Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
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    The influence of emotion in the management of amateur football organizations
    (Frontiers in psychology, 2020) ; ;
    Prado Gasco, Vicente Javier
    Alguacil Jiménez, Mario
    This article is oriented to the analysis of organizational and emotional variables in amateur sporting organizations. The general objective is to analyze the influence of organizational variables such as service quality, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership and emotional variables such as affective commitment, emotional attachment investment, and emotional attachment dividend to predict the credibility that members of amateur sporting organizations perceive, as well as their degree of identification and loyalty. The opinions of 203 members of Chilean amateur football teams [169 men and 34 women, with ages between 18 and 68 years (mean = 32.75 years, DT = 9.92)] have been analyzed through a self-completed questionnaire. To reach the objectives, two types of differential but complementary analyses, in the form of hierarchical regression models (from hereon, HRMs) and qualitative comparative analysis (from hereon, QCA), were performed. The results obtained suggest that the organizational variables are better predictors than the emotional variables in all of the cases. In the same way, the inclusion of the emotional variables improves the predictive capacity of the proposed models to explain identification and loyalty, but not in the case of credibility. In general, the variables considered seem to explain 37% of the credibility, 56% of loyalty, and 65% of identification. On the other hand, considering the results of the QCA, no variable turned out to be necessary. However, different combinations of variables (conditions) were observed that were able to explain between 47 and 91% of the cases of the variables analyzed. In general, based on these results, it was observed that the emotional variables were important in interaction with other organizational ones since they are present in the three combinations that most explain identification and loyalty and are also present in the three combinations that most explain credibility. This study contributes to the literature by supporting the importance of managing emotions in order for sporting organizations to be more successful.
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    Entrepreneurship and risk-taking in a post-disaster scenario
    (International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal, 2020) ;
    Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel
    Ribeiro-Soriano, Domingo
    Family firms’ risk-taking behaviour is central to these firms’ ability to recover from major loses after a natural disaster. Natural disasters pose a threat to family firms’ continuity, a primary goal for this type of firm. Accordingly, it is necessary to understand how socioemotional wealth importance and entrepreneurial orientation interact to influence family firms’ ownership risk, performance hazard risk and control risk in a post-disaster scenario. Using a sample of family firms from the Bío-Bío region in Chile, which was devastated by a massive earthquake in 2010, we performed partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The PLS-SEM results partially support our hypotheses. The fsQCA results provide three, six and seven causal configurations that explain 34%, 67% and 72% of ownership risk, performance hazard risk and control risk, respectively. This article shows that the interaction between socioemotional wealth importance and entrepreneurial orientation is important to explain risk-taking behaviour by family firms in a post-disaster scenario.
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    Job-demand and family business resources in pandemic context: How they influence burnout and job satisfaction
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023) ;
    Ibáñez, María José
    Prado-Gascó, Vicente
    This research aims to explore how work demands and resource variables affect the burnout and satisfaction of employees of family businesses in the context of the pandemic (COVID-19) and the moderation effect of fear of COVID-19 on this relationship. A sample of 214 Chilean family business employees is used for hypotheses testing. Results indicate that the demands and resources partially explain the burnout and satisfaction of employees of family firms during the pandemic. Employees’ fear of COVID-19 moderates the relationship between resources-demands and burnout-job satisfaction in family firms. This work contributes to understanding how these organizations can manage adverse scenarios to survive and continue operations.
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    Is this a family business? Effectiveness of implementing family businesses branding strategies on a radio platform
    (Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2023) ;
    Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel
    Ibáñez-Caamaño, María José
    Farias-Nazel, Pablo
    Understanding how family firms can use their family image to their advantage in communication strategies is an opportunity for business continuity. This study identifies the effects of family hotels' corporate brand strategy through radio advertising on customer perceptions and attitudes using family image communication literature and radio advertising research. Online experiment using radio ads from these hotels and a survey of 1002 participants from Chile and Spain were conducted. The results suggest that strategies improving the firm's ability to communicate the family image results in better consumer response in terms of expectation, perceived quality, visit intention, and willingness to pay more. We conclude that radio ads are an effective channel for communicating family firm images. Managers can take advantage of monetizing the benefits of family firm images through radio ads.
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    How much do network support and managerial skills affect women’s entrepreneurial success? The overlooked role of country economic development
    (Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2021) ;
    Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel
    Welsh, Dianne H.B.
    Kaciak, Eugene
    The success of women-owned businesses with regard to the stages of economic development of countries is under-examined on a global basis. This study explores the relationship between country economic and political contexts and assesses the importance of entrepreneurs’ networks and managerial skills on women’s entrepreneurial success. The research uses data from 22 countries chosen from multi-dimensional country context constructs (i.e., select economic and political factors) and measures both family and external moral and financial support and managerial skills. The results show that stock (managerial skill) and flow (family and non-family support) differentially influence women’s entrepreneurial success in countries at varying levels of competitive development. In particular, the results confirm the positive influence of managerial skills and family moral and financial support on women’s entrepreneurial success (based on annual income) in countries at a higher level of competitive development and confirm their negative influence in countries at a lower level of competitive growth. Moreover, the results reveal influences of non-family financial support (positive for highly competitive countries) on income but not nonfamily moral support. Public policy implications are discussed.
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    Personalized service and brand equity in family business: A dyadic investigation
    (Journal of Small Business Strategy, 2021) ;
    Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel
    Velasco Vizcaino, Franklin
    Lanchimba, Cintya
    Family business owners are crucial in building personal relationships with customers and in supporting marketing strategies that aim to develop brand equity for the firm. Through the lenses of job demands-resources theory, this research examines how family business owners’ time in servicing customers produces a chain of positive and negative effects that ultimately impacts brand equity. Because family businesses depend heavily on owners’ motivation and ability to multitask, their effort in dedicating time to serve consumers is limited and is expected to produce work overload. This burden harms the effectiveness in delivering personalized services to custom-ers. However, if family businesses nurture expressions of citizenship behaviors in employees, the negative effect of work overload on delivering personalized services is reduced. Therefore, collective organizational citizenship behavior will act as a buffer to limit the negative effects of owners’ job demands in delivering a personalized service. Collective organizational citizenship behavior is capable of energizing everyone in the family business, including family business owners, for them to continue to service customers in a person-alized way, and at the same time develop brand equity. Implications for family business strategies are discussed based on our findings
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    Roggendorf: The challenge of internationalization of a family enterprise
    (Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2020) ; ;
    Yañez Valdés, Claudia
    The case seeks to offer a tool to help students to integrate knowledge and develop analytical capabilities in the area of strategic management and internationalization of a family company. The case is developed for senior business students or MBA students, who should analyse if this family company should reconsider its strategy for entering the Chinese market. For that they can consult several articles that we recommend. Starting from the articles of Kuo, Kao, Chang and Chiu (2012) or Hollender, Zapkau and Schwens (2017), the students can argue for the Fariña-Roggendorf family the pros and cons of increasing family involvement and assigning responsibility to their son (or other family member) for developing their business in China vs insisting on strategic partners to support them in this enterprise. In the case that they decide develop their project themselves, the article by Li, He and Sousa (2017) sheds light for students to propose possible routes. In the case of suggesting the route of insisting with Chinese strategic partners, the article by De Massis, Frattini, Majocchi and Piscitello (2018) offers support for deciding between the option suggested by Isu Tsing vs the strategy implemented by the family up to now. This case study is designed for students to work in teams. The case is to be handed out a week before its reading. The teams should be made up beforehand and each team should bring a poster with the answers to the case questions.
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    Desarrollo de la actitud emprendedora: Estudio cualitativo de un modelo de formación universitaria
    (Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 2021) ; ;
    Yániz-Álvarez-De-Eulate, Concepción
    Desarrollar la actitud emprendedora, componente esencial de la competencia para innovar y emprender, es un objetivo importante de la orientación para el desarrollo profesional propio de la formación universitaria, y una contribución para impulsar el desarrollo económico y social. En esta investigación se estudian las variables principales para la formación de dicha actitud, utilizando un estudio exploratorio basado en un caso único de implementación de un programa universitario de formación de competencias en innovación y emprendimiento llevado a cabo con estudiantes de ingeniería, salud, ciencias sociales, ciencias y economía. Se analiza información proveniente de profesorado, coordinación del programa y estudiantes obtenida con entrevistas, cuestionarios y grupos focales, siguiendo un proceso inductivo-deductivo con ayuda del software MAXQDA12. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento del tema: (1) proponiendo la creación de un ecosistema de aprendizaje como el elemento más relevante en la formación de la actitud emprendedora, (2) identificando los elementos que componen dicho ecosistema (programa formativo, estudiantes y ecosistema de emprendimiento regional) y cómo interactúan, y (3) destacando el carácter sistémico del proceso que forma la actitud emprendedora. Como conclusión se observa que la implementación de este programa impulsa la orientación para el desarrollo profesional dentro de la universidad, y de esta con el entorno público y privado que dan forma a un ecosistema de emprendimiento, lo que contribuye con la comprensión del papel que pueden jugar las universidades en la orientación para el desarrollo profesional mediante procesos formativos en emprendimiento y el fortalecimiento de ecosistemas de emprendimiento regional.
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    An overview of sport entrepreneurship field: A bibliometric analysis of the articles published in the Web of Science
    (Sport in Society, 2020) ;
    Huertas González-Serrano, María
    Jones, Paul
    In the sport entrepreneurship field, bibliometric analysis and maps have not yet been used to analyze the production and to visualize the evolution and trends of this field. However, sport entrepreneurship is an emerging field of research where it is necessary to find methodological strategies for understanding the major research trends developing in this specific field. Therefore, the primary aim of this article is to perform a bibliometric analysis of sport entrepreneurship in the Web of Science Core CollectionTM. In total, 123 articles were published between 1968 and 2018 and written by 252 different authors from 189 institutions and 36 different countries. The evolution of these papers published by year, institution, country and journal was analyzed. Moreover, a co-occurrence analysis between authors, citations and keywords was performed, as was a thematic analysis. Finally, suggestions for future research to consolidate and develop this field with implications for researchers and policy makers are discussed.
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    Direct and indirect effects of SEWi, family human capital and social capital on organizational social capital in small family firms
    (Springer Nature, 2022) ; ;
    González-Serrano, María
    Given the importance of social capital in organizations, this research answers the question of how socioemotional wealth importance (SEWi), family human capital and family social capital influence organizational social capital in small family firms. Based on a sample of 334 small family businesses from the Biobío Region in Chile, a partial least squares structural equation modeling analysis (PLS-SEM) was performed. The results do not provide support for the predicted direct influence of family social capital on organizational social capital, but they support an indirect influence through SEWi and family human capital, both of which have a direct and positive influence on family firms’ organizational social capital. This means that SEWi and family human capital play a central role in generating organizational social capital in small family firms. It also suggests that both ability and willingness of family businesses play a role in allowing these firms to successfully transfer social capital from the family to the business system.