Dr. Ulloa-Díaz, David
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Dr. Ulloa-Díaz, David
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Ulloa Díaz, David Leonardo
5 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationEffects of different tonic, isometric and isometric/vibratory strength training programs on motor symptomatology in people with Parkinson’s disease: Study protocol for a randomized trial(MDPI, 2024)
; ;Andrades-Ramírez, Oscar ;Guede-Rojas, Francisco ;Araya-Sierralta, Sergio ;Muñoz-Bustos, Gustavo ;Arroyo-Jofré, PatricioChirosa-Ríos, Luis-JavierBackground: The Chilean population has experienced increased longevity in recent decades, leading to an increased incidence of and mortality from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is a chronic degenerative condition that affects the central nervous system. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of 12-week programs of tonic, isometric, and isometric/vibratory muscular strength training while controlling the manipulation of the intensity variable on motor and non-motor symptomatology in PD patients. The secondary objective is to assess the levels of muscular strength in PD patients and their relationship with motor and non-motor symptomatology. Methods: A parallel-group, randomized trial will randomly assign (n = 34) people of both sexes with Parkinson’s disease between stages I–III Hoehn and Yahr (H&Y), aged between 50 and 70 years to one of the experimental groups, in which they will undergo a total of 24 strength training sessions during 12 weeks. During the intervention period, the participants will be advised not to undertake additional exercise programs, to avoid substances that may disrupt metabolism and circadian cycles, and to maintain their medication regimen. The primary or motor evaluation of rest tremor will be performed with an accelerometer (Actigraphy), balance with the Mini-BESTest balance test, gait speed with the Ten Meters Walk Test, and non-motor symptomatology through anxiety, depression (MDS-UPDRS), and quality of life (PDQ-39) questionnaires. The Secondary evaluation of muscle strength will be performed with a functional electromechanical dynamometer. Discussion: Established as a hypothesis is that manipulating intensity variables in 12-week tonic, isometric, and isometric/vibratory muscle strength training programs has an effect on motor and non-motor symptomatology in people with Parkinson’s disease. The research will establish the extent to which controlled muscular strength training has an effect on relevant factors related to motor and non-motor symptomatology. - PublicationEffects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Blood Pressure Levels in Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials(MDPI, 2024)
;Romero-Vera, Luis; ;Araya-Sierralta, Sergio ;Guede-Rojas, Francisco ;Andrades-Ramírez, Oscar ;Carvajal-Parodi, Claudio ;Muñoz-Bustos, Gustavo ;Matamala-Aguilera, MaríaMartínez-García, DaríoObjective: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to (I) evaluate the evidence on the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in hypertensive patients; (II) determine whether HIIT impacts SBP and DBP differently; and (III) assess the clinical relevance of these effects. Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted across multiple electronic databases, resulting in the inclusion of seven randomized clinical trials in the meta-analysis. The outcomes were analyzed using random-effects models to compute mean differences (MD) and standardized mean differences (SMD) for SBP and DBP. Results: A small reduction in SBP was observed with HIIT interventions (MD −3.00; 95% CI −4.61 to −1.39; p < 0.0001; SMD −0.28; 95% CI −0.42 to −0.13; p = 0.0003). However, no statistically significant reductions were detected for DBP (MD −0.70; 95% CI −1.80 to 0.39; p = 0.21; SMD −0.07; 95% CI −0.22 to 0.08; p = 0.35). Despite demonstrating statistical significance for SBP, the effects did not reach clinical relevance. Conclusions: HIIT interventions yield small reductions in SBP, with minimal impact on DBP. These findings suggest limited clinical relevance in the management of hypertension. Further randomized controlled trials are necessary to standardize HIIT protocols, with specific emphasis on intensity control and manipulation, to better understand their potential role in hypertensive populations. - PublicationAnthropometric characteristics and functional fitness of Chilean community-dwelling older adults(Nutrición Hospitalaria, 2017)
; ;Guede-Rojas, Francisco ;Javier-Chirosa, Luis ;Fuentealba, Sergio ;Vergara, César ;Salazar, Sergio ;Márquez, HéctorBarboza, PaolaIntroduction: Anthropometry and functional fitness (FF) are fundamental aspects for functional independence conservation of older adults (OA). However, little has been investigated in chilean OA. Objective: To analyze anthropometric and FF characteristics of non-disabled OA. Methods: One hundred and sixteen subjects participated in the study. It was determined the prevalence of weight categories (Body Mass Index [BMI]) and cardiometabolic risk (CMR) (Waist Circumference [WC], Waist-Hip Ratio [WHR] and Waist-to-Height ratio [WHtR]). Additionally, "under the norm" physical performance and performance standards (Senior Fitness Test Battery [SFT]). Anthropometric and FF differences were analyzed according sex and age categories. Results: A total of 63.8% and 73.5% of men and women respectively were overweight. The highest prevalence of CMR was obtained through WHtR and the tests with the highest prevalence of low performance were 2-minute step Test and Back scratch Test. The performance standard was reached in 29.7% and 17.3%, in men and women respectively. Men presented greater height, WHR, strength and aerobic capacity. Women had greater hip circumference, BMI, WHtR and flexibility. These results tends to be maintained in the analyzes according age categories. Conclusions: The studied sample presented a high prevalence of overweight, CMR and low physical performance especially in women. Due its low cost and complexity, it is proposed that integral evaluation of anthropometric and FF parameters should be implemented in primary care programs aimed to preserving functionality of OA. - PublicationEffect of muscle strength at different intensities on resting energy expenditure(2017)
; ;Barboza-González, Paola ;Chirosa-Ríos, Luis Javier ;Chirosa-Ríos, Ignacio ;Fuentealba-Urra, Sergio ;Guede-Rojas, Francisco ;Mardones-Herrera, SebastiánRebolledo-Torres, EstebanIntroduction: the regular practice of physical exercise is an important modulator of resting energy expenditure (REE), which depending on the intensity, duration, and type of exercise can increase the REE in an acute manner as well as long term. The effects of dynamic muscular strength exercises on the REE have been treated very little in literature. Objective: compare the effect of muscle strength exercise (MSE) at different intensities on the REE in young males. Methods: Intra-group design. Fourteen subjects aged 22,5±1,5 0,05) after the exercise at 40%RM. The REEpost 24h was maintained according to the REEpre when the intensity was 80%RM. Conclusion: The REEpost exercise is independent of the intensity of the exercise and only is maintained after 24 hours when the MSE is at a high intensity - PublicationAssociation between physical fitness parameters and health related quality of life in Chilean community-dwelling older adults(Revista médica de Chile, 2017)
; ; ;Guede-Rojas, Francisco ;Chirosa-Ríos, Luis ;Fuentealba-Urra, Sergio ;Vergara-Ríos, César ;Campos-Jara, ChristianBarbosa-González, PaolaBackground: There is no conclusive evidence about the association between physical fitness (PF) and health related quality of life (HRQOL) in older adults. Aim: To seek for an association between PF and HRQOL in non-disabled community-dwelling Chilean older adults. Material and Methods: One hundred and sixteen subjects participated in the study. PF was assessed using the Senior Fitness Test (SFT) and hand grip strength (HGS). HRQOL was assessed using eight dimensions provided by the SF-12v2 questionnaire. Binary multivariate logistic regression models were carried out considering the potential influence of confounder variables. Results: Non-adjusted models, indicated that subjects with better performance in arm curl test (ACT) were more likely to score higher on vitality dimension (OR > 1) and those with higher HGS were more likely to score higher on physical functioning, bodily pain, vitality and mental health (OR > 1). The adjusted models consistently showed that ACT and HGS predicted a favorable perception of vitality and mental health dimensions respectively (OR > 1). Conclusions: HGS and ACT have a predictive value for certain dimensions of HRQOL.