Inönü–Wigner contraction and D = 2 + 1 supergravity
We present a generalization of the standard Inönü–Wigner contraction by rescaling not only the generators of a Lie superalgebra but also the arbitrary constants appearing in the components of the invariant tensor. The procedure presented here allows one to obtain explicitly the Chern–Simons supergravity action of a contracted superalgebra. In particular we show that the Poincaré limit can be performed to a D = 2 + 1 (p, q) AdS Chern–Simons supergravity in presence of the exotic form. We also construct a new three-dimensional(2, 0) Maxwell Chern–Simons supergravity theory as a particular limit of (2, 0) AdS–Lorentz supergravity theory. The generalization for N = p+q gravitinos is also considered.
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