Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
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    Seismic and coastal vulnerability assessment model for buildings in Chile
    (Buildings, 2021)
    Quiñones Bustos, Catalina
    This article proposes a vulnerability assessment model for evaluating buildings’ expected seismic performance, as well as their vulnerability to tsunamis. The objective of this assessment is to provide appropriate information for decision makers regarding the need of repairs and reinforcement of buildings or other mitigation measures that need to be applied in a territory. A procedure for assessing seismic vulnerability and another methodology for evaluating tsunami vulnerability faced by coastal structures is presented. Finally, a method that integrates both procedures is proposed, providing a combined index of vulnerability. The assessment model was applied to the central area of the city of Talcahuano, Chile, which was affected by the 2010 Maule earthquake and tsunami.
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    Corrigendum to “Analysis of risk assessment factors of individuals in volcanic hazards: Review of the last decade” [J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 357 (2018) 254–260]
    (Elsevier, 2018)
    Favereau, Marcel
    Robledo, Luis F.
    The authors regret due to a production error, the following article was wrongly included as part of this regular issue Volume 304C. This article is now replaced with this note and will be included in an upcoming special issue entitled [SI: Vanuatu volcanoes]. Please refer to the DOI and citation details in that version when citing the paper. The Publisher apologizes for the inconvenience. Prodigious emission rates and magma degassing budget of major, trace and radioactive volatile species from Ambrym basaltic volcano, Vanuatu island Arc; Allard et al.; Volume 304, 1 October 2015, Pages 378–402; The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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    Determinant factors in personal decision-making to adopt COVID-19 prevention measures in Chile
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021)
    Fernanda Gonzalez, Karina
    Muñoz-Herrera, Sebastián 
    Felipe Robledo, Luis
    The pandemic has challenged countries to develop stringent measures to reduce infections and keep the population healthy. However, the greatest challenge is understanding the process of adopting self-care measures by individuals in different countries. In this research, we sought to understand the behavior of individuals who take self-protective action. We selected the risk homeostasis approach to identify relevant variables associated with the risk of contagion and the Protective Action Decision Model to understand protective decision-making in the pandemic. Subsequently, we conducted an exploratory survey to identify whether the same factors, as indicated in the literature, impact Chile’s adoption of prevention measures. The variables gender, age, and trust in authority behave similarly to those found in the literature. However, socioeconomic level, education, and media do not impact the protection behaviors adopted to avoid contagion. Furthermore, the application of the Protective Action Decision Model is adequate to understand the protective measures in the case of a pandemic. Finally, women have a higher risk perception and adopt more protective measures, and in contrast, young people between 18 and 30 years of age are the least concerned about COVID-19 infection.
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    Propuesta metodológica para implementar la primera fase del modelo de gestión del cambio organizacional de Lewin
    (Universidad Icesi, 2018)
    Martínez Bustos, Eric
    Carrasco Sagredo, Claudia
    Este trabajo propone una metodología para implementar la primera fase del modelo de gestión del cambio organizacional de Lewin, denominada descongelamiento. Inicialmente, las tipologías individuales y organizaciones presentes en la compañía son determinadas a través de una encuesta a los colaboradores. Posteriormente, se aplica el método multicriterio Elimination et Choix Traduisant la Réalité (ELECTRE) para identificar el conjunto de factores mínimos a modificar para implantar en forma exitosa un proyecto de cambio. Esta propuesta permite focalizar los esfuerzos de los gestores de cambio, haciéndolos más efectivos para desarrollar planes de acción para el descongelamiento de prejuicios. Las tipologías prioritarias determinadas para el caso de análisis son el ignorante y el desganado para la dimensión individual, y las clases estática y rutinaria para la dimensión organizacional.
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    Damage assessment of the May 31st, 2019, Talcahuano tornado, Chile
    (International journal of disaster risk reduction, 2020) ; ; ; ;
    Saez, Boris
    Gutierrez, Gladys
    Quinones, Catalina
    Bobadilla, Romina
    On May 31st, 2019, a tornado hit the city of Talcahuano, Chile, generating significant damage to structures and leaving one person dead. The objective of the present paper is to report on damage to structures in Talcahuano. A preliminary survey was performed by the Municipality of Talcahuano and covered the entire affected area with a cellphone web application used to report the severity and distribution of damage. A more comprehensive damage survey was conducted in the Brisa del Sol neighborhood in the Medio Camino area by the UCSC team to assess the damage distribution within an area with well-defined and homogeneous building typologies. The results of the field surveys showed that the tornado behaved as a skipping tornado and that most damage to houses consisted of wall opening damage, roof sheathing failure, and wall cover removal (EF0), followed by partial roof removal(EF1). It was noticeable that self-built systems (house additions) were more damaged than original houses, which may be explained by the fact that such structures do not always meet minimum building standards. It is recommended that field surveys conducted by municipalities and the Ministry of Social Development considertypical damage types rather than just categories such as minor, moderate, or major. Finally, it is recommendedthat the feasibility of implementing mitigation measures such as stricter wind load provisions and dual-objective tornado design philosophy in the Concepci´on-Talcahuano area be analyzed.
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    Measuring key performance indicators for operating room management
    (Zhende Publishing Limited, 2020) ;
    Neriz, Liliana
    Ramis-Lanyon, Francisco
    Concha, Pablo
    Silva, Daniela
    Bustamante, Hernan
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    A methodological approach to improve the performance in operating room management
    (DYNA Management, 2020) ;
    Neriz, Liliana
    Ramis, Francisco
    Concha, Pablo
    Silva, Daniela
    Bustamante, Hernán
    This research seeks to improve the service quality provided in Operating Rooms through a Key Performance Indicators (KPI) system based on the analysis of processes and resources used in three surgical units in Chile. This methodology integrates two frameworks: Lean Healthcare and Activity Based Costing. We analyzed these Operating Rooms to establish standard procedures and surgical costs. The proposed methodology includes the following four stages: (i) Identifying macro-processes in the Health Care Unit; (ii) Describing the macro-processes and their healthcare objectives; (iii) Analyzing and standardizing the described processes; and (iv) Generating indicators aimed at cost-control and indicators aimed at reducing activity-duration variability. The KPIs support the reduction of surgery variability, maintain low overhead costs, and set appropriate goals for the: (i) pre-operative; (ii) intraoperative; and (iii) postoperative stages. The implementation of Activity Based Costing, Ishikawa Diagram, and Value Stream Map allowed to identify the resources used in each activity performed, the costs of the activities, and the processes required to provide each surgery. Sample results, of the methodology and proposed application, include the identification of the three most expensive activities, which are: Provide total intravenous anesthesia, Perform postoperative nursing care and Monitor vital signs. These activities represent 29% of the total cost of an operating room. In addition, twelve process indicators were defined, such as Patient transfer time to OR and Extended use of OR. All of these indicators, processes and cost indicators, will likely improve the management of the operating rooms.
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    Analysis of risk assessment factors of individuals in volcanic hazards: Review of the last decade
    (Elsevier, 2018)
    Favereau, Marcel
    Robledo, Luis F.
    There are many methods and scientific research approaches where modeling and understanding on how individuals evaluate natural origin risks. Despite the proficiency and depth of such studies, we evidenced a lack for a holistic approach where the most influencing factors in the individual decision-making process were covered. This research seeks to understand what those factors are, how they relate to each other, and how the behave with respect to individual perception and acceptance of risk. For this, we performed a thorough literature review covering the last decade in relation with the understanding of how these incidence factors affected the perception and acceptance of risk in the communities exposed to volcanic events under the decision-making process. Our research was able to detect how the identified variables influenced each other in this process. We analyzed different study cases found in the literature and, additionally, we propose as a further research a new theoretical approach related to decision-making modeling process under dynamic system that would be valuable as a contribution to risk management.
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    Resiliencia comunitaria y sentido de comunidad durante la respuesta y recuperación al terremoto-tsunami del año 2010, Talcahuano-Chile
    (Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reduccion del Riesgo de Desastres, 2018) ;
    Torres-Méndez, Mauricio
    Cid-Aguayo, Beatriz
    Moreno, Jenny
    Lara, Alejandro
    Gonzalez-Aburto, Carlos
    Henríquez-Arriagada, Bárbara
    La investigación, tiene entre sus objetivos, describir cómo se expresan las capacidades de afrontamiento de la resiliencia comunitaria en relación al sentido de comunidad en trece familias de la comuna de Talcahuano-Chile, durante el periodo de respuesta y recuperación al desastre del terremoto y tsunami del año 2010. Se optó por un diseño exploratorio cualitativo de carácter transversal bajo una lógica de observación ex-post. A los casos de estudio se les aplica una entrevista semi-estructurada, cuyos discursos son examinados utilizando el Análisis Estructural de Contenido y el Modelo Actancial de la Semántica Estructural. Se concluye que la resiliencia comunitaria es un proceso que emerge en vinculación con el sentido de comunidad, expresado en el compromiso por el bienestar de la comunidad del lugar y en la participación comunitaria en acciones colectivas. Estas son condicionantes sociales que facilitan o limitan la adaptación organizativa de la comunidad y el surgimiento de comportamientos colaborativos, en función de resolver los problemas con mayor rapidez y con el mejor desempeño en el uso de los recursos del territorio. 
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    Aprendizaje servicio aplicado a la gestión de desastres en establecimientos educacionales municipales
    Este trabajo presenta una experiencia de educación en ingeniería orientada a la prevención de desastres, a través de la revisión y adecuación de los planes integrales de seguridad escolar en tres establecimientos educacionales de la comuna de Talcahuano, Chile, a solicitud del Departamento de Educación Municipal. La experiencia se desarrolló en el contexto del curso Desastres naturales y cultura de la prevención de las carreras de Ingeniería Civil e Ingeniería Civil Geológica de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, mediante la aplicación de la metodología aprendizaje servicio. El objetivo de la experiencia es que los estudiantes del curso y la comunidad escolar estudiada reconozcan de manera eficaz los riesgos generados por el entorno natural, describan las etapas asociadas a gestión de desastres y colaboren en la generación de una cultura de prevención y preparación frente a ellos. Los resultados obtenidos corresponden a la entrega de planes integrales de seguridad escolar adecuados a los establecimientos estudiados con un diagnóstico de vulnerabilidades y mapa s de riesgo. La experiencia de aprendizaje servicio desarrollada muestra el fomento del compromiso social en los estudiantes y la importancia del aprendizaje orientado a resolver necesidades reales, con una visión integral en su formación profesional.