Intracapsular development in the freshwater gastropod Chilina dombeiana (Bruguiere, 1789). (Gastropoda: Hygrophila: Chilinidae)
Borquez-Castro, Jessica
Valdovinos-Zarges, Claudio
Biodiversity Heritage Library
Chilina dombeiana (Bruguière, 1789) is a native Chilean species inhabiting freshwater and estuarine environments. In the present study, a series of stages for embryonic development of the embryo is described. The snails lay gelatinous and transparent zig-zag-like string egg masses, ranging between 10 and 130 mm in length. Each egg mass contains a variable number of embryos ranging from 60 to 298 eggs with a mean density of 2.9 mm (+ 0.7 SD). Embryos inside egg masses are individually encapsulated and embedded in a jelly matrix. Hatching as crawling juveniles took place after 28 days, indicating that direct development occurs in this species. In contrast to other fresh water pulmonates, the well-developed operculum observed in C. dombeiana from the veliger stage, suggest a marine ancestry for this species.
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Intracapsular development in the freshwater gastropod Chilina dombeiana (Bruguiere, 1789). (Gastropoda. Hygrophila. Chilinidae).pdf
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