Semi-simple enlargement of the bms3 algebra from a so(2, 2) ⊕ so(2, 1) Chern-Simons theory
Springer Nature
In this work we present a BMS-like ansatz for a Chern-Simons theory based on the semi-simple enlargement of the Poincaré symmetry, also known as AdS-Lorentz algebra. We start by showing that this ansatz is general enough to contain all the relevant stationary solutions of this theory and provides with suitable boundary conditions for the corresponding gauge connection. We find an explicit realization of the asymptotic symmetry at null infinity, which defines a semi-simple enlargement of the bms3 algebra and turns out to be isomorphic to three copies of the Virasoro algebra. The flat limit of the theory is discussed at the level of the action, field equations, solutions and asymptotic symmetry.
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Semi-simple enlargement of the bms3 algebra from a so(2, 2) ⊕ so(2, 1) Chern-Simons theory.pdf
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Conformal and W symmetry
Space-Time symmetries
Gauge-gravity correspondence
Classical theories of gravity