Seasonal variation in reproductive parameters of the squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon from a South Pacific population
Olavarría, Luis
Guzmán-Rivas, Fabián
Taylor & Francis
Pleuroncodes monodon from the Chilean coast has seasonal reproduction. During the seasonal period, females and their eggs are exposed to seasonal variation in environmental conditions. In P. monodon populations inhabiting the Southern Pacific coast near Concepción, Chile, we quantified late summer (February–March 2014) and late winter (August–September 2014) seasonal variations in female reproductive parameters (carapace length, fecundity, reproductive output (RO), ash weight, organic content) as well as eggs parameters (length, volume, dry weight, organic content). There was conspicuous seasonal variation in the main reproductive parameters of this species. During the summer, the number of eggs and organic content of females were higher than winter, whereas RO was slightly higher in winter than in summer. Significant variation in the size and biomass of the eggs was also found between seasons. For example, eggs laid in summer were smaller, had a lower measured dry mass, and had a lower organic content than eggs laid in winter. Seasonal variations in the fecundity and size of the eggs have implications for fishery models, which can be used to estimate the relative contribution of different cohorts to recruitment and stability of adult benthic populations.
Environmental conditions
Decapod crustaceans
Reproductive traits
Egg size