Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Publication
    Certification of a non-projective qudit measurement using multiport beamsplitters
    (Nature Physics, 2023)
    Martínez, Daniel
    Gómez, Esteban
    Pereira, Luciano
    Delgado, Aldo
    Walborn, Stephen
    Tavakoli, Armin
    Lima, Gustavo
    The most common form of measurement in quantum mechanics projects a wavefunction onto orthogonal states that correspond to definite outcomes. However, generalized quantum measurements that do not fully project quantum states are possible and have an important role in quantum information tasks. Unfortunately, it is difficult to certify that an experiment harvests the advantages made possible by generalized measurements, especially beyond the simplest two-level qubit system. Here we show that multiport beamsplitters allow for the robust realization of high-quality generalized measurements in higher-dimensional systems with more than two levels. Using multicore optical fibre technology, we implement a seven-outcome generalized measurement in a four-dimensional Hilbert space with a fidelity of 99.7%. We present a practical quantum communication task and demonstrate a success rate that cannot be simulated in any conceivable quantum protocol based on standard projective measurements on quantum messages of the same dimension. Our approach, which is compatible with modern photonic platforms, showcases an avenue for faithful and high-quality implementation of genuinely non-projective quantum measurements beyond qubit systems.
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    All-in-Fiber dynamically reconfigurable orbital angular momentum mode sorting
    (American Chemical Society Photonics, 2023)
    Alarcón, Alvaro
    Gómez, Santiago
    Spegel-Lexne, Daniel
    Argillander, Joakim
    Cañas, Gustavo
    Lima, Gustavo
    B. Xavier, Guilherme
    The orbital angular momentum (OAM) spatial degree of freedom of light has been widely explored in many applications, including telecommunications, quantum information, and light-based micromanipulation. The ability to separate and distinguish between the different transverse spatial modes is called mode sorting or mode demultiplexing, and it is essential to recover the encoded information in such applications. An ideal d mode sorter should be able to faithfully distinguish between the different d spatial modes, with minimal losses, and have d outputs and fast response times. All previous mode sorters rely on bulk optical elements, such as spatial light modulators, which cannot be quickly tuned and have additional losses if they are to be integrated with optical fiber systems. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate, to the best of our knowledge, the first all-in-fiber method for OAM mode sorting with ultrafast dynamic reconfigurability. Our scheme first decomposes the OAM mode in-fiber-optical linearly polarized (LP) modes and then interferometrically recombines them to determine the topological charge, thus correctly sorting the OAM mode. In addition, our setup can also be used to perform ultrafast routing of the OAM modes. These results show a novel and fiber-integrated form of optical spatial mode sorting that can be readily used for many new applications in classical and quantum information processing.
  • Publication
    Characterization of topography hidden under paint by means of qualitative algorithms robust to the number of frames and non-uniform illumination
    (Elsevier, 2022) ;
    Baradit, E.
    Avendaño, M.
    Cañas, G.
    Yañez, M.
    Trivi, M.
    The use of qualitative algorithms in images with dynamic speckle allows generating a three-dimensional intensity map, which correlates with the sample activity. Samples in an evaporation state will present temporary mobility related to their volume, which allows characterizing their topography. However, the quality of the topographic characterization depends on the illumination profile and the number of images or frames used. In this paper, a review of various qualitative processing algorithms is carried out in order to evaluate their robustness to the number of frames and their dependence on the beam profile, evaluating the characterization of topography hidden by a layer of paint in process of drying. We use an aluminum structure with perforations of different diameters and depths as a sample. Among the algorithms used, we highlight the results obtained by the normalized DJC method, which characterizes the topography of our sample with a correlation of 0.98 and presents stability to the number of frames used. Thus, with these results we validate the use of dynamic speckle in the characterization of a surface covered with paint.
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    Post-Measurement adjustment of the coincidence window in quantum optics experiments
    (IEEE Access, 2021) ;
    Gomez, Santiago A.
    Obregon, Giannini F.
    Gomez, Esteban S.
    Figueroa, Miguel
    Lima, Gustavo
    Xavier, Guilherme
    We report on an electronic coincidence detection circuit for quantum photonic applications implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), which records each the time separation between detection events coming from single-photon detectors. We achieve a coincidence window as narrow as 500 ps with a series of optimizations on a readily-available and affordable FPGA development board. Our implementation allows real-time visualization of coincidence measurements for multiple coincidence window widths simultaneously. To demonstrate the advantage of our high-resolution visualization, we certified the generation of polarized entangled photons by collecting data from multiple coincidence windows with minimal accidental counts, obtaining a violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) Bell inequality by more than 338 standard deviations. Our results have shown the applicability of our electronic design in the field of quantum information.
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    Maximizing quantum discord from interference in multi-port fiber beamsplitters
    (Springer Nature Limited, 2021) ;
    Asan-Srain, M.
    Lima, G.
    Walborn, S.
    Fourth-order interference is an information processing primitive for photonic quantum technologies, as it forms the basis of photonic controlled-logic gates, entangling measurements, and can be used to produce quantum correlations. Here, using classical weak coherent states as inputs, we study fourth-order interference in 4 × 4 multi-port beam splitters built within multi-core optical fibers, and show that quantum correlations, in the form of geometric quantum discord, can be controlled and maximized by adjusting the intensity ratio between the two inputs. Though these states are separable, they maximize the geometric discord in some instances, and can be a resource for protocols such as remote state preparation. This should contribute to the exploitation of quantum correlations in future telecommunication networks, in particular in those that exploit spatially structured fibers.
  • Publication
    Self-testing mutually unbiased bases in higher dimensions with space-division multiplexing optical fiber technology
    (American Physical Society, 2021) ;
    Farkas, Máté
    Guerrero, Nayda
    Cañas, Gustavo
    Lima, Gustavo
    In the device-independent quantum-information approach, the implementation of a given task can be self-tested solely from the recorded statistics and without detailed models for the employed devices. Even though experimentally demanding, it provides appealing verification schemes for advanced quantum technologies that naturally fulfil the associated requirements. In this work, we experimentally study whether self-testing protocols can be adopted to certify the proper functioning of quantum devices built with modern space-division multiplexing optical fiber technology. Specifically, we consider the prepare-and-measure protocol of Farkas and Kaniewski [Phys. Rev. A 99, 032316 (2019)] for self-testing measurements corresponding to mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in a dimension 𝑑>2. In our scheme, the state preparation and measurement stages are implemented using a multiarm interferometer built with multicore optical fibers and related components. Due to the high overlap of the interferometer’s optical modes achieved with this technology, we are able to reach the required visibilities for self-testing the implementation of two four-dimensional MUBs. We also quantify two operational quantities of the measurements: (i) the incompatibility robustness, connected to Bell violations, and (ii) the randomness extractable from the outcomes. Since MUBs lie at the core of several quantum-information protocols, our results are of practical interest for future quantum works relying on space-division multiplexing optical fibers.
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    Computational advantage from the quantum superposition of multiple temporal orders of photonic gates
    (American Physical Society, 2021)
    Taddei, Márcio M.
    Martínez, Daniel
    García, Tania
    Guerrero, Nayda
    Abbott, Alastair A.
    Araújo, Mateus
    Branciard, Cyril
    Gómez, Esteban S.
    Walborn, Stephen P.
    Aolita, Leandro
    Lima, Gustavo
    Models for quantum computation with circuit connections subject to the quantum superposition principle have recently been proposed. In them, a control quantum system can coherently determine the order in which a target quantum system undergoes N gate operations. This process, known as the quantum N-switch, is a resource for several information-processing tasks. In particular, it provides a computational advantage—over fixed-gate-order quantum circuits—for phase-estimation problems involving N unknown unitary gates. However, the corresponding algorithm requires an experimentally unfeasible target-system dimension (super)exponential in N. Here, we introduce a promise problem for which the quantum N-switch gives an equivalent computational speedup with target-system dimension as small as 2 regardless of N. We use state-of-the-art multicore optical-fiber technology to experimentally demonstrate the quantum N-switch with N = 4 gates acting on a photonic-polarization qubit. This is the first observation of a quantum superposition of more than N = 2 temporal orders, demonstrating its usefulness for efficient phase estimation.
  • Publication
    Quantum randomness protected against detection loophole attacks
    (Springer Nature, 2021) ;
    Mironowicz, Piotr
    Cañas, Gustavo
    Gómez, Esteban
    Barra, Johanna
    Cabello, Adán
    Xavier, Guilherme
    Lima, Gustavo
    Pawłowski, Marcin
    Device and semi-device-independent private quantum randomness generators are crucial for applications requiring private randomness. However, they are vulnerable to detection inefficiency attacks and this limits severely their usage for practical purposes. Here, we present a method for protecting semi-device-independent private quantum randomness generators in prepare-and-measure scenarios against detection inefficiency attacks. The key idea is the introduction of a blocking device that adds failures in the communication between the preparation and measurement devices. We prove that, for any detection efficiency, there is a blocking rate that provides protection against these attacks. We experimentally demonstrate the generation of private randomness using weak coherent states and standard avalanche photo-detectors.
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    Polarization-independent single-photon switch based on a fiber-optical Sagnac interferometer for quantum communication networks
    (Optica Publishing Group, 2020) ;
    Alarcón, A.
    González, P.
    Lima, G.
    Xavier, G.
    An essential component of future quantum networks is an optical switch capable of dynamically routing single photons. Here we implement such a switch, based on a fiber-optical Sagnac interferometer design. The routing is implemented with a pair of fast electro-optical telecom phase modulators placed inside the Sagnac loop, such that each modulator acts on an orthogonal polarization component of the single photons, in order to yield polarization-independent capability that is crucial for several applications. We obtain an average extinction ratio of more than 19 dB between both outputs of the switch. Our experiment is built exclusively with commercial off-the-shelf components, thus allowing direct compatibility with current optical communication systems.