Water injection system for aquaculture (WISA)
Intellectual property
Solicitud de Patente
Principal investigator
MSc. Katherine Llancaleo Sánchez
The technology consists of a system for the injection of water into hydrobiological resource culture tanks. It allows effectively, efficiently, and in a minimal amount of time, to mix the water entering the tank, homogenize the quality of the water inside the tank, and facilitate its self-cleaning. Water Injection System for Aquaculture can be adjusted to modify the thrust force, direction, and dissolved oxygen supply. In addition, it uses software that allows predicting the effects of the system on the variables of circular velocity and mixing time inside the tanks.
It can be used in hydrobiological resource culture tans, where it is required to favour the mixing, homogenization and self-cleaning of the tank
Homogenizes the quality of the water that enters into the culture tanks.
The adjustment of the Water Injection System for Aquaculture allows to regulate the circular velocity inside the tanks, the flow that moves, and the entering of dissolved oxygen, optimizing the fluid dynamic conditions inside the tank.
The possibility of changing the direction and speed of the water jet coming out of the Water Injection System for Aquaculture allows avoiding a negative effect on the fish, adjusting to the size, state of development and swimming capacity of the fish.
It improves horizontal and vertical fish distribution by optimizing water quality within the tank. This means that water treatment and conditioning systems can be smaller in size, use less space, and less energy.
The rapid renewal of the mixture and homogenization of the water improves the quality of life and the development of species in cultivation. This avoids prolonged exposure to sub-lethal levels of concentration of some of the water quality variables, such as: nitrogen compounds, carbon dioxide, and dissolved oxygen, among others.
La posibilidad de cambiar la dirección y la velocidad del chorro de agua que sale del Sistema de Inyección de Agua para Acuicultura permite evitar un efecto negativo en los peces, ajustándose al tamaño, estado de desarrollo y capacidad de nado de los mismos.
Technological Offer
Technology is available for licensing.
Development status
TRL 4, ya que se han desarrollado prototipos funcionales probados a nivel de laboratorio. Específicamente, las pruebas se han realizado en estanques de 1,2 y 2,6 m de diámetro en las instalaciones del Laboratorio Húmedo de la UCSC.
TRL 4, since functional prototypes have been developed and tested at the laboratory level. Specifically, the tests have been carried out in tank of 1.2 and 2.6 m in diameter at the UCSC Wet Lab facilities.