Ph.D. Arias-Moya, Jose
Research Outputs
Análisis y comparación de la norma contable local americana e internacional en el tratamiento de activos derivados
2015, Ph.D. Arias-Moya, Jose, Mg. Yañez-Andrades, Verena
El inminente desarrollo del mercado de derivados a nivel internacional, como asà mismo en el nuestro (volumen promedio de transacciones cercano a USD 2.000 millones, lo que representa un 43 % del volumen del mercado de contado) y el creciente interés de las empresas por cubrir sus riesgos financieros, motivó el desarrollo del presente documento en el cual se busca profundizar sobre el tratamiento contable de los activos derivados bajo las distintas normativas, enfocándonos básicamente en la clasificación, valoración, reconocimiento inicial y posterior de estos activos. Este documento analiza y compara el tratamiento contable y financiero de los activos derivados bajo distintas normas contables, entre ellas: la norma local chilena según los PCGA3, la norma americana, bajo los USGAAP y la norma europea basada en IFRS, con el objetivo de determinar las diferencias significativas en el tratamiento contable de los activos derivados. Para lograr este objetivo, se procedió a la revisión bibliográfica de textos relacionados con el tema de valoración de activos derivados, administración del riesgo y estrategia de cobertura, asà como el análisis de textos actualizados relacionados a las normas descritas, obteniendo como resultados preliminares algunas similitudes, como aquella en la cual todos los productos derivados deben reconocerse como activos y pasivos, en el balance de situación financiera, inicialmente a su valor razonable y algunas diferencias como las asociadas a los requerimientos formales en la contabilidad de coberturas, la revalorización de los activos derivados implÃcitos, los lÃmites de las coberturas, entre otras.
Bank liquidity and exposure to industry shocks: Evidence from Ukraine
2022, Ph.D. Arias-Moya, Jose, Talavera, Oleksandr, Tsapin, Andriy
This paper examines the link between bank liquidity and exposure to industry-level shocks. Using a unique dataset of borrower industry affiliations, we propose a new measure of industry-level shocks calculated at the bank level. We construct bank-specific loan portfolio weights for each industry and apply them to two industry-level indices. Our estimates reveal the negative link between bank liquidity and industry shocks. The sensitivity of liquidity to bank exposure is higher for more liquid, better capitalized, and smaller banks, which may be explained by their ability to displace funds, either for precautionary reasons or for loan financing.
The impact of ESG performance on the value of family firms: The moderating role of financial constraints and agency problems
2023, Espinosa-Méndez, Christian, Maquieira, Carlos, Arias-Moya, Jose
The main objective of this research is to shed more light on how ESG may be seen as a valuable investment for family firms. We study the impact of ESG performance on the value of family firms by considering the moderating role played by financial constraints and agency costs. Using an international sample of 254 firms that belong to the 500 largest family-owned firms worldwide over the period 2015–2021, we report that the overall ESG score is positively associated with firm value. Among the three ESG components, we find that environmental and social performances have a positive and statistically significant impact on firm value. However, we find no evidence of any significant effect of governance score on firm value. More importantly, we also find that the impact of ESG performance on firm value is lower under the presence of financial constraints and agency costs.
Do legal and institutional environments matter for banking system performance?
2020, Arias-Moya, Jose, Maquieira, Carlos, Jara, Mauricio
Using data on 52 countries’ banking systems from 2005 to 2014, we explore how the legal and institutional environment influences banking system performance. Using panel data and controlling for financial and economic development indicators, we find evidence of several relationships related to banking system performance. First, a higher degree of legal protection for both lenders and borrowers positively affects banking system performance. Second, there is a positive relationship between the degree of law enforcement and banking system performance. Third, better regulatory quality positively affects banking system performance. Fourth, neither the degree of information sharing nor the control of corruption has a significant effect on banking sector performance. Finally, we find no significant differences in banking sector performance by type of economy.