Dr. Lizana-Fuentes, Ricardo
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Dr. Lizana-Fuentes, Ricardo
Nombre completo
Lizana Fuentes, Ricardo Andres
6 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationModulation and control of Series/Parallel Module for ripple-current reduction in star-configured split-battery applications(IEEE, 2020)
; ;Li, Zhongxi ;Yu, Zhujun ;Sha, Sha ;Peterchev, AngelGoetz, StefanSplit-battery converters based on cascaded H-bridges (CHBs) are gaining popularity due to their excellent physical modularity. During operation, however, the batteries experience substantial current ripple. Conventional ripple-current reduction methods rely on bulky passive components or complicated control. This article presents modulation and common-mode voltage injection methods for cascaded double-H-bridge converters (CHB 2). The control methods directly mitigate the source of the ripple current—the fluctuating arm power—by exploiting the parallel interconnection across the CHB 2 arms. In the lab setup, the proposed solution approximately halves the battery current ripple compared to the CHB counterpart. Finally, this article studies component sizing and limitations of the proposed solution. - PublicationPartial-power converter topology of type II for efficient electric vehicle fast charging(IEEE, 2022)
; ;Rivera, Sebastian ;Rojas, Julian ;Kouro, Samir ;Lehn, Peter ;Renaudineau, HuguesDragicevic, TomislavThe increasing power levels handled by electric vehicle (EV) dc fast chargers will impose additional challenges to the switching devices in order to cope with the efficiency requirements. A cost-effective alternative to achieve highly efficient power conversion is through the partial-power conversion concept. This article validates the advantages of a step-down Type II partial-power converter (PPC), based on the phase-shifted full-bridge converter, for EV fast chargers. By exploiting the reduced voltage range of an EV battery pack along with the reduced power ratio for a Type II PPC, an extremely efficient charging process can be achieved. The concept is validated with the development of a 7-kW demonstrator, and hence, realistic efficiency measurements are obtained. Results indicate the effectiveness of charging a battery by merely handling 13.32% of the power provided to it, with a peak efficiency of 99.11%. - PublicationHybrid energy storage system based on a multioutput multilevel converter(IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2023)
; ;Rivera, Sebastian ;Figueroa, Fidel ;Flores-Bahamonde, Freddy ;Rodriguez, JoseGoetz, StefanEnergy storage systems (ESSs) allow improving the stability and efficiency of the electrical grids with a high penetration of renewable energy sources. Moreover, the use of Hybrid ESSs (HESSs) enables storage solutions with both high-energy and high-power densities, by combining different storage technologies such as diverse battery chemistries, ultracapacitors, or hydrogen fuel cells to name a few. In this article, an HESS-based multioutput multilevel (MOM) converter is presented. The proposed topology enables decoupled control of each ac converter voltage output. The internal switching states further allow the use of different storage units and high-quality multilevel voltage in each ac output. The mathematical model of the proposed topology and the defined operation region of the system, besides a model-predictive control strategy, are developed. Finally, simulation and experimental results validate the performance of the proposed topology. - PublicationElectric vehicle charging infrastructure: From grid to battery(IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2021)
;Rivera, Sebastian ;Kouro, Samir ;Vazquez, Sergio ;Goetz, Stefan M.; Romero-Cadaval, EnriqueElectrification has been a key component of technological progress and economic development since the industrial revolution. It has improved living conditions, spurred innovation, and increased efficiency across all sectors of our economy and all aspects of our lives. During the coming decades, electrification is expected to reach further and deeper into the transportation, building, and industry sectors, mainly motivated by the energy transition to a zero-carbonemission-based economy to mitigate climate change. - PublicationBipolar DC Power Conversion: State-of-the-Art and emerging technologies(IEEE, 2021)
;Rivera, SebastiĂ¡n; ;Kouro, Samir ;Dragicevic, TomislavWu, BinThis article provides a detailed analysis of the power electronics solutions enabling bipolar dc grids. The bipolar dc grid concept has proven to be more efficient, flexible, and higher in quality than the conventional unipolar one. However, despite its many features, these systems still have to overcome their issues with asymmetrical loading to avoid voltage imbalances, besides meeting regulatory and safety requirements that are still under development. Advances in power electronics and the large-scale deployment of dc consumer appliances have put this growing architecture in the spotlight, as it has drawn the attention of different research groups recently. The following provides an insightful discussion regarding the topologies that enable these architectures and their regulatory requirements, besides their features and level of development. In addition, some future trends and challenges in the further development of this technology are discussed to motivate future contributions that address open problems and explore new possibilities. - PublicationModular multilevel Series/Parallel converter for bipolar DC distribution and transmission(IEEE, 2021)
; ;Rivera, Sebastian ;Li, Zhongxi ;Dekka, Apparao ;Rosenthal, Luis ;Bahamonde, Hans ;Peterchev, AngelGoetz, StefanThis article proposes a novel bipolar-type dc system suitable for both distribution and transmission systems based on modular multilevel series/parallel converters (MMSPCs). The system features decoupled operations of each pole of the bipolar system, being able to operate in both asymmetrical and regenerative modes. This enables two independent dc systems by using a single grid-tied converter. The MMSPC is based on a three-switch cell configuration and enables a simple balancing mechanism in combination with a wide range of output voltage frequencies. The simple balancing mechanism is the key to enable the dc operation and lead to simpler scalability for different voltage levels. Theoretical studies and experimental results are provided to verify and characterize the proposed system.