castillo, Dante, Torres-Alcayaga, Mario, Cornejo-Orellana, Carolina

The aim of this study is to present an overview of the current scientific literature pertaining to ocean literacy. We applied a bibliometric method to examine relational patterns among publications in a set of 192 papers indexed from 2004 to 2023 in Web of Science Core Collection, applying Price’s, Lotka’s, Bradford’s, and Zipf’s bibliometric laws to add more validation to VOSviewer and processing both data and metadata. The findings indicate a significant exponential growth in scientific output from 2004 to 2022 (R2 = 86%), with a substantial amount of scientific research being focused on ocean literacy. The analysis shows the thematic trends of terminologies such as knowledge and citizen perception of climate change in relation to oceans; the benefits of biodiversity management and ocean conservation; and ocean education and its relation to behavior and attitudes towards and awareness of oceans. The research and its theoretical perspectives prompt an investigation of the impacts of ocean literacy outside of education, thanks to the contributions of authors from more than fifty countries dedicated to the study of these activities.

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Contributions of subjective well-being and good living to the contemporary development of the notion of sustainable human development

2021, González Díaz, Romel Ramón, Acevedo Duque, Ángel, Dr. Salazar-Sepulveda, Guido, Castillo, Dante

The article analyzes the contributions of the notions of Good Living attributable to epistemologies, traditions, and subjective well-being at work, given the current changes in the working context, to enrich the concept of human development. The article is developed with an analytical-descriptive and synthetic approach, reconstructing the concept of Good Living through a theoretical-economic, ontological, and epistemological comparison and its dimensional axes. Methodologically, a systematic review of human development literature is used in Latin America through the Web of Science (WOS), comparing the UNDP Technical Notes (HDI) with the various approaches to Good Living published between 2010 and 2020. These documents were subjected to semantic contrast, with reference to the various dimensions and positions of human development as a generator of subjective well-being for the configuration of public labor policies. The main findings refer to the disagreement points evidenced in the two-axes dimensions of the Good Living measurement systems (mobility and safety, and cultural satisfaction within territories), an important factor being the sumak kawsay, the concept of Good Living. Sumak is fullness, the sublime, excellent, magnificent, beautiful, superior. Kawsay is life, being. However, it is dynamic, changing, and is not a passive question, and is thus not considered by the different evolutionary changes of the HDI.

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Bibliometric mapping of school garden studies: A thematic trends analysis

2023, Castillo, Dante, Vega-Muñoz, Alejandro, Salazar-Sepulveda, Guido, Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás, Torres-Alcayaga, Mario

This paper analyzes the thematic trends in school garden studies over the past few decades, using a relational bibliometric methodology on a corpus of 392 articles and review articles indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection. The paper seeks to understand how researchers have studied the concept over the last few decades in various disciplines, spanning approximately eighty Web of Science categories. The results show that there is a critical mass of scientific research studying school gardens. The analysis shows the thematic trends in discussion journals, discussion terminology, and consolidates classic papers and some novel authors and papers. The studies and their theoretical trends lead to refocusing the analysis on the effects of school gardens beyond the educational, thanks to the contribution of authors from more than fifty countries engaged in the study of these activities. This work constitutes new challenges for this line of research, raising interdisciplinary research challenges between horticultural, environmental, technological, educational, social, food, nutritional, and health sciences.