Semantic adaptation and validation of the Stanford hypnotic susceptibility scale, form C, in the Chilean population
Chamorro-Velásquez, Bryan
Montecinos-Recabal, Daniel
Pedreros-Cartes, Flor
Sepúlveda-Leal, Carla
Taylor & Francis
One of the difficulties of evaluating hypnotizability in Chile is the limited existence of validated instruments. In this study, the Mexican version of Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C, was semantically adapted and validated. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in 102 Chilean university students. The content validation was performed by 3 experts; the internal consistency was evaluated with KR-20. The difficulty of the items was measured with a difficulty index. The majority of the students were classified with high hypnotizability. The mean score obtained was 7.41 (SD = 1.84). The internal consistency was acceptable (KR-20 = 0.73). The item with the least difficulty was arm lowering, whereas the auditory hallucination was the item with the greatest difficulty. The survey showed metric properties to be considered as a valid and reliable instrument to measure the level of hypnotizability in the Chilean population.