Mg. Correa-Pérez, Roxanna
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Mg. Correa-Pérez, Roxanna
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Correa Pérez, Roxanna Carolina
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Research Outputs
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- PublicationComentários Escritos em Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso Escritos em Espanhol como Primeira Língua e em Inglês como Língua Estrangeira(Signum: Estudos da Linguagem, 2021)
; ; This study examines written comments of nonnative-speaking teachers of English and native-speaking teachers of Spanish on undergraduate theses of nonnative-speaking students of English and native-speaking students of Spanish. The aim of the study was to analyze the characteristics of the feedback provided applying the categories of corrective and genre oriented types of comments, and to study whether these types of comments vary through the thesis drafts. This is a descriptive qualitative study with quantitative aspects and an exploratory scope. The material was collected from the dialogic cycle of receiving and providing feedback during the students’ thesis writing process. 1241 written comments were analyzed. The results showed that genre comments were more abundant in theses written in Spanish than in those written in English. However, Spanish teachers also provided more corrective comments than English teachers did. - PublicationWritten Comments on Undergraduate Theses Written in Spanish as a First Language and English as a Foreign Language(Universidade Estadual de Londrina, 2021)
; ; This study examines written comments of nonnative-speaking teachers of English and native-speaking teachers of Spanish on undergraduate theses of nonnative-speaking students of English and native-speaking students of Spanish. The aim of the study was to analyze the characteristics of the feedback provided applying the categories of corrective and genre oriented types of comments, and to study whether these types of comments vary through the thesis drafts. This is a descriptive qualitative study with quantitative aspects and an exploratory scope. The material was collected from the dialogic cycle of receiving and providing feedback during the students’ thesis writing process. 1241 written comments were analyzed. The results showed that genre comments were more abundant in theses written in Spanish than in those written in English. However, Spanish teachers also provided more corrective comments than English teachers did. - PublicationStudents’ decisions about the teacher’s types of written feedback on short stories in EnglishThis study examines feedback provided by an English teacher to Chilean secondary student texts, in the context of writing short stories collaboratively in an English as a foreign language class. The study aimed to analyze students’ decisions about the teacher’s types of feedback on their short stories. For this investigation, and under the context of qualitative research, there were analyzed 6 consecutive drafts of the students’ short stories, of a public high school in Chile. This is a qualitative research with an action research design. The data collected was analyzed using Straub and Lunsford (1995) categories to describe the impact of the teacher’s written feedback on students’ decisions. In terms of students’ decisions, participant students adopted most of the teacher’s comments. The student’s texts evidenced progress, but still, regardless the feedback provided, they presented some grammatical and organizational issues.
- PublicationWritten comments role in the thesis development from undergaduate students and supervisor teachers' perspective(Universitas Psychologica, 2016)
; ; Diversos estudios han caracterizado la tesis como producto escrito. Sin embargo, es necesario avanzar en el conocimiento de cómo se gesta gradualmente dicho género académico. Con este propósito, en este artículo presentamos una investigación fenomenológica sobre el rol de los comentarios escritos en el proceso de elaboración de la tesis. El estudio se basó en entrevistas en profundidad a 5 directores de tesis y 6 estudiantes tesistas de carreras de Pedagogía pertenecientes a dos universidades de la ciudad de Concepción (Chile). El análisis revela que los comentarios del docente forman parte de un circuito de retroalimentación de carácter dialógico orientado a que el escrito de los estudiantes se ajuste al género tesis, lo que es valorado por todos los participantes.