Acti-Plan: Appropriation of ICT resources for pre-service teachers' teaching practice in immersive virtual worlds
Lara-Valenzuela, Cristian
IGI Global Scientific Publishing
Two 3D-learning environments in SecondLife and OpenSim have been developed as part of a grant project called TYMMI -Technology and Pedagogical Models in Immersive Worlds- funded by the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) in Chile. The main objective is to strengthen the professional performance of pre-service teachers (bachelor students), by simulating teaching practices and virtual learning opportunities where the community members join a meeting or class, share and interact in the complex process of assimilation teaching skills. Preliminary results are related to the design of two immersive simulation platforms and to develop a conceptual and technological model for teaching in Immersive Worlds. In this context, the authors created an ACTI-PLAN that allows pre-service teachers to act in two areas: cataloging resources and educational planning. Also, in this virtual space there is an architecture that supports pedagogical proposal that includes classrooms for Mathematic and Language for elementary education.