Capital Asset Pricing Model and Ordered Weighted Average Operator for Selecting Investment Portfolios
Uzeta-Obregon, Cristhian
Garcia-Gastelum, Tanya
Alvarez, Pavel
Blanco-Mesa, Fabio
The main objective of this article is to present the formulation of a Capital Asset Pricing Model ordered weighted average CAPMOWAand its extensions, called CAPM-induced OWA (CAPMIOWA), CAPM Bonferroni OWA (CAPMBon-OWA), and CAPM Bonferroni-induced OWA CAPMBon-IOWA. A step-by-step process for applying this new proposal in a real case of formulating investment portfolios is generated. These methods show several scenarios, considering the attitude, preferences, and relationship of each argument, when underestimation or overestimation of the information by the decision maker may influence the decision-making process regarding portfolio investments. Finally, the complexity of the method and the incorporation of soft information into the modeling process lead to generating a greater number of scenarios and reflect the attitudes and preferences of decision makers.
Capital Asset Pricing Model and Ordered Weighted Average Operator for Selecting Investment Portfolios.pdf
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OWA operator
Bonferroni OWA
Portfolio investment