Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 10 of 18
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    Análisis de intervenciones educativas con videojuegos en educación secundaria: Una revisión sistemática
    Este artículo tiene por objetivo sistematizar información empírica sobre las intervenciones de videojuegos educativos en el nivel de Educación Secundaria, mediante la descripción de los participantes, caracterización de la variable independiente, efectividad, limitaciones y proyecciones de los estudios. Para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura, donde se analizaron artículos publicados en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y SciELO, entre los años 2016 y 2021, logrando una muestra final de 19 investigaciones. Los resultados destacan que el continente europeo y concretamente España han desarrollado el mayor número de publicaciones relacionadas con intervenciones de videojuegos en este nivel educativo. Sin embargo, se utilizaron muestras poco representativas. También, se evidenció que se utilizan principalmente estrategias pedagógicas vinculadas al área de las matemáticas para integrar la tecnología al aula, dejando de lado la promoción del área humanista en relación con esta herramienta digital. Finalmente, todas las intervenciones mostraron efectividad, no obstante, se requiere avanzar en esta línea de investigación que está en un nivel de desarrollo incipiente en la educación secundaria, considerando los beneficios que mostraron para propósitos educativos. En conclusión, las intervenciones que incluyen tecnologías en contextos escolares obtienen resultados positivos en el proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje, ayudando a desarrollar tanto contenidos como habilidades transversales en los educandos.
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    The use of mobile technology in the development of cognitive skills of high school students with special educational needs
    (Aula Abierta, 2022) ; ;
    Ramírez-Peña, Gabriela
    Sandoval-Henríquez, Francisco Javier
    Gómez-Franco, Ligia
    Mobile technology can help personalize instruction and enhance generic and specific learning skills for students with special educational needs. This study examines the effects of a technology intervention strategy on the attention/concentration and spelling skills. Participants were students with permanent and temporary educational needs attending secondary schools in Chile. A pretest-posttest experimental design with a control group was adopted. 73 students participated, under three conditions: a) control group, with a printed guide-based strategy and without the use of technology, b) an experimental group with a computer-based strategy, and c) an experimental group with an iPad-based strategy. Analysis of variance was used to compare the means of the three groups. The results show that the iPad-based strategy obtained significant differences compared to the other conditions. It is concluded that iPad mobile technology can improve both the generic attention/concentration skills and the specific spelling skills in students with special educational
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    Students’ immersive experience in initial teacher training in a virtual world to promote sustainable education: interactivity, presence, and flow
    (Sustainability, 2021) ;
    Sandoval Henríquez, Francisco
    The Virtual World is a technology that has created countless opportunities for teaching and learning, innovating traditional and online education, and promoting a more sustainable and accessible education. Through their avatars and digital representations, students can navigate, observe, and manipulate virtual objects, while interacting with their classmates inside the simulated 3D environment. This study examined how preservice teachers experience and participate in a VW that simulates a university campus, considering three main components: interactivity, sense of presence, and state of flow. A total of 103 pedagogy students, enrolled in an educational technology course, participated in the study. A postintervention survey was implemented, as well as a self-report about the immersive experience. The results show a high level of agreement with the survey’s affirmations, which allows for the determination of the favorable levels of interactivity, presence, and flow, as well as the meaningful and positive associations among these technological properties. Guidelines are argued to deepen the Virtual World’s potential and are given for the design of pedagogical activities in those environments.
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    Critical and prospective analysis of online education in pandemic and post-pandemic contexts: Digital tools and resources to support teaching in synchronous and asynchronous learning modalities
    Humanity, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, was already in the process of a gradual cultural transition between modernity and postmodernity. The rapid pace of scientific and technological advances has led humans towards a progressive adaptation, as they develop new ways to confront and to solve their problems. In the exceptional context of the pandemic, people and institutions have faced a sudden need to readapt their ways of life and their means of communication. In education, the need to migrate from traditional classrooms to online systems was urgent, and the shift required digital tools and resources to support teaching. This theoretical article aims to analyze the disruption in the educational context and to detail the adaptations that may contribute to the effectiveness of educational processes. Moreover, it discusses the pedagogical, methodological, didactic, and evaluative aspects of the change in education. The article also proposes some guidelines for learning on both synchronous and asynchronous platforms. The trends associated with these changes are analyzed in order to offer a perspective on education in the post-pandemic world.
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    Analysis of psychometric properties and validation of the Personal Learning Environments Questionnaire (B-PLE) in higher education students
    (Sustainability, 2021)
    Carrasco-Sáez, José
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    We are living through a cultural transition, characterized by technological disruption and the erosion of the modern ideology, which are redefining the behavior of citizens in their physical and digital spaces. Virtuality emerges as a new human dimension, making it necessary to rethink social and educational paradigms for a new two-dimensional citizen. In this context, the psychometric features and validation procedure of an instrument (B-PLE) for analyzing Personal Learning Environments (PLE) in students of higher education institutions in the Biobío Region of Chile are described. There were four phases to the validation method: (i) content validity, as determined by six experts in education and ICT; (ii) pilot test, with a non-probabilistic sample of 327 subjects; (iii) principal components analysis (PCA); and (iv) confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results of the dimensional analysis made it possible to define the structure of the new instrument, explaining 72% of the total variance. The reliability analysis yielded an alpha coefficient of 0.92. The confirmatory factor analysis showed fit indexes that support the proposed theoretical model. In conclusion, the instrument was composed of three latent variables: Open learning (OL), with six questions, Information management (IM), with two questions, and Knowledge creation and transfer (KCT), with three questions.
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    Cambios en la autopercepción tecnológica de los docentes en contexto de pandemia
    (Texto Livre, 2022) ;
    Rivera-Robles, Susan
    Salcedo-Lagos, Pedro
    Fernández-Chávez, Carolina
    Este estudio relaciona los cambios en la autopercepción de los docentes en contexto de pandemia con las necesidades curriculares sugeridas desde el Ministerio de Educación de Chile. El objetivo fue analizar los objetivos de las priorizaciones curriculares y el grado de autovaloración sobre la integración de las tecnologías de profesores en contexto de prepandemia y pandemia. El estudio tuvo un carácter analítico, interpretativo y comparativo. Se seleccionaron 178 docentes, se les aplicó un cuestionario TPACK en diciembre de 2020 y enero de 2021, además se seleccionaron cuatro asignaturas para realizar nubes de palabras a partir de sus objetivos priorizados. Se analizaron los resultados de forma descriptiva, comparativa con otra muestra tomada en 2018 y entre otros grupos demográficos. Los resultados revelaron diferencias significativas en varios componentes del TPACK (TK, PK, PCK, TCK y TPK) de los docentes. Se concluye que los docentes en contexto de pandemia se auto perciben con mayor conocimiento tecnológico, pero menor conocimiento pedagógico y de contenido que los docentes en contexto de prepandemia, no coincidiendo con las necesidades curriculares en este periodo, donde se necesita mayor manejo de contenido y pedagógico para contextualizar el aprendizaje
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    Valoración del desempeño docente de estudiantes en formación inicial tras participar en simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas en un mundo virtual
    (Campus Virtuales, 2023) ;
    Sandoval-Henríquez, Francisco
    El Mundo Virtual (MV) ha ganado prominencia teórica en el ámbito educativo dada sus múltiples ventajas; sin embargo, en la práctica, su integración a procesos de Formación Inicial Docente (FID) sigue siendo poco estudiada. Esta investigación de diseño pre-experimental tiene por objetivo analizar el efecto de simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas en un MV sobre la valoración de desempeños pedagógicos de estudiantes en FID. Participaron 140 estudiantes chilenos de programas de pedagogía en una intervención educativa que constó de seis sesiones de 90 minutos durante un período de dos meses durante la pandemia. Se administró un instrumento de autorreporte, como pre y post test, para la valoración de desempeños pedagógicos. Los hallazgos reportan un efecto positivo de las simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas sobre el desempeño docente, como también, una mayor valoración por parte de estudiantes de cursos superiores en comparación a estudiantes de cursos inferiores. Se concluye que el MV refuerza competencias pedagógicas, disciplinares y tecnológicas de los futuros profesores, y proporciona un espacio de simulación de prácticas efectivas en un contexto seguro ante las condiciones actuales por COVID-19.
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    Modelos predictivos basados en uso deanalíticas de aprendizaje en educación superior: Una revisión sistemática
    (Texto Livre, 2021)
    Mella Norambuena, Javier
    López Angulo, Yaranay
    Los métodos tradicionales de predicción del riesgo académico en ocasiones presentan limitaciones para laidentificación oportuna, por otro lado, las Analíticas de Aprendizaje presentan ciertas ventajas. El objetivode este estudio fue analizar características de los modelos predictivos basados en analíticas de aprendizaje enEducación Superior. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de las bases Web of Science, Scopus y Eric usando laspalabras clave ”analítica de aprendizaje” y ”predicción”. Se seleccionaron 12 investigaciones que cumplieroncon los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados indicaron que el 100% de los estudios buscaron predecir el rendi-miento académico, se incluyen variables de analíticas, sociodemográficas y sociocognitivas como predictoras.El sistema de gestión de aprendizaje más usado fue Moodle de cursosblended learningy online. Los estudiosse desarrollaron principalmente en Europa; las muestras fueron de hasta 500 participantes de Ingeniería y Tec-nología. El tipo de análisis más frecuente fue regresión en software R y SPSS. La mayoría logró un modelo depredicción grande (R2 > .30). Se concluye que la construcción actual de modelos de predicción de abandonouniversitario posee importantes limitaciones.
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    Measuring engagement to academic tasks: Design and validation of the Comp-TA questionnaire
    (Education Research International, 2022)
    Yévenes Márquez, Justine
    Sandoval Henríquez, Francisco
    This study analyzes the psychometric properties of the engagement to academic tasks (Comp-TA) questionnaire. Rigorous criteria were considered in its design and validation, such as theoretical review, expert judgment, pilot test, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The instrument was administered face-to-face and in remote modality to a convenience sample of 563 high-school students from schools in Concepción, Chile. The analyses showed a latent structure with a good fit to the data, consisting of 15 items that underlie the factors of academic engagement: behavioral, cognitive, and affective. The reliability analysis yielded an internal consistency of.92 according to the ordinal alpha. Guidelines for its use to deepen the educational process of high-school students are argued
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    Experiential learning as Learner Centered Approach (LCA) in english language classroom
    (Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020) ;
    Philominra, Andrew
    Arrellano, Rodrigo
    English language has been enjoying a privileged status in India and occupies a vital place not only in the lives of people but also in Education. English stretches out and expands in all walks of life, from consumer packing to popular magazines, and has a great influence on economic development. Despite the importance of English, the reality of this language in India has not reached the heights of international standards. Efforts to make learners more competent in English language communication are a reality yet to be achieved as revealed in several studies. The current study proposes experience, which is a basis of fundamental and natural learning available to everyone that can be utilized towards the learning of the language by students. In addition, the language teachers are invited to recognize the in-built capacity of the experience in students to foster their learning process. This article, an exploratory study through a quantitative method was carried out among a group of students, in several schools, in the city of Chennai. The results revealed the significance and the utility of Experiential learning, as one such engaging method based on Learner Centered Approach to the learning of English as a second language