Dr. Cuevas-Aburto, Jesualdo
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Dr. Cuevas-Aburto, Jesualdo
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Cuevas Aburto, Jesualdo Daniel
6 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationAprendizaje Basado en InvestigaciĆ³n para el fortalecimiento de la formaciĆ³n inicial docente en PedagogĆa en EducaciĆ³n FĆsica(Retos, 2023)
; ; ; ; ;Toro-Salinas, AndrĆ©s; ;Illanes-Aguilar, LucĆa ;Cenzano-Castillo, Lizette ;Hetz-RodrĆguez, KatherineFlores-Rivera, CarolLa sistematizaciĆ³n de la presente experiencia pedagĆ³gica explica la implementaciĆ³n de un programa piloto de Aprendizaje Basado en InvestigaciĆ³n (ABI) en el proceso de FormaciĆ³n Inicial Docente (FID) del Profesorado de EducaciĆ³n FĆsica (PEF) perteneciente a una universidad chilena. La experiencia se desarrollĆ³ con clases en modalidad virtual durante el segundo semestre del 2021. El programa abordĆ³ siete temĆ”ticas en ocho sesiones de clases. El objetivo del programa piloto fue desarrollar competencias investigativas en el profesorado en proceso de FID en PEF orientadas a su Ć”rea de formaciĆ³n de manera remota. Los resultados demostraron que el 100% de los asistentes al programa piloto mejoraron el nivel de conocimiento en cuanto a las temĆ”ticas del ABI, por otra parte, el 100% de los asistentes declarĆ³ estar satisfecho con este tipo de experiencias. Se puede concluir que la implementaciĆ³n del ABI en la FID en PEF se sustenta en la necesidad de potenciar el Ć”mbito investigativo desde sus bases (estudiantes), siendo una estrategia de enseƱanza-aprendizaje que facilitarĆ” la bĆŗsqueda de soluciones a los problemas utilizando una metodologĆa innovadora que permite construir nuevo conocimiento desde sus propias realidades. - PublicationFiabilidad y estabilidad del gesto de diferentes variantes de lanzamiento de balonmano(MHSalud, 2022)
;Andrades-RamĆrez, Oscar ;Alfaro-Castillo, Bryan ;MartĆnez-GarcĆa, DarĆo; ; Chirosa-RĆos, LuisEl estudio tiene como propĆ³sito analizar la fiabilidad de la prueba de 8 lanzamientos de 3 diferentes variantes de lanzamientos de balonmano en estudiantado universitario. 33 varones, 20 Ā±1,9 aƱos peso 72,39Ā±8,9 kg altura 176,75 Ā±6,07 cm IMC 23,14Ā±2,3. Los sujetos participantes fueron evaluados en 2 sesiones separadas entre sĆ por un lapso de una semana. Ejecutaron lanzamientos hasta quedar registrados 8 mediciones en cada una de las pruebas, lanzamientos inespecĆficos, en apoyo y en carrera con 3 pasos, se registrĆ³ la velocidad de lanzamiento con un radar posterior a la porterĆa. La fiabilidad del promedio de las puntuaciones del test de 8 medidas entre la primera sesiĆ³n y la segunda con una prueba test-retest, se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: en el lanzamiento inespecĆfico se obtuvo un ICC= (0,86) entre el 95% de confianza, un de CV= (7,43%) y un ES= (0,08). Para el lanzamiento con apoyo se obtuvo un ICC= (0,94) al 95 % de confianza, un de CV= (4,71 %) y un ES= (-0,09). Para el lanzamiento con carrera se obtuvo un ICC= (0,96) al 95 % de confianza, un de CV= (4,00 %) y un ES= (0,05). Este estudio ha demostrado que la prueba de 8 lanzamientos y las 3 variantes es una medida de rendimiento confiable y estable para estudiantes de nivel universitario sin experiencia en el balonmano, en relaciĆ³n con las variables del lanzamiento, las 3 fueron fiables, solo la variable inespecĆfica fue menor en comparaciĆ³n al lanzamiento con apoyo y con carrera. - PublicationEffect of traditional, cluster, and rest redistribution set configurations on neuromuscular and perceptual responses during strength-oriented resistance training(National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2022)
; ;GarcĆa-Ramos, Amador ;Jukic, Ivan ;Chirosa-RĆos, Luis ;GonzĆ”lez-HernĆ”ndez, Jorge ;Janicijevic, Danica ;Barboza-GonzĆ”lez, PaolaGuede-Rojas, FranciscoThis study aimed to compare the acute effect of traditional (TR), cluster (CL), and rest redistribution (RR) set configurations on neuromuscular and perceptual measures of fatigue. Thirty-one resistance-trained men randomly performed a Control session and 3 experimental sessions consisting of the squat (SQ) and bench press (BP) exercises performed against the 10 repetition maximum load using TR (3 sets of 6 repetitions; 3 minutes of interset rest), CL (3 sets of 6 repetitions; 30 seconds of intraset rest every 2 repetitions; 3 minutes of interset rest), and RR (9 sets of 2 repetitions; 45 seconds of interset rest) set configurations. A significant effect of āset configurationā (p = 0.002) was observed for barbell velocity. The average velocity of the training session was lower for TR compared with CL (% difference = 5.09% in SQ and 5.68% in BP) and RR (% difference = 5.92% in SQ and 2.71% in BP). The 3 set configurations induced comparable decrements in countermovement jump height (% difference from ā6.0% to ā8.1%) and throwing velocity (% difference from ā0.6% to ā1.2%). Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE-10) values collected after the sets were higher for TR (SQ: 6.9 Ā± 0.7 a.u.; BP: 6.8 Ā± 0.8 a.u.) compared with CL (SQ: 6.2 Ā± 0.8 a.u.; BP: 6.4 Ā± 0.7 a.u.) and RR (SQ: 6.2 Ā± 0.8 a.u.; BP: 6.6 Ā± 0.9 a.u.), while the session RPE did not differ between the set configurations (p = 0.595). CL and RR set configurations allow for higher velocities and lower RPE values during resistance training sessions not performed to failure in comparison with a TR set configuration. - PublicationEffect of resistance-training programs differing in set configuration on maximal strength and explosive-action performance(Human Kinetics, 2021)
; ;Jukic, Ivan ;GonzĆ”lez HernĆ”ndez, Jorge Miguel ;Janicijevic, Danica ;Barboza GonzĆ”lez, Paola ;Chirosa RĆos, Luis JavierGarcĆa-Ramos, AmadorPurpose: To compare the effects of 2 upper-body strength-training programs differing in set configuration on bench press 1-repetition maximum (BP1RM), bench press throw peak velocity against 30 kg (BPT30), and handball throwing velocity. Methods: Thirty-five men were randomly assigned to a traditional group (TRG; nā=ā12), rest redistribution group (RRG; nā=ā13), or control group (nā=ā10). The training program was conducted with the bench press exercise and lasted 6 weeks (2 sessions per week): TRGā6 setsāĆā5 repetitions with 3 minutes of interset rest; RRGā1 setāĆā30 repetitions with 31 seconds of interrepetition rest. The total rest period (15 min) and load intensity (75% 1RM) were the same for both experimental groups. Subjects performed all repetitions at maximal intended velocity, and the load was adjusted on a daily basis from velocity recordings. Results: A significant timeāĆāgroup interaction was observed for both BP1RM and BPT30 (Pā<ā.01) due to the higher values observed at posttest compared with pretest for TRG (effect size [ES]ā=ā0.77) and RRG (ESā=ā0.56ā0.59) but not for the control group (ESāā¤ā0.08). The changes in BP1RM and BPT30 did not differ between TRG and RRG (ESā=ā0.04 and 0.05, respectively). No significant differences in handball throwing velocity were observed between the pretest and posttest (ESā=ā0.16, 0.22, and 0.02 for TRG, RRG, and control group, respectively). Conclusions: Resistance-training programs based on not-to-failure traditional and rest redistribution set configurations induce similar changes in BP1RM, BPT30, and handball throwing velocity. - PublicationReliability of throwing velocity during non-specific and specific handball throwing tests(Thieme, 2021)
; ; ;GarcĆa-Ramos, Amador ;Chirosa-Rios, Luis ;MartĆnez-GarcĆa, Dario ;Andrades-RamĆrez, OscarMartinez-Martin, IsidoroThrowing velocity is one of the most important factors for scoring goals in handball. This study aimed to identify the type of throw and procedure for selecting the final test outcome that provide throwing velocity with the greatest reliability. Fifteen experienced handball players and 33 non-experienced participants were tested in two sessions. Each session consisted of 4 trials of 3 different throwing tests (unspecific, 7-meters, and 3-steps). The maximum value of 4 trials, average value of 4 trials, and average value of the 3 best trials were considered. Throwing velocity was highly reliable (coefficient of variation [CV]ā¤3.3%, intraclass correlation coefficientā„0.89) with the exception of the unspecific throw for the non-experienced group (CVā„5.9%, intraclass correlation coefficientā¤0.56). The 3-steps throw (CV=1.7%) was more reliable than the 7-meters throw (CV=2.1%) (CVratio=1.19) and unspecific throw (CVā= 3.8%) (CVratio=2.18), the 3 procedures provided a comparable reliability (CV range=2.4ā2.6%; CVratioā¤1.07), and the experienced group (CV=1.0%) presented a higher reliability than the non-experienced group (CV=4.0%) (CVratio=3.83). These results support the 3-steps throw to maximise the reliability of throwing velocity performance. - PublicationChanges in bench press performance and throwing velocity after strength-oriented and ballistic resistance training programs(Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2020)
; ;GarcĆa-Ramos, Amador ;Janicijevic, Danica ;PĆ©rez-Castilla, AlejandroChirosa-RĆos, LuisBackground: This study aimed to compare the effect of two upper-body resistance training programs (strength-oriented vs. ballistic) on bench press (BP) performance and handball throwing velocity (HTV). Methods: Thirty resistance-trained males were randomly assigned to a strength-oriented training group (STG) or a ballistic training group (BTG). The study consisted of 11 sessions: 2 pre-tests (week 1), 8 training sessions (weeks 2-5), and 1 post-test (week 6). The STG performed the BP at the 70-90% of the one-repetition maximum (1RM), and the BTG the BP throw at the 40% of 1RM. BP performance (BP 1RM and maximum velocity achieved against 20 kg [BP20]) and HTV were assessed before and after training. Results: The STG enhanced BP 1RM (effect size [ES]=0.24) but not BP20 (ES=0.21) or HTV (ES=0.10). The BTG enhanced BP20 (ES=0.63) but not BP1RM (ES=0.27) or HTV (ES=0.02). HTV was not significantly correlated with the BP 1RM (rā¤0.181) or BP20 (rā¤0.220). Conclusions: These results indicate that a short-term RT program based exclusively on the BP exercise performed against either heavy (strength-oriented) or light loads (ballistic) is not effective to increase HTV in resistance-trained men with little handball experience.