Dr. Barrios-Faúndez, Tomás
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Dr. Barrios-Faúndez, Tomás
Nombre completo
Barrios Faúndez, Tomás Patricio
16 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationAn a posteriori error analysis for an augmented discontinuous Galerkin method applied to Stokes problemThis paper deals with the a posteriori error analysis for an augmented mixed discontinuous formulation for the stationary Stokes problem. By considering an appropriate auxiliary problem, we derive an a posteriori error estimator. We prove that this estimator is reliable and locally efficient, and consists of just five residual terms. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical properties of the augmented discontinuous scheme as well as of the estimator. They also show the capability of the corresponding adaptive algorithm to localize the singularities and the large stress regions of the solution.
- PublicationA note on a posteriori error analysis for dual mixed methods with mixed boundary conditions(Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2023)
; ;Bustinza, RommelCampos, CamilaIn this article, we give a description of a technique to develop an a posteriori error estimator for the dual mixed methods, when applied to elliptic partial differential equations with non homogeneous mixed boundary conditions. The approach considers conforming finite elements for the discrete scheme, and a quasi-Helmholtz decomposition result to obtain a residual a posteriori error estimator. After applying first a homogenization technique (for the Neumann boundary condition), we derive an a posteriori error estimator, which looks to be expensive to compute. This motivates the derivation of another a posteriori error estimator, that is fully computable. As a consequence, we establish the equivalence between the latter a posteriori error estimator and the natural norm of the error, that is, we prove the reliability and local efficiency of the aforementioned estimator. Finally, we report numerical examples showing the good properties of the estimator, in agreement with the theoretical results of this work. - PublicationNumerical analysis of a stabilized scheme applied to incompressible elasticity problems with Dirichlet and with mixed boundary conditionsWe analyze a new stabilized dual-mixed method applied to incompressible linear elasticity problems, considering two kinds of data on the boundary of the domain: non homogeneous Dirichlet and mixed boundary conditions. In this approach, we circumvent the standard use of the rotation to impose weakly the symmetry of stress tensor. We prove that the new variational formulation and the corresponding Galerkin scheme are well-posed. We also provide the rate of convergence when each row of the stress is approximated by Raviart-Thomas elements and the displacement is approximated by continuous piecewise polynomials. Moreover, we derive a residual a posteriori error estimator for each situation. The corresponding analysis is quite different, depending on the type of boundary conditions. For known displacement on the whole boundary, we based our analysis on Ritz projection of the error, which requires a suitable quasi-Helmholtz decomposition of functions living in H (div; Ω). As a result, we obtain a simple a posteriori error estimator, which consists of five residual terms, and results to be reliable and locally efficient. On the other hand, when we consider mixed boundary conditions, these tools are not necessary. Then, we are able to develop an a posteriori error analysis, which provides us of an estimator consisting of three residual terms. In addition, we prove that in general this estimator is reliable, and when the traction datum is piecewise polynomial, locally efficient. In the second situation, we propose a numerical procedure to compute the numerical approximation, at a reasonable cost. Finally, we include several numerical experiments that illustrate the performance of the corresponding adaptive algorithm for each problem, and support its use in practice.
- PublicationAn a posteriori error estimator for a non homogeneous Dirichlet problem considering a dual mixed formulation(Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022)
; ;Bustinza, R.Campos, C.In this paper, we describe an a posteriori error analysis for a conforming dual mixed scheme of the Poisson problem with non homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. As a result, we obtain an a posteriori error estimator, which is proven to be reliable and locally efficient with respect to the usual norm on H(div;Omega) x L^2(Omega). We remark that the analysis relies on the standard Ritz projection of the error, and take into account a kind of a quasi-Helmholtz decomposition of functions in H(div;Omega), which we have established in this work. Finally, we present one numerical example that validates the well behavior of our estimator, being able to identify the numerical singularities when they exist. - PublicationAn a posteriori error estimate for a dual mixed method applied to Stokes system with non-null source terms(Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2021)
; ; Bustinza, RommelIn this work, we focus our attention in the Stokes flow with nonhomogeneous source terms, formulated in dual mixed form. For the sake of completeness, we begin recalling the corresponding well-posedness at continuous and discrete levels. After that, and with the help of a kind of a quasi-Helmholtz decomposition of functions in H (div), we develop a residual type a posteriori error analysis, deducing an estimator that is reliable and locally efficient. Finally, we provide numerical experiments, which confirm our theoretical results on the a posteriori error estimator and illustrate the performance of the corresponding adaptive algorithm, supporting its use in practice. - PublicationOn an adaptive stabilized mixed finite element method for the Oseen problem with mixed boundary conditionsWe consider the Oseen problem with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on a part of the boundary and a Neumann type boundary condition on the remaining part. Suitable least squares terms that arise from the constitutive law, the momentum equation and the Dirichlet boundary condition are added to a dual-mixed formulation based on the pseudostress-velocity variables. We prove that the new augmented variational formulation and the corresponding Galerkin scheme are well-posed, and a Céa estimate holds for any finite element subspaces. We also provide the rate of convergence when each row of the pseudostress is approximated by Raviart–Thomas elements and the velocity is approximated by continuous piecewise polynomials. We develop an a posteriori error analysis based on a Helmholtz-type decomposition, and derive a posteriori error indicators that consist of two residual terms per element except on those elements with a side on the Dirichlet boundary, where they both have two additional terms. We prove that these a posteriori error indicators are reliable and locally efficient. Finally, we provide several numerical experiments that support the theoretical results.
- PublicationAn a-priori error analysis for discontinuous Lagrangian finite elements applied to nonconforming dual-mixed formulations: Poisson and stokes problems(ETNA - Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2020)
; Bustinza, RommelIn this paper, we discuss the well-posedness of a mixed discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme for the Poisson and Stokes problems in 2D, considering only piecewise Lagrangian finite elements. The complication here lies in the fact that the classical Babuška-Brezzi theory is difficult to verify for low-order finite elements, so we proceed in a non-standard way. First, we prove uniqueness, and then we apply a discrete version of Fredholm's alternative theorem to ensure existence. The a-priori error analysis is done by introducing suitable projections of the exact solution. As a result, we prove that the method is convergent, and, under standard additional regularity assumptions on the exact solution, the optimal rate of convergence of the method is guaranteed. - PublicationA stabilized mixed method applied to Stokes system with nonhomogeneous source terms: The stationary case Dedicated to Prof. R. Rodríguez, on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis article is concerned with the Stokes system with nonhomogeneous source terms and nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. First, we reformulate the problem in its dual mixed form, and then, we study its corresponding well‐posedness. Next, in order to circumvent the well‐known Babuška‐Brezzi condition, we analyze a stabilized formulation of the resulting approach. Additionally, we endow the scheme with an a posteriori error estimator that is reliable and efficient. Finally, we provide numerical experiments that illustrate the performance of the corresponding adaptive algorithm and support its use in practice.
- PublicationNew a posteriori error estimator for an stabilized mixed method applied to incompressible fluid flows(Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019)
; ; González, MaríaWe consider an augmented mixed finite element method for incompressible fluid flows and develop a simple a posteriori error analysis. We obtain an a posteriori error estimator that is reliable and locally efficient. We provide numerical experiments that illustrate the performance of the corresponding adaptive algorithm and support its use in practice. - PublicationA posteriori error analysis of an augmented dual-mixed method in linear elasticity with mixed boundary conditions(International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 2019)
; ; González, MaríaWe consider the augmented mixed finite element method introduced in [7] for the equations of plane linear elasticity with mixed boundary conditions. We develop an a posteriori error analysis based on the Ritz projection of the error and obtain an a posteriori error estimator that is reliable and efficient, but that involves a non-local term. Then, introducing an auxiliary function, we derive fully local reliable a posteriori error estimates that are locally efficient up to the elements that touch the Neumann boundary. We provide numerical experiments that illustrate the performance of the corresponding adaptive algorithm and support its use in practice.