Dr. Caucao-Paillán, Sergio
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Dr. Caucao-Paillán, Sergio
Nombre completo
Caucao Paillán, Sergio Andrés
2 results
Research Outputs
Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
- PublicationA multipoint stress-flux mixed finite element method for the Stokes-Biot modelIn this paper we present and analyze a fully-mixed formulation for the coupled problem arising in the interaction between a free fluid and a poroelastic medium. The flows in the free fluid and poroelastic regions are governed by the Stokes and Biot equations, respectively, and the transmission conditions are given by mass conservation, balance of stresses, and the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman law. We apply dual-mixed formulations in both domains, where the symmetry of the Stokes and poroelastic stress tensors is imposed by setting the vorticity and structure rotation tensors as auxiliary unknowns. In turn, since the transmission conditions become essential, they are imposed weakly by introducing the traces of the fluid velocity, structure velocity, and the poroelastic media pressure on the interface as the associated Lagrange multipliers. The existence and uniqueness of a solution are established for the continuous weak formulation, as well as a semidiscrete continuous-in-time formulation with non-matching grids, together with the corresponding stability bounds. In addition, we develop a new multipoint stress-flux mixed finite element method by involving the vertex quadrature rule, which allows for local elimination of the stresses, rotations, and Darcy fluxes. Well-posedness and error analysis with corresponding rates of convergence for the fully-discrete scheme are complemented by several numerical experiments.
- PublicationResidual-based a posteriori error analysis for the coupling of the Navier–Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer equations(EDP Sciences, 2021)
; ;Gatica, Gabriel ;Oyarzúa, RicardoSandoval, FelipeIn this paper we consider a mixed variational formulation that have been recently proposed for the coupling of the Navier–Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer equations, and derive, though in a non-standard sense, a reliable and efficient residual-baseda posteriorierror estimator suitable for an adaptive mesh-refinement method. For the reliability estimate, which holds with respect to the square root of the error estimator, we make use of the inf-sup condition and the strict monotonicity of the operators involved, a suitable Helmholtz decomposition in non-standard Banach spaces in the porous medium, local approximation properties of the Clément interpolant and Raviart–Thomas operator, and a smallness assumption on the data. In turn, inverse inequalities, the localization technique based on triangle-bubble and edge-bubble functions in localLpspaces, are the main tools for developing the efficiency analysis, which is valid for the error estimator itself up to a suitable additional error term. Finally, several numerical results confirming the properties of the estimator and illustrating the performance of the associated adaptive algorithm are reported.