Dra. Gaviria-Marín, María
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Dra. Gaviria-Marín, María
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Gaviria Marín, María Magaly
9 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationEmpoderamiento de la mujer: Un panorama general a través del análisis bibliométrico(Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2024)
; ;Sánchez-Soriano, MarbellaSarubbi- Baltazar, FernandoEl Empoderamiento de la Mujer (WfEM) es esencial para lograr la igualdad de género y el desarrollo sostenible. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar un panorama general sobre el WfEM mediante el análisis bibliométrico. Se utiliza el método del análisis de desempeño e indicadores como el h-index, la productividad y la citas. Posteriormente, se aplica el método del mapeo científico utilizando el software Vosviewer® para mostrar la imagen del campo del WfEM con las técnicas de citas conjuntas y la co-ocurrencia de palabras claves. Este estudio utiliza la base de datos SCOPUS. Las unidades de análisis fueron artículos y autores. Los resultados muestran que los autores más influyentes en el campo son Naila Kabeer, Agnes R. Quisumbing, Kathryn Yount, Sidney Ruth Schuler y Syed Mesbahuddin Hashemi. El WfEM es un campo de proyección mundial, con gran número de áreas emergentes debido a la visibilidad de participación de las mujeres, dominios, enfoques teóricos y capacidad estratégica de desarrollo. El género, la igualdad de género, país-India, microfinanzas y desarrollo son temas que mantienen una estrecha relación con el WfEM. Sin embargo, el concepto presenta desafíos en su análisis y medición, además del riesgo de perder sus bases políticas, emancipadoras y de justicia social. - PublicationEconomías alternativas: Un análisis bibliométrico de nuevos horizontes para repensar el futuro(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2024)
;Zabala-Flórez, María Fernanda; ;Melián Navarro, AmparoOrtiz Pérez, SamuelLas economías alternativas se han convertido progresivamente en objeto de interés para la comunidad científica, tanto por ser un tema multidisciplinario que abarca una gran cantidad de áreas de estudio, principalmente las ciencias económicas y geografía, como por la posibilidad de acercarse y estructurar otras formas posibles de conceptualizar el desarrollo económico y social. A través de una búsqueda bibliográfica realizada en la Web Of Science, una de las principales plataformas de investigación, se desarrolló un análisis bibliométrico establecido en un período de tiempo comprendido entre 1928 y 2023, obteniendo como búsqueda final 3.723 resultados sobre documentos científicos pertenecientes al campo de estudio de las economías alternativas. Este análisis permitió establecer los autores, instituciones, países, publicaciones y revistas más influyentes y productivas en este tema de las economías alternativas; asimismo, la utilización del software VOSviewer permitió el desarrollo de un mapeo científico donde se analiza la co-ocurrencia de palabras claves utilizadas por los autores. Éstas fueron agrupadas en clústeres de análisis, estableciendo así los temas con mayor producción e importancia dentro del ámbito de las economías alternativas, entre los cuales se denota la importancia que han cobrado dentro de la producción científica términos vinculados a la economía colaborativa y economía circular, entre otras, tan mediáticos actualmente. En definitiva, con el fin de aportar argumentos al debate científico sobre la relevancia de las economías alternativas se plasman tanto las conclusiones como las limitaciones que se han encontrado en la realización de este análisis bibliométrico y las posibles líneas futuras que pueden desarrollarse sobre la cuestión. - PublicationBricolage as an effective tool for the survival of owner-managed SMEs during crises(Journal of Business Research, 2023)
; ; ; Gonzalez-Serrano, MariaThis study analyzes how the resources and capabilities of the owner-manager influence the firm’s capacity to survive during crises. We conceptualize that only the deliberate use of available resources (bricolage) can enhance this capacity, and that “making-do” behaviors mediate the influence of the owner’s social and human resources on the firm's capacity to survive crises. Based on a sample of 462 Chilean owner-managed small and medium enterprises (SME), we test our hypotheses using a complementary partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy set-qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) approach. The results indicate that when founders deliberatively use their social and cognitive resources, they enhance the firm’s capacity to survive in crisis environments. The fsQCA results complement these outcomes by showing that low levels of survival capacity are related to low levels of bricolage and founders’ ties. - PublicationAn overview of sustainable entrepreneurship in tourism, destination, and hospitality research based on the Web of Science(Sustainability, 2022)
; ; Sustainability, entrepreneurship and tourism, destination and hospitality research have attracted scholars’ attention for their relevance in bringing to fruition a future that links economic well-being with the environmental, cultural, and social sustainability of human beings. This article provides a bibliometric overview of the academic research where these topics intersect. To accomplish this, various bibliometric methods are implemented, which include a performance analysis and graphic mapping of the academic production in this specific topic. This research uses the Web of Science database to identify and classify the most preponderant investigations in the field and considers articles, authors, institutions, countries, and journals. To complete the performance analysis, a series of indicators, such as number of papers and number of citations, are used. Graphic visualization maps are produced using the co-citation and co-occurrence of keywords under the Visualization of Similarities—VOSviewer—software. The results show a growing concern for entrepreneurship in sustainable tourism development research, which is evidenced in the increasing number of studies during the last decade. Some influential research institutions and authors from countries including the USA, New Zealand, and Norway are found to be influential leaders in this topic. Additionally, the results show that journals from the area of hospitality, leisure, sport, and tourism are frontrunners in this subject. - PublicationThe efect of ICT and higher‑order capabilities on the performance of Ibero‑American SMEs(Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 2021)
; ;Matute Vallejo, JorgeInformation and communication technologies (ICT) has the ability to create value by enabling other frm capabilities. Based on the ICT-enabled capabilities perspective, this study explores the direct and indirect efects between lower- and higher-order capabilities, such as ICT, knowledge management capability (KM) and product innovation fexibility (PIF), on the performance of Ibero-American small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper uses second-order structural equation models to test the research hypotheses with a sample of 130 Ibero-American SMEs. The results contribute to flling the gap in the SME-focused literature on empirical studies examining ICT-enabled capabilities and frm performance. The results show an enabling efect of ICT on higher-order capabilities, such as KM and PIF, which, by acting as mediating variables, create value and improve performance through innovation in frms. - PublicationBibliometría y empresa. Un reto para los investigadoresLos estudios bibliométricos son una técnica utilizada para obtener una visión general del estado de la investigación en diversas disciplinas científicas. De un tiempo a esta parte, los estudios bibliométricos han aumentado considerablemente. Por ejemplo, en 2020 se publicaron 6 veces más estudios bibliométricos que hace 10 años (véase la figura 1). La comunidad científica de Business and Management también ha participado en este aumento. De hecho, se encuentran entre las disciplinas científicas con mayor productividad en este tipo de estudios. La evolución de las tecnologías de la información y la aparición de Internet son en parte responsables de este aumento. El desarrollo de diversas herramientas y programas informáticos especializados, la disponibilidad de datos/información en línea, han facilitado cada vez más la sistematización de la información, lo que ha impulsado el desarrollo y la publicación de estos estudios.
- PublicationRanking web as indicator of knowledge diffusion: An application for SMEs(Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 2020)
; Cruz Cázares, ClaudioThe purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of the diversity of information and the use of Web 2.0 applications on the web positioning of online business information providers. A total of 203 online business information provider websites were selected using three search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing). This information was encoded to develop two logistic regression models. The results suggest that the knowledge offered and the resources used to transfer this knowledge play important roles in the web positioning of online business information providers. This study found that entrepreneurs mainly seek technological knowledge, and to acquire it, they use various Web 2.0 applications that do not necessarily include social networks. This article presents a novel proposal to analyze how knowledge diversity and Web 2.0 applications influence the web rankings of websites that offer information and knowledge for established or new, small and medium enterprises. - PublicationKnowledge management: A global examination based on bibliometric analysis(Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019)
; ;Merigó, José M.Knowledge management (KM) is a field of research that has gained wide acceptance in the scientific community and management literature. This article presents a bibliometric overview of the academic research on KM in the business and management areas. Various bibliometric methods are used to perform this overview, including performance analysis and science mapping of the KM field. The performance analysis uses a series of bibliometric indicators, such as the h-index, productivity and citations. In addition, the VOSviewer software is used to map the bibliographic material. Science mapping uses co-citations and the concurrency of keywords. References were obtained from the Web of Science database. We identified and classified the most relevant research in the field according to journals, articles, authors, institutions and countries. The results show that research in this field has increased significantly in the last ten years and that the USA is the most influential country in all aspects in this field. It is important to consider, however, that science continues to advance in this and in all fields and that data rapidly change over time. Therefore, this paper fulfills an informational role that shows that most of the fundamental research of KM is in business and management areas. - PublicationTwenty years of the Journal of Knowledge Management: A bibliometric analysisPurpose: In 2017, the Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) celebrates its 20th anniversary. This study aims to show an updated analysis of their publications to provide a general overview of the journal, focusing on a bibliometric analysis of its publications between 1997 and 2016. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology involves two procedures: a performance analysis and a science mapping analysis of JKM. The performance analysis uses a series of bibliometric indicators such as h-index, productivity and citations. This analysis considers different dimensions, including papers, authors, universities and countries. VOSviewer software is used to carry out the mapping of science of JKM, which, based on the concurrence of key words and co-citation points of view, seeks to graphically analyze the structure of the references of this journal. Findings: There is a positive evolution in the number of publications (although with certain oscillations), which shows a growing interest in publishing in JKM. The USA and the UK lead the publications in this journal, although at a regional level, Europe is the most productive. The low participation of emerging economies in JKM is also observed. Practical implications: The paper will identify the leading trends in the journal in terms of papers, authors, institutions, countries, journals and keywords. This study is useful for obtaining a quick snapshot of what is happening in the journal. Originality/value: From the historical record of JKM publications, this study presents an exclusive bibliometric analysis of its publications until 2016 and identifies its main trends.