Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
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    Host-parasite dialogue: Fecundity compensation mechanisms of Fissurella crassa
    (Frontiers, 2024) ;
    García-Huidobro, M. Roberto
    Reyes, Miguel
    Caro-Fuentes, Nelson
    Bruna, Tamara
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Pulgar, José
    Aldana, Marcela
    Parasites can alter the reproductive performance of their hosts, and to avoid or mitigate the resulting fitness loss, hosts may increase their current reproductive output to compensate for the future loss due to the parasitic infection. Fecundity compensation can be exploited by parasites for their own transmission (exploitation of host compensatory responses by parasites). However, this phenomenon has rarely been reported in second intermediate hosts of trematodes and its mechanisms and consequences largely unexplored. Along the east coast of the South Pacific, the second intermediate host, the mollusk Fissurella crassa, has been observed to display higher muscular foot, greater shell length and weight, and a higher gonadosomatic index when parasitized by metacercariaes of Proctoeces humboldti compared to non-parasitized hosts. In this study, we examined the histology, biochemistry (glucose, lipids, and proteins), and levels of sex hormones (estradiol and progesterone) in both parasitized and non-parasitized female individuals of F. crassa. Our findings revealed that the gonad of parasitized limpets had a higher density of oocytes, but these had a smaller individual area. Additionally, the gonadal tissue of parasitized limpets exhibited lower glucose content but higher lipid content. Notably, the levels of progesterone increased with parasite intensity. These results suggest that F. crassa possesses the ability to compensate for the negative effects of parasites by increasing the number of oocytes through biochemical and hormonal mechanisms. Our study contributes to the limited research on the impact of metacercariae on the reproduction of second intermediate hosts. Furthermore, we discuss how these changes in parasitized limpets could benefit parasite transmission.
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    Revealing coastal upwelling impact on the muscle growth of an intertidal fish
    (Science of The Total Environment, 2023)
    Zuloaga, Rodrigo
    Varas, Oscar
    Ahrend, Camila
    Pulgar, Victor M.
    Valdés, Juan A.
    Molina, Alfredo
    Duarte, Cristian
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Aldana, Marcela
    Pulgar, José
    Upwelling oceanographic phenomenon is associated with increased food availability, low seawater temperature and pH. These conditions could significantly affect food quality and, in consequence, the growth of marine species. One of the most important organismal traits is somatic growth, which is highly related to skeletal muscle. In fish, skeletal muscle growth is highly influenced by environmental factors (i.e. temperature and nutrient availability) that showed differences between upwelling and downwelling zones. Nevertheless, there are no available field studies regarding the impact of those conditions on fish muscle physiology. This work aimed to evaluate the muscle fibers size, protein content, gene expression of growth and atrophy-related genes in fish sampled from upwelling and downwelling zones. Seawater and fish food items (seaweeds) samples were collected from upwelling and downwelling zones to determine the habitat's physical-chemical variations and the abundance of biomolecules in seaweed tissue. In addition, white skeletal muscle samples were collected from an intertidal fish to analyze muscular histology, the growth pathways of protein kinase B and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase; and the gene expression of growth- (insulin-like growth factor 1 and myosin heavy-chain) and atrophy-related genes (F-box only protein 32 and muscle RING-finger protein-1). Upwelling zones revealed higher nutrients in seawater and higher protein content in seaweed than samples from downwelling zones. Moreover, fish from upwelling zones presented a greater size of muscle fibers and protein content compared to downwelling fish, associated with lower protein ubiquitination and gene expression of F-box only protein 32. Our data indicate an attenuated use of proteins as energy source in upwelling conditions favoring protein synthesis and muscle growth. This report shed lights of how oceanographic conditions may modulate food quality and fish muscle physiology in an integrated way, with high implications for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries management.
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    Biochemical-ecological composition and bio-stoichiometric ratios of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) gonads in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean
    (Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023)
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Lazo-Andrade, Jorge
    Quispe-Machaca, Marco
    Ortega, Juan Carlos
    Mora, Sergio
    Barría, Patricio
    Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), a highly migratory fishery resource of great importance in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean (SEPO), is a species with late sexual maturation, high longevity, and a large body size that spawns and reproduces several times throughout its adulthood. In the present study, we hypothesized that the Biochemical-Ecological Composition (BEC) of the gonad (measured as the lipid, protein, glucose, and energy contents) and its bio-stoichiometric ratios (lipid/protein: L/P; lipid/ glucose: L/G) would be influenced by both female body size (lower jaw fork length in cm, LJFL: <180, 180–260, >260) and time (trimesters: 1,2,3; years: 2017, 2019). Our results revealed that in relation to their body size, female swordfish gonads varied significantly in their BEC, but not in their L/P and L/G ratios during their quarterly development within an annual cycle. These variations in the BEC were noticeable in females of medium (180–260) and larger (>260) sizes. Particularly, as the year progressed, females stored significant amounts of energy during their trophic migration, made evident by the increase in the lipid and protein contents of the gonads, which reached maximum levels towards the end of the year, during the second and third trimesters. These high energy reserves can be used for the reproduction during the last trimester of the year (i.e. austral spring–summer), when the warm temperature and high productivity in the SEPO are optimal for the successful development of oocytes. Future studies considering an ecosystem approach should analyze the classes of lipids and types of fatty acids that are involved in the reproduction of this species, and how they are acquired through the consumption of lipid-rich prey, and subsequently metabolized to be used in reproduction and during early ontogeny.
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    Temporal and inter-individual changes in the integrated biochemical condition of the gonads of female swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean
    (Aquatic Biology, 2023)
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Ortega, Juan
    Mora, Sergio
    Barría, Patricio
    Riera, Rodrigo
    The integrated biochemical condition (IBC) of gonads is closely related to the reproductive success of highly migratory marine species. The IBC of gonads can be influenced not only by size and/or age, but also by environmental conditions. Here, female swordfish, Xiphias gladius, that migrate to temperate regions with a marked seasonality (e.g., the Southeastern Pacific Ocean, SEPO) were compared in relation to the IBCs (lipids, proteins, glucose and, fatty acid profiles) of their gonads; individuals with two body size ranges and distinct degrees of sexual maturity were evaluated, and considered as: small and/or virginal (SV: <170 cm lower jaw fork-length (LJFL), oocyte size (OS) <0.08 mm) vs large and/or maturing females (LM: >190 cm LJFL, OS >0.133 mm). This comparison was conducted in two environmentally contrasting seasons (winter vs spring). Our results showed that the gonadosomatic index (GSI) was significantly higher in LM than SV. Lipid contents varied significantly between seasons and body sizes. The highest lipid concentrations were recorded in the spring in large females. No significant differences were found when comparing the protein and glucose contents of the two evaluated seasons or body size ranges of the studied females. In turn, the fatty acid (FA) profiles of female gonads significantly varied for both seasons and body size ranges. A high content of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were recorded in female gonads in the spring. The SFAs C16:0 and C18:0, the MUFA C18:1n9, and the essential PUFA C22:6n3 were the main contributors to the observed differences between spring and winter. These results could be used as indicators of the nutritional condition and health status of swordfish individuals. Hence, the IBC of female swordfish gonads have great potential to aid in estimating survival rates and stock abundances of this species. The integration of this information constitutes an asset in fishery management models with an ecosystem approach.
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    Variability in the energy reserves of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) of the southeastern Pacific Ocean: A temporal and intra-individual perspective
    (Marine Environmental Research, 2023)
    Lazo-Andrade, Jorge
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Barría, Patricio
    The temporal dynamics of energy reserves are associated with the physiological processes (i.e., reproduction) in marine fishes, in which storage organs play a key role for efficient energy investment. We evaluated the temporal (i.e., seasons) and intra-individual (i.e., organs) dynamics of adult female swordfish (Xiphias gladius) during its feeding period off the Chilean coast in the southeastern Pacific Ocean (SEPO). The biochemical composition (i.e., lipids, proteins, and glucose), energy content and fatty acid profile of the muscle, liver and gonad were evaluated during the austral autumn, winter, and spring. Our results showed principally an intra-individual effect in both the muscle and liver in the autumn and spring. Herein, a trend of higher amounts of lipids and total energy were found in the muscle, while the liver showed greater protein and glucose contents. Consequently, the muscle showed a higher saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents than the liver. Although the gonad showed no significant temporal effect in the lipids and proteins contents, an increasing trend of each biochemical constituent, fatty acid group and gonadosomatic index were found from autumn to winter. Consistently, the glucose and total energy content as well Fulton's condition factor were significantly higher in winter. These findings reflect the spatial-temporal physiological dynamic of swordfish based on the storage of energy reserves in different organs during its feeding period. In this way, the products obtained from swordfish could have an added value depending on the season and capture zone, which could benefit the exploitation and regulation measures of this resource under an ecological approach of conservation and sustainability in the SEPO.
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    Upwelling enhances seaweed nutrient quality, altering feeding behavior and growth rates in an intertidal sea urchin, Loxechinus albus
    (Elsevier, 2022) ;
    Pulgar, José
    Moya, Antonia
    Fernández, Melissa
    Varas, Oscar
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Quijón, Pedro
    García-Huidobro, M.
    Aldana, Marcela
    Duarte, Cristian
    Upwelling systems deliver nutrient-rich water into coastal ecosystems, influencing primary productivity and potentially altering seaweed-herbivore interactions. Upwelling bottom-up effects on distinct trophic levels are wellknown. However, their influence on seaweed biomolecules and on algae-herbivore interactions and growth are less known. The aim of this study was threefold: i) to compare physical-chemical characteristics and nutrient levels in the water of upwelling (U) and downwelling (DU) zones, ii) to quantify their influence on the content of protein and carbohydrates in seaweed tissues of representative U and DU locations, and iii) to experimentally assess their effect on the feeding behavior and growth of a prominent intertidal herbivore, the sea urchin Loxechinus albus. Waters from U zones showed lower temperatures and pH, and higher phosphate concentrations than those from downwelling zones. Similarly, the tissue of seaweeds from a U location had significantly more proteins and carbohydrates than those from a DU location. The origin location of the sea urchins had a significant influence on consumption and growth rates: in general, those coming from a site with U conditions consumed and grew more than those coming from DU conditions. The quality of the algae was a significant factor on consumption rates, although in the case of preference trials, this factor interacted with sea urchin origin location. Our results show that the availability and quality of the food in upwelling zones has an influence on herbivore-seaweed direct interactions. However, these interactions and the growth of the sea urchins were also related to the coastal site and conditions from which the sea urchins came from. These results are relevant considering the expected impact of climate change on the world's oceans, and the importance of U zones as thermal (cold water) refuges for marine ectotherms.
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    Consumption of marine-derived nutrients from invasive Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) transfer ω-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids to invasive resident rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
    (Elsevier, 2022) ;
    Figueroa-Muñoz, Guillermo
    Arismendi, Ivan
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Fierro, Pablo
    Gomez-Uchida, Daniel
    Marine-derived nutrients (MDN) contained in gametes (mature eggs and sperm), carcasses and metabolic wastes from anadromous migratory salmon can transfer energy and materials to fresh water, thereby affecting the structure and function of stream ecosystems. This is crucial among ecosystems where humans have mediated biological invasions by propagating non-native species. Previous studies have demonstrated that consumption of MDN from salmon can benefit both native and invasive resident fishes. Yet, a more detailed understanding of the transfer of biomolecules with important physiological functions such as ω-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) have received less attention among researchers. Here we demonstrate that consumption of MDN contained in invasive Chinook salmon eggs transfers ω-3 HUFAs (e.g., EPA and DHA) to resident invasive rainbow trout in a river food web. We conducted a field study in river sections previously identified as spawning areas for Chinook salmon in the Cisnes River, Patagonia. Rainbow trout were sampled around salmon spawning areas before, during, and after the salmon spawning season. Additionally, we collected tissue from different food web resources and components of different origin (e.g., primary producers, aquatic and terrestrial items) from the Cisnes River system. Analyses of stomach contents of trout were performed in conjunction with analyses of both lipid content and fatty acid profiles of trout tissue and food web components. Chinook salmon eggs showed higher content of ω-3 HUFAs, especially EPA (31.08 ± 23.08 mg g DW−1) and DHA (27.50 ± 14.11 mg g DW−1) than either freshwater or terrestrial components (0–6.10 mg g DW−1 both EPA and DHA). We detected marked shifts in the fatty acid profile (~six-fold increase in EPA and DHA) of trout following consumption of Chinook salmon eggs. Our findings suggest that MDN via consumption of salmon eggs by resident rainbow trout may positively influence resident trout and likely contribute to gauge synergistic interactions between invaders on receiving ecosystems of Patagonia.
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    Intra-individual variability in biochemical constituents and fatty acid composition of adult jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the southeastern Pacific Ocean
    (Elsevier, 2021) ;
    Quispe-Machaca, Marco
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Ibáñez, Christian
    In marine invertebrates, the bioenergetic fuel available for fundamental physiological processes (growth, reproduction) may present intra-individual variability depending on the storage organ, sex and state of sexual maturity. This variability is considered relevant information for fishery management. In the squid Dosidicus gigas, an important fishery resource, we analyzed adult males (immature vs. mature) and females (immature I vs. immature II) off the coast of Chile. Their bioenergetic fuel (protein, glucose, lipid and fatty acid content-FAs) was quantified in different organs of the body (digestive gland, gonad and mantle). When comparing the organs of males at both stages of maturity, a greater amount of glucose and lipids were observed in the digestive gland than in the gonad and mantle, while a higher protein content was recorded in the gonad. In turn, the same tendency of biochemical variations among the organs was observed for the female at both stages. Regarding the FA profiles of the analyzed organs, the digestive gland had the highest mean proportion of FAs. However, no significant differences were observed related to sex and sexual maturity. According to the multivariate analyses for both sexes and maturity stages, the FA profiles of the mantle and gonad showed overlap and a high similarity, while the profile of the digestive gland was completely dissimilar. Our findings indicate that D. gigas from Chilean coastal waters showed, mainly in the digestive gland, high levels of all biochemical constituents, which are obtained through food and stored in their organs as bioenergetic fuel, and may then be used for the subsequent process of migration and reproduction in oceanic waters.
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    Spatio-temporal changes in the biochemical parameters of the fishery resource Concholepas concholepas (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean
    (Elsevier, 2021) ;
    Lazo-Andrade, Jorge
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Espinoza, Pepe
    García-Huidobro, M.
    Aldana, Marcela
    Pulgar, José
    The fishery resource Concholepas concholepas is a key species in the benthic marine ecosystems of the Southeastern Pacific Ocean. In the present study, the spatio-temporal changes in the biochemical parameters were evaluated for adult individuals of C. concholepas. They were sampled in summer and winter under upwelling and Non-upwelling conditions in two Management and Exploitation Areas for Benthic Resources of Valparaíso, Chile. The results indicated that the variation in the biochemical parameters is explained to a greater extent by the season. For example, in both upwelling and Nonupwelling conditions, we found a higher content of total lipids, proteins, glucose, and energy in winter than summer. Temporal variations can be explained by the reproductive process after summer season, in which the egg spawning require a greater energy reserves to be perform. Nonetheless, differences in the nutritional status of preys along seasons of the year, can also influence on these results. In fact, these variations in the biochemical parameters of C. concholepas may be indicative of an adaptive seasonal physiological response to the environment for maintaining an optimal energy budget year-round. Altogether, this knowledge will contribute to the Management and Exploitation Areas for Benthic Resources, improving regulatory measures during the annual period of captures and landings of C. concholepas, favoring a more sustainable fishery in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean within an ecosystem approach.
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    Seasonal dynamics of biochemical composition and fatty acids of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile
    (Elsevier, 2021) ;
    Lazo-Andrade, Jorge
    Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
    Barría, Patricio
    Ortega, Juan
    Mora, Sergio
    In the Southeast Pacific Ocean, Xiphias gladius migrates through the Chilean coastal zone for feeding. Here, it forages for different prey items from autumn to spring, acquiring a great variety of energy and nutritional reserves. We evaluated seasonal variations in the biochemical reserves (i.e., contents of lipids, proteins, and glucose), total energy content and fatty acid profile of specimens captured during the austral autumn, winter, and spring. Our results show that higher amounts of lipids were found in the winter and spring, while protein and glucose were higher in the autumn. Thus, the energy content showed significant differences, with higher levels in winter and spring. Furthermore, the fatty acid profile was more diverse in the spring than the autumn and winter and was characterized by higher amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These findings suggest that temporal changes in the biochemical reserves, total energy content and fatty acid profile support the idea of a “trophic migration” (i.e., the feeding period) established by the dynamics of fishery fleets. The high amounts of lipids and diverse fatty acid profile found in the spring could indicate the end of the trophic migration during this season. Thus, X. gladius may reach an optimum nutritional condition in the spring and make energetic adjustments to carry out its reproductive migration during the austral summer. Therefore, this species seems to meet the high energy demands of the reproductive season by foraging for a wide range of prey items from autumn to spring and storing an increased amount of lipids at the end of the feeding period. Overall, our data provides crucial baseline knowledge for future research on the ecophysiology of X. gladius, as well as for the management and conservation of this fishery resource under an ecosystem approach.