Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
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On the supersymmetry invariance of flat supergravity with boundary

2019, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Concha, Patrick, Ravera, Lucrezia

The supersymmetry invariance of flat supergravity (i.e., supergravity in the absence of any internal scale in the Lagrangian) in four dimensions on a manifold with non-trivial boundary is explored. Using a geometric approach we find that the supersymmetry invariance of the Lagrangian requires to add appropriate boundary terms. This is achieved by considering additional gauge fields to the boundary without modifying the bulk Lagrangian. We also construct an enlarged supergravity model from which, in the vanishing cosmological constant limit, flat supergravity with a non-trivial boundary emerges properly.

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Asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity for the Maxwell algebra

2018, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Concha, Patrick, Merino, Nelson, Miskovic, Olivera, Salgado-Rebolledo, Patricio, Valdivia, Omar

We study a three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity theory based on the Maxwell algebra. We find that the boundary dynamics is described by an enlargement and deformation of the bms3 algebra with three independent central charges. This symmetry arises from a gravity action invariant under the local Maxwell group and is characterized by presence of Abelian generators which modify the commutation relations of the supertranslations in the standard bms3 algebra. Our analysis is based on the charge algebra of the theory in the BMS gauge, which includes the known solutions of standard asymptotically flat case. The field content of the theory is different than the one of General Relativity, but it includes all its geometries as particular solutions. In this line, we also study the stationary solutions of the theory in ADM form and we show that the vacuum energy and the vacuum angular momentum of the stationary configuration are influenced by the presence of the gravitational Maxwell field.

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Generalized pure Lovelock gravity

2017, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Concha, Patrick

We present a generalization of the n-dimensional (pure) Lovelock Gravity theory based on an enlarged Lorentz symmetry. In particular, we propose an alternative way to introduce a cosmological term. Interestingly, we show that the usual pure Lovelock gravity is recovered in a matter-free configuration. The five and six-dimensional cases are explicitly studied.

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Semi-simple enlargement of the bms3 algebra from a so(2, 2) ⊕ so(2, 1) Chern-Simons theory

2019, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Concha, Patrick, Merino, Nelson, Salgado-Rebolledo, Patricio, Valdivia, Omar

In this work we present a BMS-like ansatz for a Chern-Simons theory based on the semi-simple enlargement of the Poincaré symmetry, also known as AdS-Lorentz algebra. We start by showing that this ansatz is general enough to contain all the relevant stationary solutions of this theory and provides with suitable boundary conditions for the corresponding gauge connection. We find an explicit realization of the asymptotic symmetry at null infinity, which defines a semi-simple enlargement of the bms3 algebra and turns out to be isomorphic to three copies of the Virasoro algebra. The flat limit of the theory is discussed at the level of the action, field equations, solutions and asymptotic symmetry.

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Generalized Chern–Simons higher-spin gravity theories in three dimensions

2018, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Caroca, Ricardo, Concha, Patrick, Fierro, Octavio, Salgado-Rebolledo, Patricio

The coupling of spin-3 gauge fields to three-dimensional Maxwell and AdS-Lorentz gravity theories is presented. After showing how the usual spin-3 extensions of the AdS and the Poincaré algebras in three dimensions can be obtained as expansions of sl(3,R) algebra, the procedure is generalized so as to define new higher-spin symmetries. Remarkably, the spin-3 extension of the Maxwell symmetry allows one to introduce a novel gravity model coupled to higher-spin topological matter with vanishing cosmological constant, which in turn corresponds to a flat limit of the AdS-Lorentz case. We extend our results to define two different families of higher-spin extensions of three-dimensional Einstein gravity.

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Observations on BI from N = 2 supergravity and the general Ward identity

2015, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Andrianopoli, Laura, Concha, Patrick, D’Auria, Riccardo, Trigiante, Mario

The multi-vector generalization of a rigid, partially-broken N = 2 supersymmetric theory is presented as a rigid limit of a suitable gauged N = 2 supergravity with electric, magnetic charges and antisymmetric tensor fields. This on the one hand generalizes a known result by Ferrara, Girardello and Porrati while on the other hand allows to recover the multi-vector BI models of [4] from N = 2 supergravity as the end-point of a hierarchical limit in which the Planck mass first and then the supersymmetry breaking scale are sent to infinity. We define, in the parent supergravity model, a new symplectic frame in which, in the rigid limit, manifest symplectic invariance is preserved and the electric and magnetic Fayet-Iliopoulos terms are fully originated from the dyonic components of the embedding tensor. The supergravity origin of several features of the resulting rigid supersymmetric theory are then elucidated, such as the presence of a traceless SU(2)- Lie algebra term in the Ward identity and the existence of a central charge in the supersymmetry algebra which manifests itself as a harmless gauge transformation on the gauge vectors of the rigid theory; we show that this effect can be interpreted as a kind of “superspace non-locality” which does not affect the rigid theory on space-time. To set the stage of our analysis we take the opportunity in this paper to provide and prove the relevant identities of the most general dyonic gauging of Special-Kaehler and Quaternionic-Kaehler isometries in a generic N = 2 model, which include the supersymmetry Ward identity, in a fully symplectic-covariant formalism.

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Non-relativistic gravity theory based on an enlargement of the extended Bargmann algebra

2019, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Concha, Patrick

In this work we study a non-relativistic three dimensional Chern-Simons gravity theory based on an enlargement of the Extended Bargmann algebra. A finite nonrelativistic Chern-Simons gravity action is obtained through the non-relativistic contraction of a particular U(1) enlargement of the so-called AdS-Lorentz algebra. We show that the non-relativistic gravity theory introduced here reproduces the Maxwellian Exotic Bargmann gravity theory when a flat limit ℓ → ∞ is applied. We also present an alternative procedure to obtain the non-relativistic versions of the AdS-Lorentz and Maxwell algebras through the semigroup expansion method.

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On the Maxwell supergravity and flat limit in 2 + 1 dimensions

2018, Dra. Rodríguez-Durán, Evelyn, Concha, Patrick, Peñafiel, Diego

The construction of the three-dimensional Chern–Simons supergravity theory invariant under the minimal Maxwell superalgebra is presented. We obtain a supergravity action without cosmological constant term characterized by three coupling constants. We also show that the Maxwell supergravity presented here appears as a vanishing cosmological constant limit of a minimal AdS–Lorentz supergravity. The flat limit is applied at the level of the superalgebra, Chern–Simons action, supersymmetry transformation laws and field equations.