Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Variation in the modal response of retrofitted unreinforced masonry walls at different levels of damage
    (MDPI, 2024) ; ;
    Romero-Carrasco, Joaquín
    This article presents the results of an experimental campaign conducted on a set of four unreinforced masonry walls at full scale. The purpose of this study is to assess, using non-destructive methods, the impact of retrofitting and damage on the modal response of masonry wall systems. Each wall underwent a sequence of increasing cyclic displacements applied by an actuator at the upper end of the specimen. Modal tests based on vibrations were performed both before and after rehabilitation, as well as during the sequence of increasing displacements. It was demonstrated that frequencies can identify progressive damage when the maximum crack is about to occur, as well as the effect of wall retrofitting when mass contribution is considerable. However, the modal assurance criterion indicator (MAC) fails to properly identify a trend of decreasing correlations as progressive damage increases; instead, it is sensitive to detecting maximum crack and instability conditions. Furthermore, it was determined that the coordinated modal assurance criterion indicator (COMAC) does not identify the damage distribution as expected. However, the cumulative COMAC provides a useful tool for quick visualization and interpretation of COMAC behavior. Finally, a novel damage indicator was tested, MACVF, which improves the trend and successfully identifies the most damage-sensitive mode, especially when the maximum level of damage is reached, giving MAC values below 80%. In addition, frequency variations ranged from 70% to 110% when TRM and WWM retrofitting techniques were applied.
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    Improvement of the analytical model of an energy dissipator and validation with experimental tests of a prototype
    (Buildings, 2023)
    Balboa-Constanzo, Esteban
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    Roco-Videla, Ángel
    Sanhueza-Cartes, Marcelo
    Arias-Guzmán, Patricio
    Canales, Cristian
    An improved numerical formulation for a self-centering frictional damper is presented. This was experimentally validated through quasi-static tests carried out on a steel-made prototype of the damper. Its design is ad hoc for implementation in the seismic protection of industrial storage racks. The conceptual model of the device was adjusted to the prototype built. The formulation of the analytical model, a parametric analysis of it, and the validation with experimental results are presented. The improvement of the model presented here explicitly considers elements included in the prototype, such as a system of load transmission rings and the friction between all of the components that slide or rotate relatively. In the experimental validation, the parameters of the improved model were determined. The numerical predictions for the improved model were contrasted with those obtained with the original one and with the experimental results. This demonstrates that the improvement leads to a better adjustment of the numerical predictions concerning the experimental measurements, which is useful for nonlinear analysis. The device withstood forces of considerable magnitude in addition to dissipating enough energy per load–unload cycle to be effective in the seismic protection of industrial storage racks.
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    Cyclic behavior of 3D moment connections subjected to bidirectional load: Experimental approach
    (Engineering Structures, 2023) ;
    Bustos-Figueroa, Juan
    Mata-Lemus, Ramón
    Lapeña-Mañero, Pablo
    This paper presents an experimental research to assess the cyclic behavior of a bolted moment connection with the use of optimized end-plate connected to built-up box column subassemblies subjected to bidirectional and unidirectional loading. Seven real scale specimens were tested: three specimens with four beams connected to column as interior joint, two specimens with two beams connected as corner joint configuration and two specimens with two beams connected to column as interior joint, according the protocol established in AISC Seismic provisions. The seismic performance was evaluated in terms of hysteretic behavior, failure mechanism, stiffness and dissipated energy. The joints studied were manufactured from of hot-rolled I-beams and square built-up box columns. The elements of connection such as bolts, welding, outer stiffeners and end-plates were designed to remain in elastic range from the flexural expected capacity of beams. The results showed that the required minimum moment of 0.8Mp at 0.04 rad of drift angle was achieved for all specimens tested. However, a higher stiffness and resistance was reached in configuration with unidirectional load (interior joint) in comparison to joint subjected to bidirectional load (corner joint). The damage was concentrated uniquely in beams, while an elastic behavior in columns and connection components was reached for 0.04 rad of drift angle. Finally, this moment connection configuration can be used as an alternative to design buildings with special moment frames under bidirectional loading considering the cyclic behavior of joints evaluated.
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    Assessment of web panel zone in built-up box columns subjected to bidirectional cyclic loads
    The behavior of the web panel zone has a direct effect on the cyclic performance of steel moment connections. While the mechanisms of web panel zone failure are known under cyclic load, little is known about the behavior of the web panel zone under bidirectional loads in bolted connections. Using experimental tests and calibrated numerical models, this research evaluated the web panel zone behavior under unidirectional and bidirectional cyclic loads. The results showed that bidirectional load can modify the stress and strain distribution in the web panel zone. Moreover, the increasing of the width-to-thickness ratio of the column influences the failure mechanism of the joint configuration and increases the plastic incursion in the column. These data demonstrate that bidirectional effects improve the web panel zone performance under cyclic loads.
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    Numerical study on seismic response of steel storage racks with roller type Isolator
    (MDPI, 2021) ; ; ;
    Álvarez-Figueroa, Oscar
    Roco-Videla, Ángel
    This research evaluates the effectiveness of using a roller-type base isolation device with tensile strength in reducing the dynamic response of industrial steel storage racks. These were subjected to a seismic input acting separately in both directions of the structure. The seismic record obtained from the earthquake that occurred in Llolleo, Chile, on 3 March 1985, was used as input. This earthquake was scaled in the frequency domain, adjusting its response spectrum to coincide with the design spectrum required by NCh2745. In the calculations of this spectrum, the most hazardous seismic zone (zone 3) and soft soil (soil III) that amplifies the effect of the low frequencies of the earthquake were considered. These frequencies are the ones that have the most affect on flexible structures such as high racks and systems with base isolation. Numerical time-history analyses were performed in fixed base racks and base isolation racks. In both cases, the models include semi-rigid connections with capacity for plastic deformation and energy dissipation. Parametric analyses were carried out considering the most relevant variables, using an algorithm programmed in MATLAB software. The maximum relative displacement, maximum basal shear load, and maximum absolute floor acceleration were considered as responses of interest. The results showed the effectiveness of using the base isolation device by reducing the absolute accelerations between approximately 75% and 90%, compared to the same fixed rack at its base. This makes it possible to reduce the vulnerability of the stored load to overturn under the action of a severe earthquake.
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    Aprendizaje servicio aplicado a la gestión de desastres en establecimientos educacionales municipales
    Este trabajo presenta una experiencia de educación en ingeniería orientada a la prevención de desastres, a través de la revisión y adecuación de los planes integrales de seguridad escolar en tres establecimientos educacionales de la comuna de Talcahuano, Chile, a solicitud del Departamento de Educación Municipal. La experiencia se desarrolló en el contexto del curso Desastres naturales y cultura de la prevención de las carreras de Ingeniería Civil e Ingeniería Civil Geológica de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, mediante la aplicación de la metodología aprendizaje servicio. El objetivo de la experiencia es que los estudiantes del curso y la comunidad escolar estudiada reconozcan de manera eficaz los riesgos generados por el entorno natural, describan las etapas asociadas a gestión de desastres y colaboren en la generación de una cultura de prevención y preparación frente a ellos. Los resultados obtenidos corresponden a la entrega de planes integrales de seguridad escolar adecuados a los establecimientos estudiados con un diagnóstico de vulnerabilidades y mapa s de riesgo. La experiencia de aprendizaje servicio desarrollada muestra el fomento del compromiso social en los estudiantes y la importancia del aprendizaje orientado a resolver necesidades reales, con una visión integral en su formación profesional.