Dra. Badilla-Quintana, María Graciela
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Dra. Badilla-Quintana, María Graciela
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Badilla Quintana, María Graciela
32 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationStudy of reference frames of 21st century skills: An ecosystemic model to guide educational innovation processesLas habilidades para el siglo XXI son un grupo de habilidades cognitivas, sociales, emocionales y digitales que ayudarán a los estudiantes de hoy a enfrentar los desafíos y problemas que surgirán cuando sean ciudadanos de la sociedad del conocimiento. Este artículo compara marcos referenciales de habilidades para el siglo XXI y propone un modelo eco-sistémico de habilidades y un marco de referencia que sintetiza la diversidad existente desde y para un contexto Latinoamericano. Sobre la base de una metodología de casos y un análisis descriptivo comparativo se evidenciaron concordancias, discrepancias e incongruencias entre los diferentes marcos consultados. Se creó un modelo teórico eco-sistémico que recategoriza diversas dimensiones, redefine y ordena un conjunto de habilidades otorgando sustento teórico para los procesos de innovación educativa en Latinoamérica y Chile.
- PublicationRubricApp: Adaptation and validation of a Rubric to evaluate the pedagogical value of Mobile Educational ApplicationsEn la actualidad, la educación remota ha sido una gran oportunidad para garantizar la continuidad de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes y las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) se sitúan como la mejor opción para asegurarlos. Desde esta perspectiva, el aprendizaje móvil y las aplicaciones educativas han facilitado la tarea de muchos profesores que preparan clases a distancia. El desafío radica en la selección de recursos que cuenten con valor pedagógico y promuevan el aprendizaje esperado. Este artículo se propone como objetivos: a) reportar la adaptación y validación de una rúbrica que permita apreciar el valor educativo de las aplicaciones móviles, la cual logra un alfa de Cronbach, α = .783; b) informar los resultados del estudio piloto, los cuales permiten contar con un instrumento denominado RubricApp, que se estructura en 10 indicadores y 3 dimensiones:valor pedagógico, diseño, y participación y motivación.
- PublicationValoración del desempeño docente de estudiantes en formación inicial tras participar en simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas en un mundo virtualEl Mundo Virtual (MV) ha ganado prominencia teórica en el ámbito educativo dada sus múltiples ventajas; sin embargo, en la práctica, su integración a procesos de Formación Inicial Docente (FID) sigue siendo poco estudiada. Esta investigación de diseño pre-experimental tiene por objetivo analizar el efecto de simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas en un MV sobre la valoración de desempeños pedagógicos de estudiantes en FID. Participaron 140 estudiantes chilenos de programas de pedagogía en una intervención educativa que constó de seis sesiones de 90 minutos durante un período de dos meses durante la pandemia. Se administró un instrumento de autorreporte, como pre y post test, para la valoración de desempeños pedagógicos. Los hallazgos reportan un efecto positivo de las simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas sobre el desempeño docente, como también, una mayor valoración por parte de estudiantes de cursos superiores en comparación a estudiantes de cursos inferiores. Se concluye que el MV refuerza competencias pedagógicas, disciplinares y tecnológicas de los futuros profesores, y proporciona un espacio de simulación de prácticas efectivas en un contexto seguro ante las condiciones actuales por COVID-19.
- PublicationModelos predictivos basados en uso deanalíticas de aprendizaje en educación superior: Una revisión sistemáticaLos métodos tradicionales de predicción del riesgo académico en ocasiones presentan limitaciones para laidentificación oportuna, por otro lado, las Analíticas de Aprendizaje presentan ciertas ventajas. El objetivode este estudio fue analizar características de los modelos predictivos basados en analíticas de aprendizaje enEducación Superior. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de las bases Web of Science, Scopus y Eric usando laspalabras clave ”analítica de aprendizaje” y ”predicción”. Se seleccionaron 12 investigaciones que cumplieroncon los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados indicaron que el 100% de los estudios buscaron predecir el rendi-miento académico, se incluyen variables de analíticas, sociodemográficas y sociocognitivas como predictoras.El sistema de gestión de aprendizaje más usado fue Moodle de cursosblended learningy online. Los estudiosse desarrollaron principalmente en Europa; las muestras fueron de hasta 500 participantes de Ingeniería y Tec-nología. El tipo de análisis más frecuente fue regresión en software R y SPSS. La mayoría logró un modelo depredicción grande (R2 > .30). Se concluye que la construcción actual de modelos de predicción de abandonouniversitario posee importantes limitaciones.
- PublicationAnalysis of psychometric properties and validation of the Personal Learning Environments Questionnaire (B-PLE) in higher education students(Sustainability, 2021)
;Carrasco-Sáez, José; ; We are living through a cultural transition, characterized by technological disruption and the erosion of the modern ideology, which are redefining the behavior of citizens in their physical and digital spaces. Virtuality emerges as a new human dimension, making it necessary to rethink social and educational paradigms for a new two-dimensional citizen. In this context, the psychometric features and validation procedure of an instrument (B-PLE) for analyzing Personal Learning Environments (PLE) in students of higher education institutions in the Biobío Region of Chile are described. There were four phases to the validation method: (i) content validity, as determined by six experts in education and ICT; (ii) pilot test, with a non-probabilistic sample of 327 subjects; (iii) principal components analysis (PCA); and (iv) confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results of the dimensional analysis made it possible to define the structure of the new instrument, explaining 72% of the total variance. The reliability analysis yielded an alpha coefficient of 0.92. The confirmatory factor analysis showed fit indexes that support the proposed theoretical model. In conclusion, the instrument was composed of three latent variables: Open learning (OL), with six questions, Information management (IM), with two questions, and Knowledge creation and transfer (KCT), with three questions. - PublicationThe intercultural dialog in the shape of testimony between womanDans cet article, on explore les caractéristiques assumées par les personnes qui participent au pacte communicatif sous forme de témoignage, en recherchant à la fois, au sein du sujet de la subalternité dans le postmodernisme, le problème éthique de la représentation des marginaux et celui de l’énonciation. L’examen du rôle appartenant à l’intellectuel qui parle pour remplacer l’autre, soulève la question suivante : est-il légitime que la voix du subalterne soit représentée par le discours d’un étranger ? Cela amène la deuxième question : quelle est la responsabilité de l’intellectuel dans la construction du sujet subalterne du postmodernisme?
- PublicationQuality assurance for postgraduate programs: Design of a model applied on a University in Chile(International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2017)
; ; ; ;Meyer-Aguilera, EduardoSepúlveda-Valenzuela,EileenThe quality of Education in Chile is a controversial topic that has been in the public debate in the last several years. To ensure quality in graduate programs, accreditation is compulsory. The current article presents a model to improve the process of self-regulation. The main objective was to design a Model of Quality Assurance for Postgraduate Programs in order to constitute a theoretical, mathematical, and informatics reference that would optimize the processes of self-regulation, self-evaluation, and accreditation of master and doctorate programs from the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile. This descriptive research is based on a mixed methods approach. The proposal was intended through theoretical and empirical references related to the accreditation systems. The analysis process was conducted with key informants, and the informatics instrument was created and validated through expert judgment. After the analysis, the model was optimized considering the expert’s suggestions. As a result of the optimization process, a matrix of eight dimensions was obtained and it is available online in order to be used by the heads of postgraduate programs. Finally, a model with four main stages was achieved in order to install a self-regulation and a self-evaluated culture that leads to accreditation as evidence of the quality of postgraduate programs. - PublicationThe TPACK model to prepare and evaluate lesson plans. An experience with pre-service teachers using social networks and digital resourcesIt is essential to understand and manage technology for pre-service teachers in order to propose methodological, educational and assessment strategies that allow them to innovate and respond adequately to the demands of the educational system. The objective is to identify the elements that pre-service teachers use in learning situations for the production of digital educational resources created to teach using social networks through the TPACK rubric. This research was developed focused on a quantitative methodology and a descriptive design. The sample was formed by 32 pre-service teachers who attend an Information and Communication Technology Course in 2014, at the Faculty of Education, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Main results obtained from the analysis of three educational resources (blog, Prezi and cartoons) indicate that they possess a low level of integration of curricular objectives and technologies; however, results show that students have a high level to select the technological resources in the design of didactic activities. It can be concluded that incorporation of the TPACK model, positively helps pre-service students to know how to integrate the teaching resources in an innovative way. It enables the achievement of an adequate articulation of technology in teaching and learning.
- PublicationExperiential learning as Learner Centered Approach (LCA) in english language classroom(Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020)
; ;Philominra, Andrew ;Arrellano, RodrigoRanjeeva,RanjanEnglish language has been enjoying a privileged status in India and occupies a vital place not only in the lives of people but also in Education. English stretches out and expands in all walks of life, from consumer packing to popular magazines, and has a great influence on economic development. Despite the importance of English, the reality of this language in India has not reached the heights of international standards. Efforts to make learners more competent in English language communication are a reality yet to be achieved as revealed in several studies. The current study proposes experience, which is a basis of fundamental and natural learning available to everyone that can be utilized towards the learning of the language by students. In addition, the language teachers are invited to recognize the in-built capacity of the experience in students to foster their learning process. This article, an exploratory study through a quantitative method was carried out among a group of students, in several schools, in the city of Chennai. The results revealed the significance and the utility of Experiential learning, as one such engaging method based on Learner Centered Approach to the learning of English as a second language - PublicationICT resources to improve learning in higher education(International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 2016)
; Basso-Aranguiz, Matilde SusanaThis article seeks to provide a view on the process of curricular integration of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in higher education, throughout the submission of proposals of how to use some of these resources, with practical examples of its implementation in the learning process of students in subjects from the Initial Teacher Training and Geological Civil Engineering major at the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción in Chile. Furthermore, the innovative and educational experiences mediated by ICT, described in this paper, allow us to visualize the important role that institutions of higher education play, not only in the training of future professionals making an emphasis on the digital skills necessary for their development in the XXI century, but also as suitable spaces for development and ongoing training of teachers with innovative methodological strategies that facilitate and enhance the educational process.