Dr. Núñez-Castellanos, Eduardo
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Dr. Núñez-Castellanos, Eduardo
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Núñez Castellanos, Eduardo
19 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationSeismic damage assessment of steel storage racks subjected to subduction earthquakes using a simplified methodThe incremental dynamic analysis is procedure highly used in the evaluation of structural systems and seismic design parameters for the linear design methods traditionally used in current building codes. The use of this methodology has been extended to industrial structures; however, in the case of steel racks subjected to subduction earthquakes such as the one in Chile, the procedure presents limitations in the post MCE scaling stage due to the high seismic demand, which does not allow its use. In this research, the seismic evaluation of steel storage racks is studied using a dynamic decremental analysis (DDA). The numerical research aims at a methodology proposed to evaluate seismic damage in steel storage racks, considering operational continuity, life safety and collapse prevention levels. A total of 4840 nonlinear models were performed to establish the performance levels, supported by the principles of the IDA according to FEMA P695. The MCE is used to scale the seismic records, however, a decremental scaling process is applied to identify the performance gap between the design intensity and the MCE intensity. The results obtained showed that the archetypes with lower load levels and lower height exhibited higher performance levels in the down-aisle direction compared to the transverse direction. In addition, the proposed methodology allows obtaining a performance level considering the seismic forces scaled to the MCE level through a methodology on steel racks, which had not been possible to evaluate using the IDA. Finally, the main problem in the study of steel racks design is to ensure the stability in the cross-aisle direction and stability of the stored goods in that direction.
- PublicationA Simplified Framework to Integrate Databases with Building Information Modeling for Building Energy Assessment in Multi-Climate Zones(MDPI, 2024)
;Lobos Calquín, Danny ;Mata, Ramón ;Vielma, Juan Carlos ;Beaumont-Sepulveda, Juan Carlos; ; ;Forcael, Eric ;Blanco, DavidPulgar, PabloBIM models are seldom used for the energy certification of buildings. This paper discusses the advantages of linking two important fields: building information modeling (BIM) and building environmental assessment methods (BEAM), presented as a rating system and a proposal for the Chilean context. The state of the art in both fields around the world is discussed, with an in-depth examination of current BIM software and related applications, followed by a discussion about previous research on integrating them. A lack of interoperability and data losses between BIM and BEM were found. A new tool is presented that addresses these challenges to ensure accurate rating system data, and this new framework is based on database exchange and takes crucial information from BIM to BEAM platforms. The development of the method includes BIM programming (API), database links, and spreadsheets for a Chilean building energy certification through a new tool, also applicable to multiclimactic zones. This new semi-automatic tool allows architects to model their design in a BIM platform and use this information as input for the energy certification process. The potential and risks of this method are discussed. Several improvements and enhancements of the energy certification process were found when incorporating this new framework in comparison to current methodologies. - PublicationImplementation of building information modeling technologies in wood construction: A review of the state of the art from a multidisciplinary approach(MDPI, 2024)
; ; ; ;Mata-Lemus, Ramón ;Roa-Rojas, Leonardo ;Lobos-Calquin, Danny ;Caicedo, Natalia ;Blanco-Fernandez, David ;Díaz, MarcosPulgar-Rubilar, PabloThis research raises questions about the possibilities and options of using the BIM methodology associated with software for the wood design and construction of structure modeling along an asset’s cycle life. Likewise, several academic and research initiatives are reviewed. In this sense, this paper aims to establish an appropriate link between two agendas that the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, academia, and governments normally handle separately. By conducting several literature reviews (book, journals, and congresses) and extensive software tests (BIM software: Revit v2023, Archicad v27, Tekla, and wood plug-ins: AGACAD, Archiframe, Timber Framing 2015, WoodStud Frame, etc.), the state-of-the-art was assessed in both fields, and several cases linking BIM and wood are shown in detail and discussed. Various theoretical samples are modelled and shown, and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique and stage are explained. On the other hand, although wood construction has been most common for hundreds of years, this is not the case of BIM software developments associated with this materiality. Furthermore, since the appearance of materials such as steel and reinforced concrete, all software developments have focused on these materials, leaving aside the possibility of developing applications for use in wood projects. According to that previously discussed, it can be concluded that BIM for wood has been used more frequently in academia, that both fields have several common processes, and, in many cases, that only a few BIM-wood tools have been used, thus disregarding the high potential and high level of benefits that result with the application of these methodologies for the complete building life cycle (design, construction, and operation). - PublicationCyclic behavior of concrete-filled tube columns with bidirectional moment connections considering the local slenderness effectIn this research, the cyclic behavior of concrete-filled thin tube (CFTT) columns with bidirectional moment connections was numerically studied within the context of thin-walled structures. Novel considerations in the design of CFTT columns with slenderness sections are proposed through a parametric study. A total of 70 high-fidelity finite element (FE) models are developed using ANSYS software v2022 calibrated from experimental research using similar 3D joint configurations. Furthermore, a comparison of different width-to-thickness ratios in columns was considered. The results showed that the models with a high slenderness ratio reached a stable cyclic behavior until 0.03 rad of drift, and a flexural strength of 0.8 Mp was reached for 4% of the drift ratio according to the Seismic Provisions. However, this effect slightly decreased the strength and the dissipated energy of the moment connection in comparison to columns with a high ductility ratio. Moreover, an evaluation of concrete damages shows concrete cracked for cyclic loads higher than 3% of drift. Finally, the joint configurations studied can achieve a good performance, avoiding brittle failure mechanisms and ensuring the plastic hinges in the beams.
- PublicationCyclic behavior of the column-tree moment connection with weakened plates: A numerical approachThe use of column-tree connections is common in controlled shop environments due to their cost-effectiveness in achieving ductile welds. Field bolts are also easy to install and inspect. However, there is currently no prequalification available for these connections, their performance is not fully understood, and the cost of aftermath repairs is still a major concern for owners. In this research, analytical and numerical studies were performed to assess the cyclic behavior considering the effects of the bolted splice location, bolt slippage, and splice plate thickness. Fourteen numerical models using the finite element method in ANSYS software were analyzed to evaluate the nonlinear behavior of moment connection configurations in terms of the strength, stiffness, ductility, energy dissipation, and overall cyclic response. The results showed that appropriately proportioned bolted splice connections can meet the requirements for prequalified moment connections. The models complied with the criteria established in AISC 358 and achieved flexural resistance that was higher than 80% of the beam plastic moment at 4% of the interstory drift ratio. The weakened plates concentrated the inelastic action, which allowed us to prevent the brittle behavior and damage to the column, welding, and other components of the moment connection. Complex geometries or specially fabricated parts were not required, providing a cost-effective way to control seismic-related damage. Also, required repairs are based on the replacement of standard parts, reducing operational detentions in facilities. Finally, the moment connection studied is classified as partially restrained (PR) according to the requirements established in AISC 360.
- PublicationProof of concept and preliminary validation of an analytical model of an energy dissipator for tension loads with self-centering capacity(Buildings, 2023)
; ;Balboa-Constanzo, Esteban ;Sanhueza-Cartes, Marcelo ;Sanhueza, Claudio; Roco-Videla, ÁngelA novel energy dissipation device is proposed to protect structures against dynamic loads. A conceptual model of the device is presented, describing the fundamental components of its operation. This model has a linear elastic element and a frictional damper. The equilibrium equations that lead to the relationship that governs its behavior are proposed. A functional model of the device was built on a 3D printer with PLA filament. Experimental trials were carried out to characterize its elastic component and the coefficient of friction of the damping parts. Proofs of concept load-unload tests were also carried out on the device, subjecting it to cyclical movement sequences. The results of the first two types of tests allowed the parameters of the previously developed analytical model to be calibrated. The results of the load-unload tests were compared with the predictions of the analytical model using the calibrated parameters. Consistency was observed between the experimental and analytical results, demonstrating the basic attributes of the device: self-centering capacity, dissipation capacity and force proportional to the displacement demand. It is concluded that the proposed device has the potential to be used effectively in the protection of structures under dynamic loads. - PublicationAssessment of web panel zone in built-up box columns subjected to bidirectional cyclic loads(Buildings, 2023)
;Mata, Ramón; ; ; Roco, ÁngelThe behavior of the web panel zone has a direct effect on the cyclic performance of steel moment connections. While the mechanisms of web panel zone failure are known under cyclic load, little is known about the behavior of the web panel zone under bidirectional loads in bolted connections. Using experimental tests and calibrated numerical models, this research evaluated the web panel zone behavior under unidirectional and bidirectional cyclic loads. The results showed that bidirectional load can modify the stress and strain distribution in the web panel zone. Moreover, the increasing of the width-to-thickness ratio of the column influences the failure mechanism of the joint configuration and increases the plastic incursion in the column. These data demonstrate that bidirectional effects improve the web panel zone performance under cyclic loads. - PublicationSeismic performance of RC moment frame buildings considering SSI effects: A case study of the new Venezuelan seismic code(Buildings, 2023)
;Hernández, Matías ;Mata, Ramón; ; The Soil–Structure Interaction (SSI) effect has been widely evidenced during several earthquakes around the world. In the Venezuelan context, the seismic event in Caracas in 1967 showed the significant consequences of designing buildings without considering the SSI effect. Nevertheless, limited research on the seismic performance of concrete moment frames (commonly used as structural systems in office and residential buildings in Venezuela and Latin America) considering the SSI effects has been developed, although there have been continuous updates to the Venezuelan Seismic Code. In this research, the influence of the SSI on the seismic performance of RC moment frame buildings designed according to the New Venezuelan Seismic Code was studied. An extensive numerical study of 3D buildings using concrete moment frames supported by mat foundations on sandy and clayey soils was performed. The response spectrum method, non-linear static analysis, and non-linear dynamic analysis were used to assess the seismic response of the archetypes studied. The results show that SSI effects can have a significant impact on the seismic response of RC moment frame buildings, increasing the interstory drift ratio and decreasing the shear forces. As is shown in fragility curves, the probability of collapse increases for cases with flexible bases in comparison to the cases of models with fixed bases. Additionally, in the 24-story archetype, the fixed-base model reached a maximum probability of collapse. Finally, a new proposal for the reduction of the strength-reduction factor (R) must be incorporated into the Venezuelan Seismic Code to improve the safety of the structures. Limitations in the use of RC moment frames must be incorporated for high-rise buildings since, as the present work demonstrates, for high-period structures, the normative provisions are not reached. - PublicationAssessment of strength reduction factor on concrete moment frames according to the new Venezuelan seismic code(MDPI, 2022)
;Mata Lemus, Ramón ;Idrees Rustom, Ahmad ;Sánchez Rodríguez, Javier ;Torres Moreno, Ronald; Nonlinear static analysis is a validated tool for the seismic evaluation of existing and new structures, specifically for reinforced concrete buildings. In order to assess the performance of reinforced concrete frames designed according to the new Venezuelan seismic code, configurations of low-, medium-, and high-rise concrete buildings are subjected to 20 different load patterns considering the nonlinear behavior according to FEMA P695. A total of 140 concrete frame models were analyzed using modal response spectrum analysis and nonlinear static pushover analysis. The parameters considered for analyzing the models were the response reduction factor (R), the overstrength factor (RΩ), and the ductility factor (Rµ). The results showed a performance controlled by ductile failure mechanisms in low-rise models unlike combined failure mechanisms with columns with plastic hinge in high-rise models. Reduction factor values between 4 and 14 were obtained. In addition, the pushover curves were affected by the load patterns; therefore, it was necessary to identify the representative patterns, refusing the rest of the patterns. A statistical adjustment was performed using a log-normal distribution. The strength reduction factor specified in the new Venezuelan code was higher than the values obtained for the 95% confidence levels according to the distribution assumed in the reinforced concrete frames models. Finally, the strength reduction factor more representative is R = 4. - PublicationInfluence of global slenderness and sliding pallets on seismic design of steel storage racks: A sensitivity analysis(MDPI, 2022)
; ; ;Mata-Lemus, Ramón ;Castro, Jorge ;Guerrero, NéstorRoco, ÁngelIn this research, the influence of global slenderness and sliding pallets factor on the seismic design of steel storage racks are assessed. Variations in span length, the height of storage levels, live load, and percentage of live load considered in the seismic mass are studied for different levels of seismic zone and soil type. The models were designed according to the Chilean Code NCh2369. Subsequently, a global sensitivity analysis was developed to analyze the influence of each studied parameter in the seismic design response in terms of fundamental period, drift, and base shear from a response spectral analysis approach. A total of 12000 simulations were performed. Two-hundred additional models were performed to evaluate the variation of seismic mass in the structural response. Results indicate a significant influence of live loads and seismic mass on steel racks designed for soft soils and unbrace conditions. The stiffness also modifies the performance of the racks, mainly in models using braces in the down-aisle direction and cross-aisle direction. In these cases, the seismic mass factor does not have a strong influence on structural response in comparison to the global slenderness.