Research Outputs

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Huella plantar y posturometría en estudiantes de Educación Física en edad escolar

2023, Gómez-Ríos, Yeferson, Londoño-Castro, Yovanny Arley, Vallejo-Osorio, Ayda Natalia, Fuentes-García, Juan Pedro, Poblete-Valderrama, Felipe, Flores Rivera, Carol, Monterrosa-Quintero, Armando

La huella plantar y la postura corporal son variables importantes por considerar en el desarrollo físico y motriz en poblaciones escolares, por lo que se planteó el objetivo de analizar la relación entre la huella plantar y la postura corporal en estudiantes de educación física en edades escolares. El número de participantes fue de 33 escolares subdivididos en 2 grupos: niñas (42,5%) y niños (57,5%). Para la evaluación postural fue utilizado el método Portland State University (PSU) y para la huella plantar el Índice de Hernández Corvo (IHC). Los principales hallazgos fueron el 10% de la población posee pie plano, se encontró diferencias significativas en cuanto a la postura donde el género femenino tuvieron mayores valores, acercándose al valor ideal 85%. Se encontró una correlación moderada significativa (r=0,46; p≤0,05) entre el IMC y la cintura escapular. En conclusión, no hubo correlaciones significativas entre el método PSU y el IHC, posiblemente a la subjetividad del método PSU. El estudio soporta y aconseja la práctica de actividad física como factor importante en la prevención del pie plano y desvíos posturales

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Impact of social and physical factors on psychological well-being under covid-19 lockdown in taekwondo athletes: A cross-sectional study

2023, Monterrosa-Quintero, Armando, De la Rosa, Adrián, Báez San-Martin, Eduardo, Fuentes-García, Juan Pedro, Poblete-Valderrama, Felipe, Setiawan, Edi, Ojeda-Aravena, Alex

In sports and taekwondo in particular, it is of interest to understand the impact of sociodemographic and physical factors of athletes during this period, as well as their impact on psychological health. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between physical activity levels, demographic factors, and psychological well-being during the COVID-19 lockdown in Taekwondo athletes. Seventy-eight male Taekwondo athletes (35 ± 14.6 years) at national and international levels participated in an online survey during the COVID-19 Lockdown period in September 2020. The factors analyzed included expertise, socioeconomic status, education, and physical ac-tivity levels. The main findings of this study indicated that university education level was significantly associated with both well-being and lower distress (χ2 = 7.0; p = 0.03). Similarly, athletes with a moderate level of physical activity showed a significant association with their state of well-being (χ2 = 7.0; p = 0.03) and absence of distress (χ2 = 10.5; p = 0.00). However, no significant associations were found between technical level and age category with well-being or distress. Our findings showed that the lockdown negatively affected both total physical activity levels and psychological well-being in Colombian Taekwondo Athletes. A higher educational level allows for a greater understanding of the situations presented during the pandemic, and the level of physical activity is a determinant of the mental health of athletes.