Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 10 of 21
  • Publication
    Bioenergetics of parental investment in two polychaete species with contrasting reproductive strategies: The planktotrophic Boccardia chilensis and the poecilogonic Boccardia wellingtonensis (Spionidae)
    (Marine Ecology, 2020)
    Doherty‐Weason, Daniel
    Oyarzun, Fernanda
    Vera, Luciano
    Bascur, Miguel
    Guzmán, Fabián
    Silva, Francisco
    The level of parental investment for larval nutrition may determine the life cycle in marine invertebrate species laying egg masses or capsules, where the food available for enclosed individuals would determine time and developmental stage of hatching. Most species show a unique type of larval development. However, few species are poecilogonous and combine more than one development type. Poecilogony, although scarcely studied, allows comparing different patterns of parental reproductive investment, without the phylogenetic effect of the species ancestral modes of development (phylogenetic inertia), to help to understand the factors determining life strategy evolution in marine invertebrates. The poecilogonous polychaete worm Boccardia wellingtonensis encapsulates and incubates its offspring, which then hatches as either planktotrophic larvae or benthic juveniles; while Boccardia chilensis shows a non‐poecilogonous reproductive type, producing only planktotrophic larvae. In this work, we estimated the bioenergetic and biochemical composition of brooding and non‐brooding females of B. wellingtonensis and B. chilensis to compare the costs of reproduction in these two species. Results showed that glucose, protein, lipid, and energy content were significantly higher in non‐brooding than in brooding females of B. wellingtonensis; but also contained significantly more glucose, protein, and lipid than females of B. chilensis (in absolute and relative dry weight values). The poecilogonous species showed higher energy content previous to laying offspring. Our results support the idea that the evolution of a certain reproductive and life history traits in marine invertebrates is related to adaptations in the female's reproductive investment.
  • Publication
    Bioenergetic traits of three keystone marine species in the food web of a pristine Patagonian fjord
    (Elsevier, 2021)
    Ruiz Ruiz, Paula A.
    Quiroga, Eduardo
    The Patagonian fjords are high-latitude aquatic ecosystems, highly sensitive to climate change and play a key role in the exchange of organic matter and carbon flows between terrestrial and marine environments. The bioenergetic composition of species living in these ecosystems are fundamental to understanding the distribution, seasonal variations, and exchange of organic matter within benthic communities. This study reports on the bioenergetic characteristics (lipids, protein, glucose, and energy content) of three keystone species with different life-style and feeding habits: a benthic sea star (Ctenodiscus australis); squat lobster (Munida gregaria); and a Patagonian notothenioid (Eleginops maclovinus). Samples were obtained from the Yendegaia Fjord (54°40'S - 68°50′W) in Chilean Patagonia. Our results indicate that M. gregaria has higher concentrations of lipids, proteins, glucose, and total energy compared to either E. maclovinus or C. australis. The predominance of lipids in all species is possibly related to physiological characteristics and feeding strategies. Also, may be associated with the availability of food and environmental conditions typical of a fjord ecosystem and the reproductive stage in that they were collected. These results suggest that marine animals inhabiting glacially influenced environments with low temperature and low productivity, requires a convergent physiological strategy characterized by high levels of energy storage (i.e. lipids) for metabolism and key bioenergetic processes such as growth and reproduction.
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    Temporal and inter-individual changes in the integrated biochemical condition of the gonads of female swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean
    (Aquatic Biology, 2023)
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Ortega, Juan
    Mora, Sergio
    Barría, Patricio
    Riera, Rodrigo
    The integrated biochemical condition (IBC) of gonads is closely related to the reproductive success of highly migratory marine species. The IBC of gonads can be influenced not only by size and/or age, but also by environmental conditions. Here, female swordfish, Xiphias gladius, that migrate to temperate regions with a marked seasonality (e.g., the Southeastern Pacific Ocean, SEPO) were compared in relation to the IBCs (lipids, proteins, glucose and, fatty acid profiles) of their gonads; individuals with two body size ranges and distinct degrees of sexual maturity were evaluated, and considered as: small and/or virginal (SV: <170 cm lower jaw fork-length (LJFL), oocyte size (OS) <0.08 mm) vs large and/or maturing females (LM: >190 cm LJFL, OS >0.133 mm). This comparison was conducted in two environmentally contrasting seasons (winter vs spring). Our results showed that the gonadosomatic index (GSI) was significantly higher in LM than SV. Lipid contents varied significantly between seasons and body sizes. The highest lipid concentrations were recorded in the spring in large females. No significant differences were found when comparing the protein and glucose contents of the two evaluated seasons or body size ranges of the studied females. In turn, the fatty acid (FA) profiles of female gonads significantly varied for both seasons and body size ranges. A high content of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were recorded in female gonads in the spring. The SFAs C16:0 and C18:0, the MUFA C18:1n9, and the essential PUFA C22:6n3 were the main contributors to the observed differences between spring and winter. These results could be used as indicators of the nutritional condition and health status of swordfish individuals. Hence, the IBC of female swordfish gonads have great potential to aid in estimating survival rates and stock abundances of this species. The integration of this information constitutes an asset in fishery management models with an ecosystem approach.
  • Publication
    Variability in the energy reserves of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) of the southeastern Pacific Ocean: A temporal and intra-individual perspective
    (Marine Environmental Research, 2023)
    Lazo-Andrade, Jorge
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Barría, Patricio
    The temporal dynamics of energy reserves are associated with the physiological processes (i.e., reproduction) in marine fishes, in which storage organs play a key role for efficient energy investment. We evaluated the temporal (i.e., seasons) and intra-individual (i.e., organs) dynamics of adult female swordfish (Xiphias gladius) during its feeding period off the Chilean coast in the southeastern Pacific Ocean (SEPO). The biochemical composition (i.e., lipids, proteins, and glucose), energy content and fatty acid profile of the muscle, liver and gonad were evaluated during the austral autumn, winter, and spring. Our results showed principally an intra-individual effect in both the muscle and liver in the autumn and spring. Herein, a trend of higher amounts of lipids and total energy were found in the muscle, while the liver showed greater protein and glucose contents. Consequently, the muscle showed a higher saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents than the liver. Although the gonad showed no significant temporal effect in the lipids and proteins contents, an increasing trend of each biochemical constituent, fatty acid group and gonadosomatic index were found from autumn to winter. Consistently, the glucose and total energy content as well Fulton's condition factor were significantly higher in winter. These findings reflect the spatial-temporal physiological dynamic of swordfish based on the storage of energy reserves in different organs during its feeding period. In this way, the products obtained from swordfish could have an added value depending on the season and capture zone, which could benefit the exploitation and regulation measures of this resource under an ecological approach of conservation and sustainability in the SEPO.
  • Publication
    Interspecific variation in the physiological and reproductive parameters of porcelain crabs from the Southeastern Pacific coast: Potential adaptation in contrasting marine environments
    (Elsevier, 2018)
    Viña, Natalia
    Bascur Bascur, Miguel Ángel
    Guzmán, Fabián
    Riera, Rodrigo
    Paschke, Kurt
    Porcelain crabs inhabit from upper intertidal to subtidal habitats. These environments are characterized by highly variable environmental conditions, which subject species found in these habitats to stress. In this study, we compared reproductive traits of mothers [i.e. fecundity, reproductive output (RO), dry weight, organic matter] and physiological parameters of their offspring (i.e. wet weight, water content, dry weight, organic matter, lactate content of embryos) of three species of porcelain crabs that inhabit the Southeastern Pacific: Petrolisthes laevigatus (upper intertidal); P. violaceus (low intertidal); Allopetrolisthes punctatus (subtidal). Overall, female P. laevigatus had lower fecundity (802 ± 115 vs. 4181 ± 1097 embryos) and amount of organic matter in their embryo masses (0.053 ± 0.006 vs. 0.27 ± 0.025 g) but higher RO values (1.34 ± 0.34 vs. 0.20 ± 0.07) than Allopetrolisthes punctatus. In addition, P. laevigatus embryos had higher organic matter content (81.09 ± 28.8 vs. 64.54 ± 6.1 μg), higher water content (188.6 ± 91.9 vs. 152.4 ± 30.8 μL) and higher lactate content (0.26 ± 0.04% vs. 0.07 ± 0.01% dry weight) than that found in A. punctatus embryos. Furthermore, females and embryos of P. violaceus showed low values and similar to those observed in P. laevigatus. As a potential strategy to increase survival of the offspring, P. laevigatus seems to invest a large portion of its energy in production of high quality embryos, despite costs to fecundity. This study reveals that porcelain crabs have physiological adaptations during their ontogeny that allow them to survive in fluctuating environments.
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    The Red Squat Lobster Pleuroncodes monodon in the Humboldt Current System: From their ecology to commercial attributes as marine bioresource
    (Animals, 2023)
    Yapur-Pancorvo, Ana
    Quispe-Machaca, Marco
    Guzmán-Rivás, Fabián
    Espinoza, Pepe
    This study focused on gathering available information on Pleuroncodes monodon, a widely distributed crustacean in the Humboldt Current System. Off the Chilean coast, this species presents benthic habits and constitutes the main resource of the industrial crustacean fishery; many studies have been carried out on its life cycle during the last century. In contrast, off the coast of Peru, this species exhibits mainly pelagic habits, with latent information gaps on aspects of its life history and no commercial fishery activities, such as catching, taking or harvesting from the marine environment. P. monodon is an ecologically important species, as a source of energy for its predators, which include invertebrates, birds, marine mammals and fish of commercial interest. Thus, P. monodon seems to play a key role in this ecosystem, mainly as an intermediate link between top predators and the first links in the food chain. In addition, this species presents various adaptation strategies to the changing oceanographic parameters of the areas it inhabits, even tolerating hypoxic environments and great depths in order to avoid being predated. Likewise, from an economic viewpoint, it has a high commercial value as a marine bioresource with great potential in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Considering this, more studies must be carried out to corroborate the biological, ecological, and fishing importance of this species in order to generate efficient management measures and ensure a sustainable fishery.
  • Publication
    Comparison of lipids and fatty acids among tissues of two semiterrestrial crabs reveals ecophysiological adaptations in changing coastal environments
    (Elsevier, 2021)
    Viña Trillos, Natalia
    Decapods have successfully colonized changing coastal habitats throughout the world by adapting their behavior, physiology, and biochemistry. Biochemical reserves, such as lipids and fatty acids (FAs), play fundamental roles in this adaptation process. These energy reserves are key for the development of decapods and their composition mainly depends on the type and quality of food available in their habitats. This study evaluated the lipid content and FA composition of three tissues (hepatopancreas, gills, and muscle) in two widely distributed, semi-terrestrial coastal crab species in Chile, Cyclograpsus cinereus from the upper intertidal and Hemigrapsus crenulatus from estuaries. This evaluation aimed to assess the physiological role of the bioenergetic reserves of these crabs, which tolerate fluctuating environmental conditions. Our results showed that both species had a higher lipid content in the hepatopancreas and a lower lipid content in its gills and muscle. All three of the evaluated tissues in C. cinereus showed high contents of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and its hepatopancreas displayed the highest contents of monounsaturated (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). In turn, H. crenulatus had the highest contents of MUFAs and PUFAs in its gills and muscle tissues, including an important amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The FA content of C. cinereus may indicate an adaptive physiological response aimed at maintaining its cellular fluid balance during periods of desiccation in the upper intertidal zone. In contrast, the FAs found in H. crenulatus may be linked to the high activity of the sodium‑potassium pump in its gills, in order to maintain osmoregulation in estuaries.
  • Publication
    Trophodynamics of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas during winter in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile: Diet analyses and fatty acid profile
    (Fisheries Research, 2022)
    Quispe-Machaca, Marco
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián A.
    Ibáñez, Christian M.
    Marine trophodynamic studies have been developed mainly through the evaluation of stomach contents. However, these studies only reflect the feeding of a few days, showing a "snapshot" of the food consumed for a short time. Currently, new complementary techniques have been developed to evaluate the diet of predators using biochemical markers (fatty acids, FAs) and can, in turn, consider the rate of renewal of these biochemical constituents in body tissues. In the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas, an important fishery resource in the Humboldt Current System, we identified and analyzed the stomach contents (prey) of D. gigas collected along the coasts of Chile in order to compare the FA profiles of its prey with those of three of its principal tissues and/or organs (digestive gland, gonad and mantle muscle). The analyses of the stomach contents indicate that D. gigas feeds on fish, crustaceans and squids, as previously have been reported. Regarding the FAs, the digestive gland presented the highest concentration and diversity of FAs, followed by the gonad and then the mantle. In turn, when comparing the FAs of the digestive gland of D. gigas with the FA profiles of its preys, the crustacean Pleuroncodes monodon and the fish Lampanyctus sp. presented the closest similarity, especially with a high contribution of essential FAs and PUFAs. Our findings indicate that during the cold season (austral winter), individuals of D. gigas may present an energy optimization strategy, characterized by the intake of prey with a high energy content rich in PUFAs, such as crustaceans and small fishes. This study not only contributes to the understanding of the squid biology and their trophodynamic, but also has important implications to improve fishery management within an ecosystem approach. This is relevant because D. gigas and its prey have suffered heavy exploitation, with a significant reduction in their biomass.
  • Publication
    Temporal variation in larval biochemical condition at hatching of the red squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda: Munididae) from Humboldt Current System
    (Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 2019)
    Seguel, Victoria
    Guzmán, Fabián
    Bascur, Miguel
    Riera, Rodrigo
    Environmental variables are pivotal factors for the condition of marine invertebrate species with a complex life cycle, influencing larval biochemical composition, and therefore, indirectly affecting later benthic stages. We herein explore the physiological responses of the fishery resource the red squat lobster (Pleuroncodes monodon) under contrasting environmental conditions of seawater surface temperature and planktonic food availability in the Humboldt Current System (HCS), through the analysis of larval condition and its consequences in the HCS. Larval condition was measured as dry weight, biochemical composition and fatty acids profile at hatching during ‘late summer’ (i.e. March) and ‘early winter’ (i.e. June). Larvae hatching from larger eggs produced in winter months showed a higher size, dry weight and a higher content of bioenergetic fuel (i.e. lipids and essential fatty acids) compared to those from larvae hatching in summer months. Temperature and food availability can to be key driving factors favouring an evolution of temporal variability in larval condition of the red squat lobster. These physiological adaptations provide an extension of the reproductive period of P. monodon, specifically planktonic larval development during ‘early winter’, characterized by a period with restricted food availability and lower temperatures than ‘late summer’.
  • Publication
    Biochemical-ecological composition and bio-stoichiometric ratios of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) gonads in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean
    (Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023)
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Lazo-Andrade, Jorge
    Quispe-Machaca, Marco
    Ortega, Juan Carlos
    Mora, Sergio
    Barría, Patricio
    Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), a highly migratory fishery resource of great importance in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean (SEPO), is a species with late sexual maturation, high longevity, and a large body size that spawns and reproduces several times throughout its adulthood. In the present study, we hypothesized that the Biochemical-Ecological Composition (BEC) of the gonad (measured as the lipid, protein, glucose, and energy contents) and its bio-stoichiometric ratios (lipid/protein: L/P; lipid/ glucose: L/G) would be influenced by both female body size (lower jaw fork length in cm, LJFL: <180, 180–260, >260) and time (trimesters: 1,2,3; years: 2017, 2019). Our results revealed that in relation to their body size, female swordfish gonads varied significantly in their BEC, but not in their L/P and L/G ratios during their quarterly development within an annual cycle. These variations in the BEC were noticeable in females of medium (180–260) and larger (>260) sizes. Particularly, as the year progressed, females stored significant amounts of energy during their trophic migration, made evident by the increase in the lipid and protein contents of the gonads, which reached maximum levels towards the end of the year, during the second and third trimesters. These high energy reserves can be used for the reproduction during the last trimester of the year (i.e. austral spring–summer), when the warm temperature and high productivity in the SEPO are optimal for the successful development of oocytes. Future studies considering an ecosystem approach should analyze the classes of lipids and types of fatty acids that are involved in the reproduction of this species, and how they are acquired through the consumption of lipid-rich prey, and subsequently metabolized to be used in reproduction and during early ontogeny.