Research Outputs

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    TOI-674b: An oasis in the desert of exo-Neptunes transiting a nearby M dwarf
    (EDP Sciences, 2021) ;
    Murgas, F.
    Bonfils, X.
    Crossfield, I.
    Almenara, J.
    Livingston, J.
    Stassun, K.
    Korth, J.
    Orell-Miquel, J.
    Morello, G.
    Eastman, J.
    Lissauer, J.
    Kane, S.
    Morales, F.
    Werner, M.
    Gorjian, V.
    Benneke, B.
    Dragomir, D.
    Matthews, E.
    Howell, S.
    Ciardi, D.
    Gonzales, E.
    Matson, R.
    Beichman, C.
    Schlieder, J.
    Collins, K.
    Collins, K.
    Jensen, E.
    Evans, P.
    Pozuelos, F.
    Gillon, M.
    Jehin, E.
    Barkaoui, K.
    Artigau, E.
    Bouchy, F.
    Charbonneau, D.
    Delfosse, X.
    Díaz, R.
    Doyon, R.
    Figueira, P.
    Forveille, T.
    Lovis, C.
    Melo, C.
    Gaisné, G.
    Pepe, F.
    Santos, N.
    Ségransan, D.
    Udry, S.
    Goeke, R.
    Levine, A.
    Quintana, E.
    Guerrero, N.
    Mireles, I.
    Caldwell, D.
    Tenenbaum, P.
    Brasseur, C.
    Ricker, G.
    Vanderspek, R.
    Latham, D.
    Seager, S.
    Winn, J.
    Jenkins, J.
    Context. The NASA mission TESS is currently doing an all-sky survey from space to detect transiting planets around bright stars. As part of the validation process, the most promising planet candidates need to be confirmed and characterized using follow-up observations. Aims. In this article, our aim is to confirm the planetary nature of the transiting planet candidate TOI-674b using spectroscopic and photometric observations. Methods. We use TESS, Spitzer, ground-based light curves, and HARPS spectrograph radial velocity measurements to establish the physical properties of the transiting exoplanet candidate TOI-674b. We perform a joint fit of the light curves and radial velocity time series to measure the mass, radius, and orbital parameters of the candidate. Results. We confirm and characterize TOI-674b, a low-density super-Neptune transiting a nearby M dwarf. The host star (TIC 158588995, V = 14.2 mag, J = 10.3 mag) is characterized by its M2V spectral type with M⋆ = 0.420 ± 0.010 M⊙, R⋆ = 0.420 ± 0.013 R⊙, and Teff = 3514 ± 57 K; it is located at a distance d = 46.16 ± 0.03 pc. Combining the available transit light curves plus radial velocity measurements and jointly fitting a circular orbit model, we find an orbital period of 1.977143 ± 3 × 10−6 days, a planetary radius of 5.25 ± 0.17 R⊕, and a mass of 23.6 ± 3.3 M⊕ implying a mean density of ρp =0.91 ± 0.15 g cm−3. A non-circular orbit model fit delivers similar planetary mass and radius values within the uncertainties. Given the measured planetary radius and mass, TOI-674b is one of the largest and most massive super-Neptune class planets discovered around an M-type star to date. It is found in the Neptunian desert, and is a promising candidate for atmospheric characterization using the James Webb Space Telescope.
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    Detailed stellar activity analysis and modelling of GJ 832. Reassessment of the putative habitable zone planet GJ 832c
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022)
    Gorrini, P.
    Dreizler, S.
    Damasso, M.
    Díaz, R. F.
    Bonfils, X.
    Jeffers, S. V.
    Barnes, J. R.
    Del Sordo, F.
    Almenara, J.-M.
    Artigau, E.
    Bouchy, F.
    Charbonneau, D.
    Delfosse, X.
    Doyon, R.
    Figueira, P.
    Forveille, T.
    Haswell, C. A.
    López-González, M. J.
    Melo, C.
    Mennickent, R. E.
    Gaisné, G.
    Morales, N.
    Murgas, F.
    Pepe, F.
    Rodríguez, E.
    Santos, N. C.
    Tal-Or, L.
    Tsapras, Y.
    Udry, S.
    Context. Gliese-832 (GJ 832) is an M2V star hosting a massive planet on a decade-long orbit, GJ 832b, discovered by radial velocity (RV). Later, a super Earth or mini-Neptune orbiting within the stellar habitable zone was reported (GJ 832c). The recently determined stellar rotation period (45.7±9.3 days) is close to the orbital period of putative planet c (35.68±0.03 days). Aims. Weaimtoconfirmor dismiss the planetary nature of the RV signature attributed to GJ 832c, by adding 119 new RV data points, new photometric data, and an analysis of the spectroscopic stellar activity indicators. Additionally, we update the orbital parameters of the planetary system and search for additional signals. Methods. We performed a frequency content analysis of the RVs to search for periodic and stable signals. Radial velocity time series were modelled with Keplerians and Gaussian process (GP) regressions alongside activity indicators to subsequently compare them within a Bayesian framework. Results. We updated the stellar rotational period of GJ 832 from activity indicators, obtaining 37.5 +1.4 −1.5 days, improving the precision by a factor of 6. The new photometric data are in agreement with this value. We detected an RV signal near 18 days (FAP < 4.6%), which is half of the stellar rotation period. Two Keplerians alone fail at modelling GJ 832b and a second planet with a 35-day orbital period. Moreover, the Bayesian evidence from the GP analysis of the RV data with simultaneous activity indices prefers a model without a second Keplerian, therefore negating the existence of planet c.