Research Outputs

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    Uso del feedback correctivo indirecto metalingĆ¼Ć­stico y su efecto en la adquisiciĆ³n de aspectos gramaticales en estudiantes de pedagogĆ­a en inglĆ©s de una universidad chilena
    (Universidad de Costa Rica, 2019) ;
    Fuica, Marƭa AngƩlica
    SƔez SƔez, Lorena
    El presente artĆ­culo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer los resultados de un estudio enfocado en el impacto del feedback correctivo indirecto metalingĆ¼Ć­stico en la adquisiciĆ³n de aspectos gramaticales en inglĆ©s. El diseƱo de la investigaciĆ³n correspondiĆ³ a un preexperimento, cuya muestra fue constituida por 20 estudiantes de tercer aƱo dun programa de formaciĆ³n de profesorado de inglĆ©s de una universidad chilena. El tratamiento consistiĆ³ en la producciĆ³n de cuatro ensayos argumentativos breves y la provisiĆ³n de feedback correctivo indirecto sobre los errores gramaticales encontrados en cada uno de ellos. DespuĆ©s de la provisiĆ³n de feedback, el estudiantado corregĆ­a sus errores y escribĆ­an un nuevo texto. Al comienzo y al final del tratamiento, se aplicĆ³ un test para observar si hubo una reducciĆ³n en el nĆŗmero de errores gramaticales despuĆ©s de la intervenciĆ³n. Los resultados muestran que hubo una reducciĆ³n estadĆ­sticamente significativa en el nĆŗmero de errores gramaticales despuĆ©s del tratamiento.
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    Chilean gradersā€™ behaviors and perceptions of a foreign language reschooling program towards verbal feedback on pronunciation
    (Revista ElectrĆ³nica Educare, 2019) ;
    Calisto-Miranda, SebastiƔn
    This research study aims to provide graders of an EFL reschooling program with individual verbal feedback and analyze their behaviors and perceptions towards the intervention. This study follows an action research design conducted during three sessions in which 28 secondary school students had a dialogue with the teacher who commented on their pronunciation issues and provided with strategies in order to help them deal successfully with pronunciation issues. A field note and a semi-structured interview were used to collect data. The field note was used during the dialogue to observe studentsā€™ behavior towards the feedback the semi-structured interview was implemented after the intervention in order to describe their perceptions towards the methodology and its effect on their learning process. Thematic analysis was used to identify certain patterns of meanings the analysis showed findings leading to the conclusion that students felt more comfortable when facing speaking activities because of the practice and repetition during the individual verbal feedback stage. Future studies could include peer feedback, because this verbal feedback may be enhanced if students work in pairs. This type of strategy may favor discussion and clarification of doubts.