Partial-power converter topology of type II for efficient electric vehicle fast charging
Rivera, Sebastian
Rojas, Julian
Kouro, Samir
Lehn, Peter
Renaudineau, Hugues
Dragicevic, Tomislav
The increasing power levels handled by electric vehicle (EV) dc fast chargers will impose additional challenges to the switching devices in order to cope with the efficiency requirements. A cost-effective alternative to achieve highly efficient power conversion is through the partial-power conversion concept. This article validates the advantages of a step-down Type II partial-power converter (PPC), based on the phase-shifted full-bridge converter, for EV fast chargers. By exploiting the reduced voltage range of an EV battery pack along with the reduced power ratio for a Type II PPC, an extremely efficient charging process can be achieved. The concept is validated with the development of a 7-kW demonstrator, and hence, realistic efficiency measurements are obtained. Results indicate the effectiveness of charging a battery by merely handling 13.32% of the power provided to it, with a peak efficiency of 99.11%.
Battery charging
dc-dc power conversion
Fast charger
High efficiency
Partial-power converters (PPCs)