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    Intención emprendedora y educación superior: Un enfoque bibliométrico
    (Institución Universitaria, 2023)
    Blanco-Mesa, Fabio
    Fernández-Samacá, Dianny
    El objetivo del presente estudio fue presentar un análisis bibliométrico de las investigaciones sobre intención emprendedora relacionado con la educación superior. Para ello, se aplicó una metodología que usó el conjunto de datos de la colección principal de la Web of Science y, mediante una ecuación de búsqueda en la que se utilizan operadores booleanos, se encontraron un total de 1933 documentos, con un rango temporal para ser analizados desde enero de 1998 hasta diciembre de 2022. Se presenta, además, un análisis de cocitaciones, coocurrencias, citaciones y coautorías de artículos, autores, revistas, países y palabras clave, usando como herramienta principal el software VOSviewer. Los resultados mostraron que el campo empieza a crecer desde 2015, que los enfoques más estudiados están relacionados con la autoeficacia, la transculturalidad, la educación en emprendimiento y género, y que las autorías y universidades más destacados están en España. Se identifican los tres ejes de investigación: actitudes personales (enfoque moldeamiento), capacidad de acción (enfoque empresarial) y entorno (enfoque universitario), así como los retos de la educación superior para la formación empresarial. Con ello, se puede tener una perspectiva holística de lo que ocurren en este campo de investigación que ayude a encontrar temas de interés dentro de este para futuras investigaciones.
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    A Multicriteria Approach to Integration and Evaluation of Investment Portfolios: The New York Stock Exchange
    (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2023)
    Alvarez Carrillo. Pavel Anselmo
    Miranda Espinoza, Eva Luz
    Muñoz Palma, Manuel
    One of the problems investors often face is deciding on the stocks to include in an investment portfolio. Hence, this article seeks to select investment portfolios considering the 30 leading companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) of the Dow Jones Index. Portfolio selection in this index is carried out by generating a previous ranking of the shares with a novel approach that analyzes their performance using a multiple criteria hierarchical process (MCHP). The current research allows the evaluation of shares and optimizing a portfolio, while developing a procedure that supports a decision-making process for organizations or practitioners to invest in the stock market. The results of analyzing the NYSE generated a portfolio that can be used for interested investors. The main contribution of the application of MCHP and Markowitz model is related to the possibility of replicating the developed procedure to select portfolios in other stock markets.
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    Comparative population genetic structure of two ixodid tick species (Acari:Ixodidae) (Ixodes ovatus and Haemaphysalis flava) in Niigata prefecture, Japan
    (Elsevier, 2021)
    Regilme, Maria Angenica F
    Sato, Megumi
    Tamura, Tsutomu
    Arai, Reiko
    Otake Sato, Marcello
    Ikeda, Sumire
    Monaghan, Michael T
    Watanabe, Kozo
    Ixodid ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) are essential vectors of tick-borne diseases in Japan. In this study, we characterized the population genetic structure and inferred genetic divergence in two widespread and abundant ixodid species, Ixodes ovatus and Haemaphysalis flava. Our hypothesis was that genetic divergence would be high in I. ovatus because of the low mobility of their small rodent hosts of immature I. ovatus would limit their gene flow compared to more mobile avian hosts of immature H. flava. We collected 320 adult I. ovatus from 29 locations and 223 adult H. flava from 17 locations across Niigata Prefecture, Japan, and investigated their genetic structure using DNA sequences from fragments of two mitochondrial gene regions, cox1 and the 16S rRNA gene. For I. ovatus, pairwise FST and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) analyses of cox1 and 16S sequences indicated significant genetic variation among populations, whereas both markers showed non-significant genetic variation among locations for H. flava. A cox1 gene tree and haplotype network revealed three genetic groups of I. ovatus. One of these groups consisted of haplotypes distributed at lower altitudes (251–471 m.a.s.l.). The cox1 sequences of I. ovatus from Japan clustered separately from I. ovatus sequences reported from China, suggesting the potential for cryptic species in Japan. Our results support our hypothesis and suggest that the host preference of ticks at the immature stage may influence the genetic structure of the ticks. This information may be important for understanding the tick-host interactions in the field to better understand the tick-borne disease transmission and in designing an effective tick control program.
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    Revision of the genus Hoplosauris Butler 1882 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
    (Magnolia Press, 2009)
    Parra, Luis
    Jiménez-Urrutia, María
    The genus Hoplosauris Butler 1882 is reviewed and redefined. Species belonging to the genera Notholoba syn. nov. and Physoloba Warren (1908) are incorporated into Hoplosauris, and the species Physoloba griseofasciata is maintained Physoloba as its type species. The following eight species are recognized in Hoplosauris: H. heliconoides Butler, 1882; H. schausi (Warren 1908) comb. nov.; H. valeria Butler 1893; H. indistincta (Butler, 1882) comb. nov.; H. macarenae Parra sp. nov.; H. granitata (Fletcher 1953) comb. nov.; H. pachrophylloides Parra sp. nov.; H. mabillei Parra sp. nov. Synapomorphic characters supporting monophyly of Hoplosauris include vesicle of anal margin of the male hindwings small, corpus bursae striated, internal surface of corpus bursae with microspines, and valvae with androconia subapically. Adult wing patterns and genitalia are illustrated, and geographic distributions discussed.
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    Word-y: Structure and content design of educational videogame to learn English as a L2
    (Universidad de Chile, 2015) ;
    Nourdin, Michelle
    The use of videogames in the educational area has taken a bigger role among kids, adolescents and adults, being considered a relevant element, leaving behind its playful look at leisure. Particularly in Chile, thanks to the integration of ICT, several tools like didactic presentation programs or mobile apps facilitate the teaching and learning process of a second language like English. The aim of this research is to describe the design of an educative videogame and to describe the validation process of the Word-y contents which are associated to learning vocabulary in English. The design has been developed using the incremental prototype model’ using the free version of Construct2 software. As projections, the future work implies improve the first prototype applying a content survey to 30 English teachers and educational informatics experts.
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    Use of Ple-Portfolio to assess the competence-based learning through Web 2.0
    (TEMPUS Publications, 2014) ;
    Carrasco-Sáez, José
    Prats-Fernández, Miquel
    This article describes an experience of the use of Personal Learning Environment (PLE)-Portfolio to compile various digital artifacts in virtual spaces, which represent a theoretical content learning process associated with knowledge, in a competency-based context, using a variety of Web 2.0 tools. Based on the Learning Spiral as a framework for curriculum design in connectivisim and in the co-association, it was created lessons, activities, and projects in order to create dynamic learning situations that contribute to the development of thinking skills and mental habits of first-year college students of technical engineering education at the Higher Technical Network Administration and Computational Support of the Lota Arauco Technical Training Center at the University of Concepción. To analyze the experience, it was proposed an evaluation model that was built using ICT, evaluative principles, a defined competencies standard, evidence and types of ICT assessment. As data instrument collection, rubrics were used that allowed to determine what students did with and without ICT. Main results of this experience are the generation of a methodological and evaluative model that facilitates theoretical learning, from the paradigm of learning using ICT, for example to promote higher competencies development in students, incorporating ICT seamlessly into a learning activity, increasing motivation and collaborative work in the physical and virtual classrooms.
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    Teachers perception about their training process through the Eduticom model using Interactive Whiteboard
    (Inderscience Publishers, 2010) ;
    Cortada, Meritxell
    Riera, Jordi
    With the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education, especially the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), the need for a proper teacher training process emerges in order to adjust the integration and didactic use of this tool in the classroom. This paper discusses the teachers| perception on the training process for ICT integration. Its main aim is to contribute to the unification of minimum criteria for effective ICT implementation in any training process for active teachers. This case study begins from the development of a training model called Eduticom which was put into practice in four schools in Catalonia, Spain. Findings indicated different teachers| needs such as an appropriate infrastructure, a proper management and a flexible training model which essentially addresses methodological and didactic aspects of IWB use in the classroom.
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    Technological readiness for teaching practices in immersive learning environments Open Sim
    (Graz University of Technology, 2014) ;
    Prats-Fernández, Miquel
    Careaga-Butter, Marcelo
    Carlos-Gacitúa, Juan
    Vásquez-Carillo, Cecilia
    This article presents some results obtained partially during the first year of the TYMMI project. TYMMI’s aim is to strengthen the professional performance of pre-service teachers in the real classroom. Through the design of a free immersive virtual world Open Sim we have developed a technology readiness for 27 pre-service high school English teachers who are preparing their career at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepcion, in Chile. Initial results show some evidence of working in a three dimensional environment and in a virtual learning platform (called EV@ supported by Moodle) through Sloodle. One of the first findings we have gathered are: motivation for using these environments, strengthening ICT skills, and also technological difficulties for the development of the academic activities of interaction during teaching practices.
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    Teacher uses and perceptions of interactive whiteboard incorporation in Spanish classrooms
    (Common Ground Research Networks, 2012)
    With the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education, especially the interactive whiteboard (IWB), the need for a proper teacher training process emerges in order to adjust the integration and didactic use of this tool in the classroom. This paper explores how they use the IWB in their teaching and learning methodology and their perceptions about the integration of this technology. Our sample consisted of 80 teachers from 14 schools in Catalonia, Spain, who work with IWB in kindergarten and primary education. This paper reports a case-study with a mixed-method design. The data was collected by systematic observations and questionnaires to teachers. Data analysis offers evidence that teachers request more training and pedagogical time to create didactic material, although they showed security on the instrumental control of the IWB. There is a clear relationship between the use of IWB in classrooms and pupils’ enhanced motivation and their attention into the content of the lessons. Furthermore, we conclude that IWB use in classrooms can provide an appropriate environment to encourage the creation of a shared space and the generation of a fluent oral communication involving both teacher and pupils in the learning process.
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    Effects of an ICT educational project on the students' digital literacy development
    (Inderscience Publishers, 2010) ;
    Cortada-Pujol, Meritxell
    The impact of the information and communication technologies (ICT) has become the core of a change that involves most of the society fields, consequently, the technological and informational literacy are essential requirements in education. The research is a quasi-experimental and ex-post-facto study in schools from Spain. The aim was to describe and analyse the involvement showed by 219 students who participated in a development of ICTs project named Ponte dos Brozos. The research objective was to respond if the students who usually worked with ICT, had better knowledge and management with computing tools, and if they are better prepared in researching and selecting information. Results showed that students who have a higher contact with ICTs know about the technology and how to use it, also, better knowledge and control of the computer and operative systems, a high information management level trough the internet, although their literacy in information is devoid.