Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
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    A bibliometric overview of the International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
    (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2018) ;
    Cascón Katchadourian, Jesús
    Martínez, M.A.
    Herrera Viedma, Enrique
    M., José
    The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI) published its first issue ten years ago. Currently, IJIMAI is indexed in the important database Emerging Sources Citation Index. This paper aims to identify, through a mapping of science, those most relevant aspects of the structure of publications made during the first 10 years of IJIMAI. Using VOSviewer software, the structural maps of the IJIMAI publications are analysed according to techniques such as bibliographic coupling, co-citations and cooccurrence of keywords. In addition, the evolution of the publications, citations and an analysis of the most cited papers of the journal are presented. The results show that IJIMAI has experienced a remarkable growth of both publications and citations in the last five years. We also observe that IJIMAI does not only capture the attention of the Spanish scientific community, but also of emerging countries such as India and Iran and emerging Latin American countries such as Colombia. With a such increasing behaviour, it is expected in the coming years that IJIMAI will position itself among the best journals with similar scientific scope.
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    Board of director's gender diversity and its impact on earnings management: An empirical analysis for select European firms
    (Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019)
    Saona, Paolo
    Muro, Laura
    From a corporate governance point of view, this paper addresses the question about how board gender diversity influences managerial opportunistic behavior for solving agency conflicts from a sample of European countries. Specifically, we analyzed indexed non-financial companies from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom for the period 2006–2016. Several panel data techniques are used in the empirical analysis to deal with the endogeneity and heterogeneity problems. To the best of our knowledge our research is novel in the literature by providing a multi-country approach in board gender diversity, as well as considering contextual country variables and the role of the regulatory system as determinants of earnings management. Our results confirm the benefits of having a balanced board in terms of gender diversity. An equilibrated board tends to mitigate earnings management practices, reinforcing the value of the laws passed in recent decades in Europe. Our analysis reveals that the regulatory framework regarding board gender diversity established by each country has a determinant role in reaching equality in decision-making positions, as a founding value of the European Union. We provide several policy recommendations from our main findings.
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    An overview of sustainable entrepreneurship in tourism, destination, and hospitality research based on the Web of Science
    Sustainability, entrepreneurship and tourism, destination and hospitality research have attracted scholars’ attention for their relevance in bringing to fruition a future that links economic well-being with the environmental, cultural, and social sustainability of human beings. This article provides a bibliometric overview of the academic research where these topics intersect. To accomplish this, various bibliometric methods are implemented, which include a performance analysis and graphic mapping of the academic production in this specific topic. This research uses the Web of Science database to identify and classify the most preponderant investigations in the field and considers articles, authors, institutions, countries, and journals. To complete the performance analysis, a series of indicators, such as number of papers and number of citations, are used. Graphic visualization maps are produced using the co-citation and co-occurrence of keywords under the Visualization of Similarities—VOSviewer—software. The results show a growing concern for entrepreneurship in sustainable tourism development research, which is evidenced in the increasing number of studies during the last decade. Some influential research institutions and authors from countries including the USA, New Zealand, and Norway are found to be influential leaders in this topic. Additionally, the results show that journals from the area of hospitality, leisure, sport, and tourism are frontrunners in this subject.
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    International entrepreneurship: A bibliometric overview
    (International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2019) ;
    Merigó, José M.
    Amorós, José Ernesto
    Gaviria Marín, Magaly
    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the academic research on International Entrepreneurship (IE). To accomplish this, an exhaustive bibliometric analysis was carried out, involving a bibliometric performance analysis and a graphic mapping of the references in this field. Our analysis focuses on journals, papers, authors, institutions and countries. To perform the performance analysis, the work uses a series of bibliometric indicators such as h-index, productivity and citations. Furthermore, the VOS viewer to graphically map the bibliographic material is used. The graphical analysis uses co-citation, bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence of keywords. The results of both analyzes are consistent among them, and show that the USA is the most influential country in IE research as it houses the main authors and institutions in this research field. Moreover, is observed and expected the continued growth of the field globally. Our research plays an informative and complementary role as it presents most of the key aspects in International Entrepreneurship
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    Does triple helix collaboration matter for the early internationalisation of technology-based firms in emerging Economies?
    (Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021) ;
    Guerrero, Maribel
    Ernesto Amorós, José
    Firms’ early internationalisation (EI) is a complex process derived from uncertain market conditions, entrepreneurial vision, and strategic entry decisions. Academic debates still require deepening and broadening the discussion on early internationalisation of new technology-based firms (NTBFs). This study proposes a framework to analyse how NTBFs are adopting collaborative networks with the triple helix actors (government, university, and industry) to implement an EI strategy in emerging economies. Our findings show that the lack of specialised knowledge and resources stimulates collaboration with multiple triple helix agents to ensure the early entry strategy into international markets. We state the relevant implications and propositions concerning the inter- nationalisation of NTBFs and the relationship with triple helix stakeholders.
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    Bricolage as an effective tool for the survival of owner-managed SMEs during crises
    (Journal of Business Research, 2023) ; ; ;
    Gonzalez-Serrano, Maria
    This study analyzes how the resources and capabilities of the owner-manager influence the firm’s capacity to survive during crises. We conceptualize that only the deliberate use of available resources (bricolage) can enhance this capacity, and that “making-do” behaviors mediate the influence of the owner’s social and human resources on the firm's capacity to survive crises. Based on a sample of 462 Chilean owner-managed small and medium enterprises (SME), we test our hypotheses using a complementary partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy set-qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) approach. The results indicate that when founders deliberatively use their social and cognitive resources, they enhance the firm’s capacity to survive in crisis environments. The fsQCA results complement these outcomes by showing that low levels of survival capacity are related to low levels of bricolage and founders’ ties.
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    The influence of human and relational capital on the rapid internationalization of firms: A comparative study between Spain and Chile
    (Emerald, 2018) ;
    Hormiga, Esther
    Amorós, José Ernesto
    Urbano, David
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to compare the influence of entrepreneurs’ human and relational capital on the rapid internationalization of their firms from two economically different contexts. Design/methodology/approach: This study was developed using data that were collected from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor of Spain and Chile. A logistic regression analysis was used to examine and compare the influence of some elements of entrepreneurs’ human and relational capital on the likelihood of their firms’ rapid internationalization. Findings: The results revealed that Chilean entrepreneurs rely more on their formal education or experience to rapidly internationalize their firms. In contrast, Spanish entrepreneurs complement their formal education with their relational capital to conduct international entrepreneurial activities. Research limitations/implications: The implications of this study are related to the role that public policies play in promoting these types of entrepreneurial initiatives. Originality/value: This study presents several contributions. First, it advances the understanding of entrepreneurial internationalization in emerging economic contexts. Second, it provides a comparative study regarding entrepreneurial internationalization, which is considered a fundamental current in the field of international entrepreneurship. Finally, this comparative study improves our understanding of the influence of different economic contexts on entrepreneurial internationalization.
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    The effects of dynamic absorptive capacity on innovation strategy: Evidence from SMEs in a technological context
    (Mathematics, 2023)
    Bedoya-Villa, Mauricio
    Pérez-Sánchez, Elkin
    Zapata-Molina, Cesar
    Román-Castaño, Edith
    Absorptive capacity and innovation strategies are determining issues for the survival of organizations in current contexts. While organizations are immersed in the knowledge society, managers face great challenges to respond to market needs and performance in innovation ecosystems. This article aims to analyze the effects of absorptive capacity on the implementation of innovation strategy. A quantitative research study was conducted with a sample of 51 SMEs, and the construct model was analyzed using the SEM method. The results indicate that there is a high correlation between the level of absorptive capacity and innovation strategies. Even though firms in this specific sector work with advanced technologies, there is a basic level of development of absorptive capacity, generating some difficulties for the design and implementation of innovation strategies. Furthermore, by using the acquisition, assimilation, transformation, and exploitation of knowledge from the competitive landscape, firms improve their adaptability in the technological environment. The effects of absorptive capacity on innovation strategy contribute to the development of the extant literature on innovation management strategy and provide some managerial implications and future research areas.
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    The Valley of Death of Start-ups: A Systematic Literature Review
    (Direccion y Organización, 2022)
    Zapata-Molina, Cesar
    Montes-Hincapié, Juan Manuel
    Londoño-Arias, José Alban
    Purpose: The main factor that contributes to the socioeconomic development of a local territory is entrepreneurship; unfortunately, start-ups in Latin America have high failure rates during the first 5 years of operation, failing to overcome the so-called valley of death. This article aims to determine how literature explains this phenomenon, mapping current knowledge and identifying gaps in the relevant literature. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliometric analysis was carried out in order to build a state of the art starting from a search equation elaborated with the Citation Pearl Growing technique, which was entered into the SCOPUS and Web of Science (WOS) indexers, then the study of keywords co-occurrence was carried out with the VOSviewer® software, and as a result, the content analysis of 91 articles was performed with ATLAS.ti®. Findings: The review allowed to classify three clusters: valley of death, causes of the valley of death, and how to overcome the valley of death. This article identifies and reflects on the perception of various authors. There are still gaps in the literature and this work will allow researchers, legislators, and entrepreneurs to have an approach to information and updated scientific knowledge and to continue with its development, to identify the causes and possible ways to face this phenomenon. Originality/value: This document offers a mapping of information and scientific knowledge related to the valley of death, referring to the early stage in which enterprises are more vulnerable and tend to fail.
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    Knowledge management: A global examination based on bibliometric analysis
    (Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019) ;
    Merigó, José M.
    Knowledge management (KM) is a field of research that has gained wide acceptance in the scientific community and management literature. This article presents a bibliometric overview of the academic research on KM in the business and management areas. Various bibliometric methods are used to perform this overview, including performance analysis and science mapping of the KM field. The performance analysis uses a series of bibliometric indicators, such as the h-index, productivity and citations. In addition, the VOSviewer software is used to map the bibliographic material. Science mapping uses co-citations and the concurrency of keywords. References were obtained from the Web of Science database. We identified and classified the most relevant research in the field according to journals, articles, authors, institutions and countries. The results show that research in this field has increased significantly in the last ten years and that the USA is the most influential country in all aspects in this field. It is important to consider, however, that science continues to advance in this and in all fields and that data rapidly change over time. Therefore, this paper fulfills an informational role that shows that most of the fundamental research of KM is in business and management areas.