Three-dimensional non-relativistic Hietarinta supergravity
Springer Nature
In this work we present the non-relativistic regime of the Hietarinta gravity theory and its extension to supergravity. At the bosonic level, we derive the non-relativistic version of the Hietarinta model by employing a contraction process and addressing the non-degeneracy of the invariant metric. To incorporate supersymmetry, we apply the Lie algebra expansion method to obtain the non-relativistic formulation of N=2 Hietarinta supergravity. Our results reveal that the non-relativistic Hietarinta theory encompasses the extended Bargmann (super)gravity as a special case, yet it differs significantly from other existing non-relativistic (super)gravity models. Furthermore, we generalize our analysis to include a cosmological constant term in the non-relativistic Hietarinta (super)gravity action and examine its effects on the torsion structure.
Three-dimensional non-relativistic Hietarinta supergravity.pdf
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